President Ahn and the Provisional Government: a Far East Timeline

[FONT=&quot]Prologue: Many Koreans have risen up against the Japanese in the March First revolution in 1919. Amongst the million men and women who protested for Korean independence, thousands were prosecuted, tortured and executed brutally. Therefore, in 1920, numerous Independence fighters and intellectuals from Korea and abroad met in Shanghai to establish the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. In real history, Rhee Syng-man was elected first President- which led to the division between different political factions and de facto disestablishment of the Provisional Government. This TL focuses on a major possibility- what if Ahn Chang-ho was elected president, because he was willing to make the middle ground between the Capitalist and Communist factions?[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
“In this great fight against Japan, I propose two essential factors for our total success: Impartiality and Perseverance. In this movement for Freedom of the Fatherland, we must not be divided between regions, ideologies, social classes. Our primary- rather, our only focus should be Preparation of the People for Independence: this introduces my second element of Perseverance. At the present moment, as many of us all know, we are ready for neither military resistance nor diplomatic recognition. Therefore, instead of acting rashly without proper planning, we must prepare- sending intellectuals abroad and financially supporting them; heightening Korean nationalism and anti-Japanese sentiment against any schemes Japan may have to mollify the Korean people into subjugation; gathering financial and military support from Koreans abroad and other nations. ([/FONT]대일본제국에[FONT=&quot] 대응하는 [/FONT]이위[FONT=&quot]대한 [/FONT]전투[FONT=&quot]에서 [/FONT]우리[FONT=&quot]는 [/FONT]반드시단결과인내라[FONT=&quot]는 [/FONT]요소를지니고있어야합디다[FONT=&quot]. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]국해방운동 에서 우리는 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]사로운 지방, 사상과 [/FONT]계급[FONT=&quot]에 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]이 [/FONT]분할되면안됩[FONT=&quot]디다. 인민의 [/FONT]독립[FONT=&quot]에 대한 [/FONT]준비가[FONT=&quot] 가장 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]요한이 [/FONT]아닌오직[FONT=&quot] 하나의 [/FONT]목표여[FONT=&quot]야 하고, 우리는 [/FONT]그런[FONT=&quot] 상황에서 반드시 단결되여야 합디다. 여기서 내가 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]급한 인내의 요소가 나오는데, 이는 우리 조선이 아직 독립의 준비가 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]되었기 [/FONT]때문입[FONT=&quot]디다. 그러므로, 우리는 인재들을 해외교육으로 [/FONT]양성[FONT=&quot]하고, 조선땅 내에서 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]국심과 반일감을 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]상시키며, 해외 한국이민자들과 [/FONT]주변[FONT=&quot]국에서 재정적-[/FONT][FONT=&quot]사적 [/FONT]협력[FONT=&quot]을 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]아야 합디다.)”
– Ahn Chang-ho, first president of the Provision gov’t of the R.O.Korea, March 1st 1920 (대한민국 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]시정부 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]대 대통령 안창호, 1920[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 3[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 1일)

Title: Establishment of Soviet-Korean relations and Korean Military development

Because of a quickly stabilized Provisional government, An Chang-ho was able to appoint Kim Gu at the position of Minister of Defense. When Kim had direct control over the Korean Independence Army in Manchuria, he ordered a relocation of the HQ to Chita, where they would support the Red Army in the Russian Civil War. This was because, with a growing presence of a Japanese military in China, it would be long-term loss for Korea even if it won. If the Koreans won, China would be forced to expunge the Korean army from Manchuria due to it being within the Japanese sphere of influence; if they Koreans did not fight, at least they could bide more time to prepare. Kim Chwa-chin, Commander of the Combined Korean Army, was able to meet with a Korean Red Army official and support the Soviet attacks in Siberia. By the time the USSR fully conquered “White Russia” (Priamurye Government) in 1922, they had a strong diplomatic relation with the Korean Provisional Government and agreed to train its military in Vladivostok.

Coming next: the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923- and Korean diaspora from Japan[/FONT]

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Interesting - we don't have too many TLs focused on Asia, so if this one is further developed, it'll certainly be a welcome addition to the site.

Consider me subscribed.

As for TTL's events so far:

Even with Ahn Chang-ho in charge, the Korean provisional government's alignment with the Soviets is quite a divisive move in and of itself. Keeping the coalition together will be quite a challenge for Ahn, especially given how a similar arrangement in China (between the KMT and CCP) ended up.
This thread will now be closed. I have a next TL in mind, something quite different but with more or less the same outcome:

祖國解放을 爲한 鬪爭의 60年

The tale of the first Communist nation in Asia


But anyway, it just means this one's now fully closed and another one will begin... "shortly". :D
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