The Two Americas - My 2nd TL


The Two Americas
"This will not Stand"- Thomas Hicks

The Civil War

By April 1861 11 states had left he Union in protest of Lincoln's election. They then fired and seized Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay when the Union refused to leave. Maryland hadn't left yet and the Union government was going to make sure they didn't, so they suspended habeus corpus (right to a trial) and started to arrest secessionist state legislators. When news of the arrests reached Governor Thomas Hicks he yelled "This will not stand!" and called an emergency session of the Legislature on the idea of secession. After 3 hours of debating they voted to join the Confederacy and with that the war entered a deadly new stage. When news of Maryland leaving the Union reached Lincoln he reacted quick and with lightening speed. He ordered the Army of the Potomac to attack Maryland. While they were moving up through Virginia, DC was defenseless if the Confederates attacked through Maryland. Important cities like Philadelphia, Boston, and New York City were also at risk, putting the Union on edge. Hicks raised a 30,000 man army and captured DC on June 4th, 1861 forcing Lincoln to flee across Maryland and into NYC in disguise just out of reach from the Confederate hands.
When the Army of the Potomac arrived at the outskirts of DC in early June of 1861, they were surprised to see Confederate flags flying from the houses. Before they could react Confederate forces fired on them, killing a number and forcing the rest to flee the city. With Washington under their thumb the Confederates approached Britain for aid. Even though PM Henry John Temple sympathized with the Confederacy he decided to remain neutral for now but still moved 11,000 men to Canada just in case. Lincoln asked for Britain to please stay out of the war and allow for the US to sort out its own house but was ignored due to him having to flee his capital. The Confederates beat back continued attacks from the Union into DC while still asking for aid then there was the Trent Affair.
In November of 1861 a American ship seized some Confederates off a British ship which enraged the British. Lincoln tried to sooth the Brits but to no avail and they entered in on the Confederate side. The British quickly invaded New England putting Philly and NYC at risk forcing Lincoln to split his forces just as the Confederates launched a summer offensive into Missouri. General Grant rushed west to meet the new threat and attacked General Thomas Green in Saint Louis. The Battle began with Grant sieging the city for 3 days before attacking. General Greens troops were firmly dug into the ruins of the city and launched a series of hit and run attacks over the course of a month that concluded with a attack on Grants HQ. Grant was captured and surrendered his army to Green. With that Kansas and the Indian territory (who already sympathized with the CSA) joined the Confederates shrinking the Union even more and threatening the West. Faced with a war on 2 fronts, public support for the war nosediving and British troops in control of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts Lincoln accepted that the war was over. In the peace deal the CSA was recognized as an independent nation, Arizona, New Mexico, Missouri, and Kentucky were given to the CSA, DC was given back to Virginia and Maryland and Northern Maine was given to Canada. With the Civil War over the Republican party disowned Lincoln, even after he emancipated the slaves, even though it was largely ineffective. In the victorious Confederacy celebrations overtook the streets as men in butternut marched through Richmond to the tune of Dixie. Queen Victoria congratulates Davis along with the rest of Europe as normal trade between the CSA and them resume, the world has changed now we just need to see how much.
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The Revoluion

The eyes of the world are upon us. - Claudius Lincoln
With the War in the North over with the Confederacy enacted the Golden Circle Plan, conquering Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Before President Davis could begin to initiate the plan the Presidential Election came, and all ready the problems with the Confederacy became apparent. The election was between Jefferson Davis with the Whigs and Alexander Stephens with the Democrats and became heated. In the end Davis was defeated and retired to his home in Louisiana. In President Stephens inauguration address he promised "better relations with the US and the acquisition of the Golden Circle." Mexico became worried and turned to the US for help but their pleas fell on deaf ears as President McClellan decided it was best to get along with their new neighbors. Mexican fears were realized when Confederate troops crossed the Mexican border and occupied most of the border provinces within a week, the US stayed silent. The Confederates continued to move south for months, meeting little organized resistance until they surrounded Mexico City in April of 1865. The Mexican President led his men through a 20-day siege that ended with the Mexicans slipping down south in the dead of night. With Mexico City in their hands the Confederates doused it in oil and set it ablaze. Mexico City burned for a week, destroying a majority of the city, forcing the populace into the Confederate hands and into slavery. When the Mexican government in the Yucatan learned of this Mexico folded and the Confederacy annexed all of Mexico north of the ruins of Mexico City. Mexico City itself was divided with the Confederate half being built over by a plantation where thousands of enslaved Mexicans worked, just mere feet from freedom. The slaves, after a mere month of work, revolted against their white masters and burned the plantation house to the ground. The revolt spread and soon almost all of the slaves in Mexico were revolting, President Stephens called in the military who crushed them with brutal efficiency. The Confederates sweeped down, capturing and killing along the way, until they reached the plantation where it originated and hung the leaders.

The Mexican Revolt opened up DC's eyes on the concept of slavery and the fact that white guys are quickly becoming the minority. They began to restrict the slaves even further, eliminating their right to do literally anything including eventually buy their freedom. The blacks decided that they could no longer suffer at the hands of others. Inspired by the Mexican Revolt the slaves of the South rose and quickly pushed the Confederates out of the lower Mississippi Basin and seized many weapons from their former masters. Inspired by Karl Marx's teachings of a equal society, the slaves rallied under the leadership of a former slave called Claudius Lincoln. Claudius quickly moved his slave revolt to the Lower Mississippi Basin which he declared the United Confederate Communist States (UCCS). President Stephens panicked and tried to defend Missouri and push back the slave revolt but through some bungling along the line the slaves took the Mississippi for themselves, cutting the Confederacy in half. Stephens tried to get ahold of his men in Texas, to no avail because the slaves had cut down the telegraph lines, its still not known what happened in Texas exactly, only that the slaves entered Austin and seized control and declared war on the CSA. The Army of the West repeatedly attacked RNK defences on the Mississippi but only succeeded in draining their limited manpower. On the other side slaves from all over the Confederacy and Northern Mexico joined the UCCS and were able to get revenge on their former oppressors by imprisoning them, torturing and sometimes killing them. the UCCS quickly gained the US's support, the US wasted no time in invading Virginia and forcing
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