WI: Sigismund of Luxembourg kicked from Hungary

I know that the Elisabeth of Bosnia wanted to prevent the marriage of Mary of Hungary to Sigismund, what if Elisabeth of Bosnia prevented her marriage to Sigismund and have him kicked out of Hungary, could Mary of Hungary be married to Ladislao of Durrazo of Naples in order to make peace with the Anjou-Durrazo family?
I know Elizabeth wanted Mary to marry Louis d'Orléans at one point. It was awkward as, this was at the height of the Great Schism and France adhered to the Avignon Papacy and Hungary adhered to the Roman Papacy. It was a popular consideration. I imagine Mary would be used as a pawn if Elizabeth is able to prevent her marriage to Sigismund; possibly if she has more support to prevent it from happening. Can Bosnia offer any aid? Serbia? The Luxembourgs were powerful as they ruled Bohemia and held the title of Emperor... makes a tough choice to avoid him. Not sure if Elizabeth would choose Ladislaus of Naples just to heal a family rift. She'd need a powerful husband to distance Hungary from the influence of the Luxembourgs and the Empire. Louis makes a good choice for that.
Should Ladislav marry Mary there will be no civil war in Croatia and Slavonia and the new Bosnian kingdom will not be drawn into it thus draining its resources.
I think Elisabeth of Hungary has this two solutions to expel Sigismund and prevent his marriage to Mary, have Jadwiga marry Sigismund or Sigismund rises to the Polish throne as Elisabeth of Hungary wants and Jadwiga remains in/returns to Hungary, then Ladislao of Durazzo marries Mary of Hungary, if she had her way I think Poland will be Anti-Hussite and becomes an enemy to Hussite Bohemia.
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