No 1908 Bosnian Crisis

Lets say Russian Foreign Minister Alexander Izvolsky anticipates the British will never allow the Russians to have the straits.

So instead of OTL he never contacts Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister Alois Aehrenthal about a proposal of reciprocal changes to the 1878 Treaty of Berlin in favour of the Russian interest in Constantinople and Austro-Hungarian interests in the annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

So Bosnia Crisis does not happen and everything is still 1907 status quo: Austria is in occupatipon of Bosnia (but technically still part of Turkey), Austria is still in possesion of the Sanjak of Novibazar, Bulgaria hasn't declared its independence.

a) Does Balkan wars happen? (seems better for Turkey not to defend the Sanjak)
b) Does World War 1 still happen?
c) Could things remain 1907 status quo forever in the Balkans?