A Templar America

In 1305, Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Order of the Temple had just received a disturbing report.
It appears that King Philip IV of France, who was deeply in debt to the Order had decided to solve his problems using the Order of the Temple as his scapegoat.

Jacques de Molay knew that he he couldn't challenge King Philip and the Pope decided that it might be best to relocate the order away from those who would destroy it.

So for the next two years the Order of the temple liquidated its assets and purchased ships and supplies for a great journey.
Working form source maps captured during the crusades Jacques de Molay had decided on a destination.

The Order of the Temple would head west to the rumoured lands of spice.
Their the Order of the Temple would reestablish itself away from the greedy Kings.

The Templars converged in northern Scotland where they set about organizing a fleet that would take them to the great frozen island to the north of Britain and then they planned to sail further west.
The Templars would set up bases with supplies for those that would follow
Jacques de Molay knew those unclaimed lands was there to be held somewhere far to the west.
Leif Ericson in the 11th century had already established short-lived colonies in the great western lands.
Jacques de Molay would do better.
From the Ancient Phoenician source maps he had seen he was sure that there were far better lands below the original settlements of Leif Ericson.
It would be a long and arduous journey and would take many years to complete.
The Templars would build a base on this Iceland where they would stockpile resources and vessels for the great exodus.
The Templars would sails due west in the warmer seasons and once they hit the shores of the frozen lands Leif Ericson wrote of the fleet would sail along the coastline until the weather turned.
Then the Templars would build another base to see out the worst of the winter months.

Jacques de Molay had far grander plans he would develop a grand domain of the Order of the Temple.

After many trials by God the Order of the Temple entered a great lake of water. The mouth of the lake had many shoals, and the sea breakers.
Still it provided shelter from harsh ocean travel.

The Templar Knights were stunned by the visage the beheld their eyes.
The land stretched beyond their sight.
They knew they had reached the great western land of Leif Ericson.

Jacques de Molay took a long look at the vista of their new domain and then ordered his Templars to start unloading their remaining ships.

Jacques de Molay was pleased by what the Order of the Temple had achieved over the three years of their great exodus.
They had build small secure bases all the way down this vast land.
But now it was time to put down roots and start to build a secure base unparalleled in the annuals of the Order.
In time the Order of the Temple would return to these bases and make them true fortresses of the order so that they could proclaim their possession of the width, length and breadth of this Great Western Land.

In France, King Philip IV was incensed.
He had attempted to seize the Templar estates only to discover from the few remaining Templars that they had been sold to his own nobles and the monies used for a great crusade.
Philip was in a quandry.
If he seized the possessions of his nobles then he could face rebellion.
Philip petitioned Pope Clement V to sanction the Order of the Temple and have it disbanded.
Pope Clement V however wasn't about to sanction the order that had financed its own crusade to retake the Holy Lands from the rule of the Muslims.
So he was most surprised to discover later that the Order of the Temple had disappeared and had no further contact with the church.
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Does this mean the Templars have families now? Because as they are technically monks, and a religious order, they can't really marry - Or are they going to intermarry into the natives of OTL US
Once the Order of the Temple had landed, they started to establish themselves in the new land.
It quickly became apparent that they were in a pagan land that knew not of God or the Christ.
This caused Jacques de Molay some vexations, as he knew that there would be no further members for the order from the local pagans for some time until they were converted to the true faith.
Jacques de Molay called a grand council of the Knights of the Temple to determine how they were best to proceed with their current situation.
The first problem was that they were cut off from their traditional source of new members.
After much discussion it was decided to modify the vows of the order.
Previously new members had to willingly sign over all of their wealth and goods to the Order and take vows of poverty, chastity, piety, and obedience. Most brothers joined for life, although some were allowed to join for a set period. Sometimes a married man was allowed to join if he had his wife's permission, but he was not allowed to wear the white mantle.
It was decided that knights and sergeants would be allowed to marry but only with the blessing of the Chaplains who would retain their vow of chastity.
The wives of the Knights and Sergeants had to be pious followers of the faith and be willing to commit themselves to the Order like their husbands.
This change to the order was deemed acceptable as it would bring all the Templar Knights and Sergeants under the same rule.
As such all would be allowed to wear the white mantle of the order.

With this modification to the order accepted, one of the ships was reprovisioned and sent back to Europe carrying letters to families and Templars that stayed behind to join them on their new crusade.
Once this was done the Order of the Temple started to establish themselves in this land of milk and honey.
Once they had established this base they would start to expand into the unknown depths of the land converting the pagans to the one true faith, through fire and sword if necessary.

For the next few years, the Order of the Temple went about establishing their presence in this foreign land.
The first order of business for the Templars was to clear land for crops and to breed their horses.
This was because this land seems bereft of animals suitable for riding and transportation.

The Templar realm continued to grow with the help of the natives who were more than willing to trade their knowledge of the land and their experience surviving on it for steel knives and tools.
Some of the Templars even took native women as wives once they were properly introduced to the one true faith.
The arrival of the second fleet brought even more Templars and supplies for the now established Templar realm.
More importantly the family members of the Templars drawn to the large unclaimed lands now held by the Order of the Temple.
The introduction of good God fearing Christians particularly the women and children provided the Order of the Temple with new members and more importantly women to be the wives of the members of the order that are now allowed to marry.

Grand Master Jacques de Molay was pleased with what the Order of the Temple had achieved since their arrival in this new land.
Now they had to grow, for he had a plan.
The plan was simple.
The Order of the Temple would use this new land as a base to wage war on the heretics and unbelievers.
In time the Order of the Temple would free the Holy Land from the Muslim hordes.
For now they would grow and make this new land a fortress of Christendom and they would allow no unbelievers to settle here.
The new land would forever be a Christian land, the swords and the lances of the Templars will ensure this comes to be.
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Interesting. But I think it will be a long time before they can take the Muslim lands.
If the Templar get members from Spain to join them, then won't there be language problems between members which could lead to factionalism.
Interesting. But I think it will be a long time before they can take the Muslim lands.
If the Templar get members from Spain to join them, then won't there be language problems between members which could lead to factionalism.

There won't be as many language problems as you think as latin is still in wide scale use and the templars were a religious order.

Don't expect regular updates.
This was just an idea that jumped into my head and wouldn't leave.
While I waited for the GLW to drop number two.
She four days late and the little bugger just doesn't want to budge.
And it's All My fault.:(:(:(
There won't be as many language problems as you think as latin is still in wide scale use and the templars were a religious order.
Thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't aware of how many members would actually speak Latin.

Don't expect regular updates.
This was just an idea that jumped into my head and wouldn't leave.
While I waited for the GLW to drop number two.
She four days late and the little bugger just doesn't want to budge.
And it's All My fault.:(:(:(
Sorry to hear that. I hope things improve for you soon.


A small nitpick. Two actually.

1. Azores were not known to Europeans before 1340, at earliest, maybe even later...

2. I'm not sure that with early 1300s ships you can actually sail across the Atlantic
Even if they do, it is not coincidence that Columbus landed on San Salvador and not in New Jersey, sea currents and trade winds would get him in the Carribean or somewhere in US-South ( Florida, Georgia ), not in New Jersey.


A small nitpick. Two actually.

1. Azores were not known to Europeans before 1340, at earliest, maybe even later...

2. I'm not sure that with early 1300s ships you can actually sail across the Atlantic
Even if they do, it is not coincidence that Columbus landed on San Salvador and not in New Jersey, sea currents and trade winds would get him in the Carribean or somewhere in US-South ( Florida, Georgia ), not in New Jersey.



Have to agree with this. If they were going to land anywhere they would really have to go North around England and try to catch the winds up there to Newfoundland like the Vikings did.

The TL is plausible, but requires a more northerly fashion :D They could first settle in Canada but be driven further South along the Coast by the tribes till they reach New Jersey.

Mind you the butterflies from this are fascinationg. Natives who are exposed to the black plague early, intermarry with the Europeans, and can develop an immunity to the diseases over time? So cool! That and their access to steel weapons and horses two hundred years ahead will spell some interesting ramifications for the whole continent!!