Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth superpower

It would take quite a lot of internal changes in PLC, including no liberum veto, political rights for the burghers and some compromoise with the Cossacks (perhaps Polish-Lithuanian-Ruthenian Commonwealth?) but yes, I think it is possible. Problem is changing history of PLC causes a lot of butterflies. A lot depends of the way and the time of the changes in PLC. Number of potential butterflies is enormous.
Anyway, on its way to become a superpower, PLC would have had to compete with the Ottoman Empire and Russia, possible, to some degree, with HRE too. Prussia is pretty much out of the picture, since powerful PLC would most probably have kept East Prussia as vassal, instead of allowing it to become a power of its own. Russia would have had to be pushed eastward or at least contained, the Ottomans pushed out of the Balkans or at least kept at bay by PLC or/and HRE satelite states (Moldavia, Transylvania, Valachia etc.). The Khanate of Crimea would have had to be conquered/vassalized.
Super PLC would have become something like THE player in Central and Eastern Europe, to some degree similar to united Germany IOTL, although most probably much less nationalistic (or the many nations of the PLC would have torn it apart) nad quite tolerant as far as religion goes. Even really big PLC would have had poor relatively poor acess to the oceans, unless they conquered Denmark and/or western Pomerania-northern Germany - or Constantinople/Istanbul, which I find rather impropable. If the run for colonies happens as IOTL PLC would have had enough access to the Black Sea and Baltic to trade, but not enought to become a serious colonial power, IMHO. In exchange PLC might become more interested in Caucausus - or not.
I think PLC might have had a relatively good relations with Britain (assuming Britain becomes a power as IOTL). I do not see any potential conflict of interests here. PLC might be even seen by the Britisdh as a fgood partner to keep Russia in check (again, assuming Russia becomes a power too) in case of the Great Game being played ITTL too.