WI Aaron Burr was elected President in 1800?

In Presidential elections of 1800 a New York elector casted his 2 votes for Aaron Burr hoping to ensure his victory that way... However this violated the then regulations and after several objections and negotiations his second vote was awarded to Thomas Jefferson with the "faithless elector" contemplating to withdraw his second vote for Jefferson and the results of the electoral college was a tie 73-73 between Burr and Jefferson and the election was thrown to the House of Representatives where Jefferson was elected...

WI the faithless elector had not cast his second vote at all or he withdrew his second vote for Jefferson?

Burr would have won the election the election by 1 vote and he would have been the next President...

How would his Presidency looked like? How history will be affected if we butterfly away Jefferson?
Would Burr still stoop low enough, even as President, to shoot Alexander Hamilton?

No, leaving Hamilton to finish up the self-immolation of his career in some other manner. Maybe he picks a fight with James Monroe again, and this time Burr isn't around to put oil on the waters.

Because let's get this bothersome myth out of the way--Burr did not cut short a glorious career in that duel. Hamilton was by this time a politically discredited has-been whose own party found him a hindrance. Though it's popular to see Burr as the unstable one and Hamilton as the reasonable one, the truth is both men were prone to rash action, with Hamilton being, if anything, worse.

I should mention I've thought of making a TL with this POD myself. Perhaps I'll do it, some day.