AHC: Jewish Arabia

Challenge: With a POD between January 1st, 303 and January 1st, 570, have the dominant majority religion in the Arabian peninsula be Jewish.
OTL, the Himyarite Kingdom and maybe the Kindah kingdom both were Jewish during that time period, and dominated portions of the peninsula. If Axum converts to Judaism instead of Christianity, it could lead to the Arabians having no pressure to convert to Christianity, keeping more Jewish states there, especially if the Iranians put pressure on them not to join the Roman religion as well.
We'll, the main thing that somewhat destroyed a centralized Jewish Arabian state in the region was something of an ecological disaster from a disrupted dam which caused the Jewish Arabian tribes to scatter and create a displacement of tribes similar to what happened in the Steppes and weakened the Roman and Iranians and their stable client states.
OTL, the Himyarite Kingdom and maybe the Kindah kingdom both were Jewish during that time period, and dominated portions of the peninsula. If Axum converts to Judaism instead of Christianity, it could lead to the Arabians having no pressure to convert to Christianity, keeping more Jewish states there, especially if the Iranians put pressure on them not to join the Roman religion as well.
Axum is an important player here. Christian Axum actually interfered in Arabia to support the Christian Arabs in Himyar against the Jews. So a Jewish Axum would certainly help in keeping Himyar Jewish.