WI: The 1866 rebellion to dethrone Isabel II of Spain was succesful

I've been doing some light studying of Spanish history and I cam across this. By 1866 General Joan Prim I Prats, a proper Catalan general, decided that the unpopular rule of Spain's queen Isabel II had to end. From exile in Belgium he created a plot to dethrone her and form and Republican government in Spain. Others who joined the plot included General Dulce from Cuba-who ironically saved the queen as a child from other revolutionaries- and Catalan deputies of the National Congress Pascual Madoz and Estanislau Figueras. In January 1866 they attempted their coup at Aranjuez but something went wrong though. I'm not sure what the exact issue was that exposed the conspiracy but all the men involved either escaped from Spain or where imprisoned. If anyone more familiar with Spanish history know the details about what made the revolution fall through please let me know.

If they had been successful what would have been the effects of an earlier dethronement of Isabel II and formation of a SpanishRepublic?

My sources:
Montruriol's Dream by Matthew Stewart