PODs for a non-US centric North American Union/major power

Recently I have been thinking about non-American centric North American Unions. One thing to point out right away is that this doesn't have to be a union of nations like the European Union, it can be one single large nation that dominates the continent by sheer size or some other federation.

There are three obvious candidates in order of most likely:

A large nation previously part of the British Empire, but more closely aligned with the Empire

The Point Of Divergence for this nation would begin with a different American Revolution. Perhaps the British Monarch experiences major changes before the revolution, leading to the colonies receiving more but not total sovereignty. The thirteen colonies go more the route of Canada, eventually gaining large sections of territory from the French in later wars. Though this could lead to Mexico controlling larger areas of the desert Southwest that would be OTL part of the United States. I would wonder though if a British aligned America vs. Mexico conflict would result in larger land grabs for the British Empire.

Heavier Spanish settlement of North America and a larger Mexico

Perhaps due to winning military victories early on or through a change in priorities, Spain settles North America much more heavily than the British and French, leading to the Mexican Empire being vastly larger. While New England and parts of Eastern Canada might stay independent, a large Mexico centered North American power stands on the continent. This formerly Spanish country may not even call itself the Mexican Empire, especially if its revolution starts in a different area, such as Florida or the Texas region.

French Seizure of North America through a mix of more settlement and military Victories

With an Early POD brought on by greater numbers of french settlers in America and military campaigns, France manages to build a vast empire in North America. This could have interesting effects on the French Revolution, with either this North American power breaking away at around the same time as the American revolution or the French Monarchy fleeing to North America or something else entirely.

And now, less obvious candidates:


Vikings come over, get the run of the place for a few hundred years with a vanguard of all sorts of disease clearing the way, then when the rest of Europe comes over, they find only slightly less technologically advanced vikings instead of native Americans. The first few expeditions either end with much more cautious European settlement practices or axes through heads (IE, they vanish). Soon a large large culturally Scandinavia, ethnically mixed Scandinavian/Native America nation emerges.

American EU

Cascadia, Russian Alaska/western Canada, Texas, a smaller/weaker Mexico, USA, CSA, Quebec and central Canada along with a few Independent States form a large Union of nations similar to the European Union. It is likely some Central American Nations get involved along with Caribbean nations. Over the next century, their national borders begin to blur more and more.

Native American Coalition

Starting very early with much slower European settlement patterns, Native American nations modernize much faster and repel European advancement. Later, out of a common interest, a level of unification occurs among many nations.

Early Japanese settlement of North America

Starting with an Early POD, a nation even weirder than Japan is born.
You could also have different nations colonizing North America, like Portugal or the Dutch. I don't know if either had a large enough population to make a major power country there though.. If you are willing to have a really old POD, you could have different nations in western Europe, like if you had the Celts repel the Anglo-Saxons, or France or Spain not totally unite.


I really like the idea of a North American EU. Once in a while I've thought about a TL about how, just as Europeans managed to get over WW2, whether a north and south could.

Probably requires either selling blacks down the river of a revolution in the CSA, though.
One of my TLs have Sweden taking control of the North American east coast, although the population growth might have to occur through mixed marriages with natives in the region, so technically I have a Swedish Vinland.
The possibilities are pretty much endless with an early enough POD. After 1730 or so the only other plausible contender is an Alt-Mexico.