neck ties out of fashion

This is to me the silliiest piece of atire

Could one have a situaiton where it is no more popular post 1950 than the horse hair wig?
It would probably something silly and easy to devise. Yet, for the life of me I cannot think of any POD for that. It is a matter of fashion and who knows how all that comes about...

I presume some other item of clothing equally silly would replace neck ties to denote one's seriousness and professionalism, though.


Wiki says they were born out of the various frills and silks such of the per-industrial revolution. We need to introduce a more aesthetic simpler look then, and we can head them off.
Future history surely?
Ties are increasingly non-obligatory in business dress, they are starting to fade away somewhat.
To totally be rid of them though you need something to replace them.
Knowing fashion, theyd be replaced with something worse. Corsets? Yes men used to wear them, see george washington. Nylons? Ooo...since women were nylons on their legs, men might have to wear them on their arms...

Fashion is capable of the most incredible absurdities.
Knowing fashion, theyd be replaced with something worse. Corsets? Yes men used to wear them, see george washington. Nylons? Ooo...since women were nylons on their legs, men might have to wear them on their arms...

Fashion is capable of the most incredible absurdities.

Something worse would be like the double-barrel neckties from "Back to the Future" future.
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Not sure about seeing the end of ties in the 1950s but perhaps.....

1987: Following the success of Oliver Stone's Wall Street Armani introduces L'uomo di ferro range of codpieces. Intended to be worn with shirts open to the navel they are a runaway success. Other clothing manufacturers, seeing sales of ties plummet, follow suit and introduce their own ranges.

Today very few men wear ties. The codpieces are rather more discreet and much less priapic than was the fashion in the early 1990s.