WI: Emperor Belisarius TLIAM

I know I've already promised a TLIAM featuring Romanos Diogenes next month, but more recently, I've been gripped with an interest in everyone's favourite reconquering ERE general - Flavius Belisarius. Going over some other threads discussing the subject, after I've done the Romanos TLIAM, I'm thinking of doing one where Belisarius genuinely accepts the Goths' offer to become Western Roman Emperor. Just a few things I'd like to clear up/discuss:

1. Had the Ostrogoths already lost Provence to the Burgundians/Franks by 540 AD? And how strong was Ostrogothic control in Noricum and Pannonia - I believe they were the areas where the Bavarii and Lombards ended up, if they weren't already there.

2. How popular was Belisarius in the areas already reconquered? Africa, Sicily and Southern Italy he had personally supervised, but not Dalmatia, and neither Roman empire would want to give up a rich source of manpower.

3. What of other prominent generals? IOTL there was tension between Narses and Belisarius before Ravenna, so I'd imagine he would remain loyal to Justinian, but there would be others like Pharas the Herulian and praetorian prefect Liberius, who IOTL oversaw the expedition against the Visigoths in Spain. Could they be convinced to join?

4. A potential bride previous threads listed for Belisarius if Antonina dies/is executed was Matasuntha, daughter of Amalasuntha and Eutharic, and granddaughter of Theodoric the Great. The thing is, she was already married to the current Ostrogothic king, Witiges, and it wasn't him who extended the offer to Belisarius. IOTL, he and Matasuntha were sent to Constantinople where he died and she married Justinian's cousin Germanus. Would he be executed for murdering Theodahad or forced to retire and/or divorce? Would the title of King of the Ostrogoths be transferred to the Western Roman Emperor or kept as a separate, ceremonial role? What might become of Totila?

5. Speaking of Germanus, another POD is that he lives and succeeds Justinian as emperor instead of the OTL Justin II. I've got plans for him, but was he more inclined towards war or negotiation?
Any other thoughts? In addition to the earlier questions, I'm torn on whether to keep the plague, tone it down or remove it altogether. I don't want to make things too easy for the Romans - enough TLs already do that.;)
An inportant quetion is Belisarius nearly has not any politics ability

Then I want see the magister officiorum Procopius in TTL