Economy: NO McDos?

Okay, idea taken as I was eating pizza leftovers, and lo, yet anotehr McDo ad. The dream of somes, the nightmare of otehrs - what if the McDos chain never came to be, like, at max, the original prototypal fast food joint?

Now, it mis more than a take that and such - the creation of McDo model had brought MANY changes in the restauration world, and franchises model, and such, as well as some cultural changes surely. Without the McDo model, the world of restauration may be VERY different and all this... Far reachign consequences?

Now, I am not a fan of the random chance cop out - like the original 'prototype' burning down by a freak accident, by example. How about... maybe like Ray Krok(?)'s ambitious commercial plan falling hard? Or bankrupcy quickly?

How to do it, and what are the consequences?
Okay, idea taken as I was eating pizza leftovers, and lo, yet anotehr McDo ad. The dream of somes, the nightmare of otehrs - what if the McDos chain never came to be, like, at max, the original prototypal fast food joint?

Now, it mis more than a take that and such - the creation of McDo model had brought MANY changes in the restauration world, and franchises model, and such, as well as some cultural changes surely. Without the McDo model, the world of restauration may be VERY different and all this... Far reachign consequences?

Now, I am not a fan of the random chance cop out - like the original 'prototype' burning down by a freak accident, by example. How about... maybe like Ray Krok(?)'s ambitious commercial plan falling hard? Or bankrupcy quickly?

How to do it, and what are the consequences?
Here, i thought you were trying a portmanteau of MsDos and PcDos. Or horrors, a pc os produced by a hamburger chain.

Ja, ja. Most of you whippersnappers have never used dos. Sigh.
Mc Donalds was not alone in the idea of a fast food resturant, there would obviously be regional chains, but the monolith that is Mickey D's
I've never heard the term McDos before. The slang for McDonalds where I am would be Maccas.

Here it's either 'Rotten Ronnie's' or 'McDick's'.

And as to the question of 'fast food without McDonald's', well Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) was already into the whole franchise thing first. So KFC would be the one that gets emulated, at least until a successful burger chain (A&W, Burger King, White Castle, etc...) takes off sometime in the mid-50s.
Quebie, but I am surprised it wasn't common; it sounds to me like a fair slangy name - simple and easy to use, logical...

anyway, the topic is about HOW no McDonalds (or at best maybe a minor regional stuff), and consequences of it.

Mickey D's is the slang of choice in the US, as far as I know.

As for the consequences? Well the Washington Padres, for one. :) Which, presuming the team stays in DC, leads to all sorts of knockoff effects for the sport of baseball. And by cultural osmosis, society at large.

Aside from that, some other chain would eventually metastasize and start spreading across the nation. Carl's Jr/Hardees and Burger King were already spreading across the nation in the 60's, though not to the extent of McDonalds. I figure one of them, or one of the other burger chains that never went anywhere would fill the societal niche that McDonalds commanded.
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Without mcdo I would have a slightly less educated opinion about Taiwan and missed out on some good PM discussions.
And I believe that name was invented in a commercial.

Yep. And widely mocked at the time as well. :) And yet, somehow, it stuck over the years. I think it was because people used it in a ironic manner. Unfortunately people do that long enough it actually takes root unironically.

Kinda like the tar-ZHEY phenomena when it comes to Target. Which, as I now check, Target has embraced.

Go figure. :)
Got a Burger King within 10 minutes walk of my place (I'm down here in NZ), and a KFC within 15, so no Maccas wouldn't be too bad. Hells without them we might still have a local takeaways brand (Georgie Pie).
I am not sure, but how far did McDonalds influence a trend towards fast food chains? Germany for instance already had a pretty well developed network of small fast food stands and restaurants when they appeared here. Thus the large international chains have and had a difficult position here. In fact only McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut and in recent years Subway managed to really establish themselves here. Even those stayed mostly behind expectations and are seen more as low quality providers here. Is it possible that a stillborn McDonalds allows for a predominantly localized fast food market to survive and thrive for longer, perhaps even today in more countries, including maybe the US?

Edit: Wikipedia calls a chain named White Castle the first hamburger restaurant chain, but McDonalds apparantly improved the concept, so maybe preventing them allows for reducing the trend at least internationally.
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Ubbergeek, you've just taken at least 12" off the average US waistline and put thousands of clothing workers in the Third world out of work as a result, causing untold levels of poverty. ;)

Size XXXL, what's that?