Challenge: Make Argentina a great power by 2012

Challenge: with a POD no earlier than 1816 make Argentina a world-class power along with the US, China, Russia, UK, France, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Germany, and Japan. Brazil is expendable if it means a greater Argentina. This powerful Argentina must also have a GDP of at least 1 trillion and be in the top 10 military powers. It would be better to be a nuclear power, but it's not necessary.

So, what would happen for this Argentina to exist?
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Wait, wait, no later or no earlier than 1816? Because no later, I don't really see much changing in the colonization. Maybe if, somehow, an important sedentary Indian civilization develops and it's sort of integrated into an European empire. But, as a colony, there isn't much economic activity to be developed by the 18th century, even if the colonizers aren't Spaniards. And of course, it wouldn't even be an Argentina, but a completely different country whose borders just might be similar to OTL Argentina.

Now, if you meant no earlier than 1816, then we might be up to something. The schism between Buenos Aires and the Liga Oriental (and Artigas) has already started, but Uruguay might not be lost in the long run. If it remains as part of the United Provinces, it will work as a counter weight to Buenos Aires, although it would create far more troubles with Portugal/Brazil. It might end up being more trouble than it's worth.
The key is to convince enough porteños (people from Buenos Aires, for those who don't know) that unitarism won't be accepted. That's unlikely. Barring that, avoid the Portuguese invasion of Uruguay and have Buenos Aires defeated and 'conquered' in battle by the Liga Oriental. If a federal constitution can be issued, roughly accepted and the civil wars avoided or greatly diminished, we may be up to something.

After 1816, the Independence War will be fought outside current Argentine borders. There is the chance, if there is a national (preferably, a federal) government to keep Bolivia by staging an offensive into the Alto Peru by the time San Martin and Bolivar close into Peru. While that provides quite a mineral wealth, it doesn't necessarily add in the long run - check Bolivia's history for that. Resource extraction a great power does not make. Economic activities which help develop a middle class do.

Now, if we do avoid the civil war, there is the chance of the gauchos slowly turning into a rural middle class, which will help the slow development of an internal market and might prevent politics from turning too fraudulent and paternalistic. But, at that point, we are already entering wank territory: everything goes right, nothing goes wrong.

In any case, a more peaceful Argentina during the 19th century will mean earlier immigration and education. It will still turn into a agrarian-based export economy once the 2nd Industrial Revolution hits and local craftsmen will go broke, unable to compete with British and French industrial goods. But, by the turn of the century, it will be more populated, better educated, and will have a growing middle class. In OTL, by that time Argentina was one of the first countries to experiment with aircraft, movies, setting bases in Antarctica and slowly begun to develop a nascent industry. Think of that on steroids.

During the course of the 20th century, the hard differences have to relay in either keeping the British Empire going or getting China or India to become powerful much, much earlier. Avoiding the Second Sino-Japanese war and, if possible, the whole WWII would help. That will cause the agrarian sector to keep its importance as the main world powers would be net importers of food, instead of net exporters, as the USA. The green revolution will hit and boost the productivity of the sector. Light industries should develop if the major powers get involved in war with each other and can't provide the Argentine upper and middle classes with consumer goods. If the USA keeps out of such a war, the better.
We should also tackle social conflict in a wankish way that's not violent, nor corporatist. With a bigger middle class and earlier education, resulting in an overall better educated populace, I think things might be too hot earlier than the 1940s. The key is to force a compromise which, as I've noted, would be wankish. Maybe some something like the New Deal has to be put underway when an ATL '29 crisis hit, so the economy gets boosted and social conflicts softens at the same time.

Then comes the challenge of avoiding economic mismanagement (not hard if East Asia is buying grain) and keep the military from interfering with politics. The OTL 1930 coup it's not hard to avoid. Political parties (initially the UCR and later the conservatives) reaching the military when they note they can't reach power by other means has to be avoided. This could be avoided if there is a not so fraudulent election system in place during the late 19th century (so no UCR as we know it) and if the conservatives (if they are a force to taken into account in ATL) find a way to remain a palatable alternative to the electorate. All this might be related to whatever means were reached to dilute social conflict. It would certainly help if the officer corps doesn't see as itself as part of a not really existing aristocracy. Again, we are entering wank territory here.

If there is no WWII, Argentina could take advantage of the window of opportunity between the first spoken movies and the invention of proper dubbing and subtitling to push her cinema to the Spanish speaking markets. And, with it, advertise whatever industrial exports can be manufactured in the country. Remaining an important player when Hollywood comes back in the earnest would be a challenge, and one that would be faced by all major movie producing countries. Maybe a powerful China, with its massive internal market, can act as a counter-weight Hollywood?

In any case, by the end of this wankish route, you have a highly educated, economically sound country, with an important cultural presence abroad, ATL Argentina.

I haven't touched military might. Such a wankish ATL Argentina could afford powerful, at least for the region, armed forces. The issue about it is which are the ATL threats. Does ATL Argentina require to project power well beyond her coasts, so a strong navy with one or two carriers are required? Is she part of a worldwide alliance and her commitments with the alliance require powerful and modern armed forces? Is there a regional threat instead? Or is the region fully pacified, the neighboring countries are allied of each other and the armed forces are sort of guarding a 'Fortress South America' from potential major powers from outside the continent?
Ditto for nuclear weapons. I think they are within our current technical capabilities, so a wanked ATL Argentina would be able to have them, if there is the political will to do so. The thing is, is there the need IITL to have them?
Several paragraphs of text.
Derp, I meant no earlier than 1816. I picked that year since it's the year Argentina declared independence.

But why exactly would no WWII help Argentina? Argentina wasn't in any fighting, so it would have an untouched industrial base, which is what made the US so powerful OTL.


But why exactly would no WWII help Argentina? Argentina wasn't in any fighting, so it would have an untouched industrial base, which is what made the US so powerful OTL.

Having an intact industrial base certainly was a major factor, but it was only part of what made the United States a superpower.

IOTL, it seems to me that the biggest stumbling blocks to a more powerful Argentina have more to do with rickety financial institutions than anything else.
Derp, I meant no earlier than 1816. I picked that year since it's the year Argentina declared independence.

But why exactly would no WWII help Argentina? Argentina wasn't in any fighting, so it would have an untouched industrial base, which is what made the US so powerful OTL.
No WWII is required to keep the British Empire longer and to wank China. It also prevents the Marshall Plan, which put money in European hands so they could buy American goods (instead, for instance, of Argentine food) and avoids a world with two superpowers. In a world with several great powers, regional powers don't need to align with one out of two and, thus, have more diplomatic options available. And it also keeps the USA from becoming too powerful, which turned bad for Argentina as the USA is the only major power which competes with the only goods Argentina can certainly and without a doubt, export competitively.
-Rosas beats all comers and takes Paraguay, Uruguay, and Riograndense Republic
-Rivera is killed as is Pez, opposition loses much of its effective leadership
-Anglo-French embargo unites country in way not thought possible

-Without continuing civil wars, Rosas solidifies control of the country and begins major internal improvements
-Increased Catholic immigration to Argentina as it is more stable, especially Italian, Irish, and Spanish
-Railways and cattle begin to proliferate

-Bolivia, Chile, and Peru are subsidized largely on Argentinean loans as economic fortunes crumble with no notable resource development
-British irritate the Brazilians in Rio de Janiero creating an international incident, pushing Pedro II away from the UK and closer to monarchist France. In response Argentina becomes a closer friend to the UK
-Brazil and Argentina avoid a war over disputed territories on former Paraguayan border by deferring to plebiscite, territory is then split along voting areas almost evenly

-War of the Pacific forces Bolivia into near-bankruptcy while Argentina intervenes on the side of its two satellites. Bolivia is annexed in exchange for debt forgiveness, the southern half of Chile is annexed, Antofagasta becomes an Argentinean port, and Peru becomes an Argentinean satellite.
-Fall of monarchist France impresses Brazil who seeks favor with Germany

-Territorial disputes over Acre and Riograndense, combined with earlier overthrow of Pedro II, result in war between Argentina and Brazil. It lasts for three years but Argentina wins after triggering a massive slave revolt and arming the slaves. Parana, Santa Catarina, and much of modern Rondonia are absorbed by Brazil which is financially devastated. Brazil draws ever closer to Germany as a result and slides into a military junta

-Argentina intervenes in a Peruvian civil matter and stays for over a year before officially annexing the country under the guise of peacekeeping, resistance is quite stiff for three decades and ties down large parts of the Argentine armed forces. Several nations around the world are publically horrified by this naked conquest while quietly praising Buenos Aires for its timing
-Argentina expands heavy industrial capacity rapidly over the next 35 years with some foreign capital and British technology

-Ecuador continues to press for a solution to its border dispute with (Argentinean) Peru while the Argentineans are starting to play Colombian factions off of one another
-Brazil, a member of the Central Powers, and Argentina, a member of the Allies, are involved in brutal fighting of the First World War. Brazil manages to invade the upper Platine river valleys and occupies Asuncion, Montevideo, Cordoba, and Sucre at one point. Buenos Aires is shelled four times by naval squardons but in one of the first showings of naval aviation the three largest Brazilian battleships are sunk by Argentinean aircraft. By war's end Argentina is victorious but at a horrific cost, she annexes Amazonas and western Mato Grasso

-Nicaragua, tired of US occupation, asks to join Argentina instead, becoming the first Central American state of that republic
-Brazil becomes a full democracy in the wake of revolution, eventually electing a socially conservative government that slowly turns fascist
-Argentina begins relaxing conditions in less democratically acquired territores, and Ecuador settles its border in favor of Argentina

-Argentina begins development of native automobile, shipbuilding, and heavy industrial manufacturing with the maturation of its steelmaking industries. Although disproportionately located around Buenos Aires, there are clusters of manufacturing centers located throughout the country.
-El Salvador joins Argentina following a series of devastating wars that leave her leaders thinking the US might try to meddle further in state affairs as they have in much of Central America. They overestimate their importance to American interests but do prosper under Argentinean rule

-World War II sees Brazil as a research and development center for many of the Axis powers, their best and brightest find solace there away from the bombings and destruction in Europe and are free to develop radical new technologies. Some of the first jets take off over Brazilian airspace while the Allies helping Argentina build her conventional forces while spying on the country. War never actually comes to South America, but the threat of it results in advancement of Brazil by over 20 years and Argentina by 15. After the war Brazil becomes close to Portugal and Spain as holdovers of Fascism while Argentina enjoys a post-war prosperity boom

-Argentina inaugurates a space program, running a distant third to Russia and the US but putting their own man into space by 1968 with a space station by 1975.
-Honduras and Guatemala collapse into civil war and are occupied, then annexed, by Argentina. Buenos Aires signs onto NATO and becomes a fairly faithful partner with South America and mainland central America outside of Costa Rica and Panama recognized as her de facto sphere of influence
-Colombia degenerates into civil war as Argentina slowly expands her influence here, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and much of the Caribbean

By 2010, Argentina commands the whole of South America economically and most of it along with much of Central America politically. Her space program is the pride of the Southern Hempsihere, and following the democratization of Brazil in 1990 they are cooperating vigorously with a moon base in operation and a mars mission planned. Nuclear technology came to Argentina in 1970 and many nuclear power plants are found in the country. Though not a superpower, she is certainly a first tier power, and there is talk about creating an economic bloc running from Guatemala to Antarctica. Her superhighway system completed in 2003 and new bullet train line completed five years later now allows for fast rail travel from Cancun to every major city in the Argentinean domain, even along the Darian run where it is possible to see incredible wildlife.