What If Kruschev goes to Disneyland?

Charmed by American culture, Khruschev would renounce communism; the Cold War ends decades ahead of time.

More seriously - my understanding is that he was barred by Walt Disney, personally, for political reasons.
It would probably looks something like this:



Disney and Kruschev

The "security issues" are resolved before Kruschev visits. As a personal favor to Eisenhower, virulent anti-communist, Walt Disney agrees to close the park for one day to allow Kruschev to visit and have free run of the park. Kruschev is absolutely delghted! During the visit he rides the monorail and several of the rides and watches a special live action show put on by park entertainers especially for him and his entourage. After the visit Kruschev remarks to Eisenhower that he wishes such a place existed in the Soviet Union.

The visit to Disneyland starts a subtle change in the Soviet leader that will not fully manifest itself for a decade or so. Soon after he returns to the Soviet Union he calls a meeting of the Politburo where he states, "We cannot win against the Americans, comrades, we can only survive." Kruschev realizes that American productivity and ingenuity will allow them to keep well ahead of the Soviets for years to come. He decides to begin a campaign which will lower tensions with the West and to revamp the Soviet economic system.

As a result Perestroika and Glasnost debut a decade earlier then they did in our timeline. Brezhnev does not come to power but a Kruschev protege' (anyone knowing Soviet history better may be able to give me a name here). That protege develops a system that gradually phases out central planning in the economy in favor of limited free market reforms. In addition the U.S.S.R. starts spending less on military spending and more on domestic in order to try to bring up the Soviet standard of living.

In 1972 Kruschev's protege visits the U.S. and like his predecessor visits Disneyland. He also meets with the current director/owner (again I need a reference) and asks him if he would consider opening a Disney-themed park in Russia. The Disney corporation decides this is a golden opportunity. The project takes ten years to develop but in 1980 a theme-park combining the best of Disney fantasy and Russian legends opens near Moscow. It is called simply Pax.

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It starts off fine Khrushchev gets on the "It's a Small Small world" the ride stops but the music doesn't. After an hour Khrushchev is finally freed and accuses the US of inhuman torture. In world opinion he wins.
At the time, the Secret Service could not guarantee his security at Disneyland. I think any security complications could have worked out beforehand.
It starts off fine Khrushchev gets on the "It's a Small Small world" the ride stops but the music doesn't. After an hour Khrushchev is finally freed and accuses the US of inhuman torture. In world opinion he wins.
How many people has that happened to? I swear I've heard it happened to my one grandmother.
For security reasons you might have Walt Disney go on all the rides with Kruschev, which Walt may think of as. Personal victory and chance to gloat while ores might consider it to mean that he was somehow going Red. Either way, just as interesting a picture as Elvis with Nixon.
The visit to Disneyland starts a subtle change in the Soviet leader that will not fully manifest itself for a decade or so. Soon after he returns to the Soviet Union he calls a meeting of the Politburo where he states, "We cannot win against the Americans, comrades, we can only survive." Kruschev realizes that American productivity and ingenuity will allow them to keep well ahead of the Soviets for years to come

Nukes don't freak him out but Disneyland sure as hell will. :D



Nukes don't freak him out but Disneyland sure as hell will. :D

Kruschev always struck me as a bit of a showman himself. Consider his antics during the Cold War, loudly proclaiming "We will bury you," detonating the 50 megaton Tsar Bomba (which was just a glorified publicity stunt since there was no way such a monster could even be delivered), and even the Soviet Space Race were all meant to show off Soviet supremacy. Yet here he would be confronted with a symbol of America. I think the showman would feel he has been upstaged-by a mouse of all things!

The "security issues" are resolved before Kruschev visits. As a personal favor to Eisenhower, virulent anti-communist, Walt Disney agrees to close the park for one day to allow Kruschev to visit and have free run of the park. Eisenhower is absolutely delghted! During the visit he rides the monorail and several of the rides and watches a special live action show put on by park entertainers especially for him and his entourage. After the visit Kruschev remarks to Eisenhower that he wishes such a place existed in the Soviet Union.

The visit to Disneyland starts a subtle change in the Soviet leader that will not fully manifest itself for a decade or so. Soon after he returns to the Soviet Union he calls a meeting of the Politburo where he states, "We cannot win against the Americans, comrades, we can only survive." Kruschev realizes that American productivity and ingenuity will allow them to keep well ahead of the Soviets for years to come. He decides to begin a campaign which will lower tensions with the West and to revamp the Soviet economic system.

As a result Perestroika and Glasnost debut a decade earlier then they did in our timeline. Brezhnev does not come to power but a Kruschev protege' (anyone knowing Soviet history better may be able to give me a name here). That protege develops a system that gradually phases out central planning in the economy in favor of limited free market reforms. In addition the U.S.S.R. starts spending less on military spending and more on domestic in order to try to bring up the Soviet standard of living.

In 1972 Kruschev's protege visits the U.S. and like his predecessor visits Disneyland. He also meets with the current director/owner (again I need a reference) and asks him if he would consider opening a Disney-themed park in Russia. The Disney corporation decides this is a golden opportunity. The project takes ten years to develop but in 1980 a theme-park combining the best of Disney fantasy and Russian legends opens near Moscow. It is called simply Pax.

Someone should TL this up. I'd read it.