WI: Drusus The Younger Becomes Emperor

After the death of Germanicus, Tiberius' son, Drusus, was slated to be the next emperor after him. Despite his temper, Drusus was very promising, both mililitarily and politically speaking. He was poisoned by Sejanus, and thus the succession in the end went to Caligula.

So what would be the effects of Drusus ultimately succeeding Tiberius? One thing is almost certain, and that is no Caligula and no Claudius as emperors, as well as no Nero. What major butterflies would this have? How much longer could the Julio-Claudian dynasty survive?

Also, what do you think Drusus' reign would be like?
How would you get rid of Sejanus and Livilla?

Well I was thinking the cup spills or somethig so Drusus doesn't drink it. Then maybe shortly afterward, the Eunuch Lygdus, who was the one that poisoned the drink (or someone else) confesses to the plot and reveals Sejanus' and Livilla's role in it.
what does he Do with Caligula? I don't think he can publicly kill him or even run the risk of poisoning him, especially with him surviving an attempt himself and Caligula was fairly popular at the beginning, so there might be a bit of a blacklash
what does he Do with Caligula? I don't think he can publicly kill him or even run the risk of poisoning him, especially with him surviving an attempt himself and Caligula was fairly popular at the beginning, so there might be a bit of a blacklash

Caligula only succeeded Tiberius because Drusus died. Tiberius always wanted Drusus to succeed him, which is why I'm almost certain he was involved in Germanicus' murder. Drusus doesn't need to do anything to Caligula. He, not Caligula is Tiberius' heir until something happens to him. That's why Sejanus wanted him out of the way.