parallel universes and the multiverse

Alternate history also makes me think about theories of parallel universes and multiverse theories.

Of course the parallel universe idea that for every possible outcome there is a parallel universe somewhere in which that timeline happened. I guess that means that for every alternate timeline any of us has thought up, there's a universe where that timeline happened.

There's also the multiverse theory which says that all of creation (for want of a better term) is a vast multiverse made up of countless universes and that there are Big Bangs happening all the time with new universes constantly forming and old ones dieing out or recycling.

It also says that a universe might diverge into two or more seperate universes, or that two or more of them might merge into one. A universe might diverge into two seperate universes, then later they might remerge.
an example one book I read gave is, you KNOW you left your keys on the table. But you look and look and they're not there. You come back ten minutes later and there on the table are your keys.

There is string theory which says that at the smallest sub-atomic level matter is made up of tiny sub-atomic strings which constantly vibrate at the same rate in any given universe. The rate at which they vibrate determines the dimensional level or plain that universe is on. Another universe might be just a tiny fraction of an inch away but we can't detect it because it is on a different dimensional level than our universe.

If you could alter the rate at which the strings in our universe vibrate, you could change the universe's dimensional level or dimensional plain and then merge our universe with another universe or other universes on that other dimensional plain.

Merging universes would allow you to merge various timelines into a single timeline taking or merging elements of each of those timelines into a single timeline.

Imagine what science fiction, or what some of us could do with that?
The Mists Of Time said:
Imagine what science fiction, or what some of us could do with that?
Develop acute headaches, I imagine :rolleyes:

If you're going to write a story, it must have some structure and limitations to it - you can't just have anything happening. I mean, imagine a book about a superhero who was omniscient and omnipotent - it would just be dead boring, wouldn't it? Even Superman had his Kryptonite to cramp his style...

Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website and discussion forum
DC's infinite Crisis deals with Alexzander Luther from Earth-3 (i think) pulling all realites together in an attempt to pick and chose pieces he likes to create the perfect earth.
In order for 2 or more TLs to converge they would need to become perfectly identical. Assuming this is even possible given the sheer amount of matter/energy in the universe, how do their historical records (including people's memories) become identical.

Personally, I think parallel universes could be possible, but if so they only occur when somebody travels back in time (and we don't know if that's possible).

I believe that while you may be able to move from one universe to another, you can't merge your universe into another. This is similar to how you can take a step to your left, but you can't move the universe in that direction.