Buffy Remake

Its been 23 years since this original Hollywood movie was released, & its too hot a pop culture artifact to leave alone. Since a remake is nearly inevitable what would be the best approach to prevent another Hollywood train wreck?

My first thoughts are about core approaches to the story. The 1992 had at its center the Reluctant Warrior trope. That is the protagonist, a ordinary or innocent everyman (everygirl in this case) is dragged into the role of heroic fighter. So is this story line retained, or something else used for the central theme. If so what?

Another variation would be if the main character is still a teenaged school girl? One alternate might be to revisit a age 40 something Buffy, who is still at it. Or perhaps recalled from retirement as she is near the end of life as a suburban soccer mom with a couple teenage children. Note that this one offers the opportunity to continue the Reluctant Warrior theme as Buffy is called to race across town in her family SUV & stake down evils ones. Alternately Buffy becomes mentor to a new teenage Slayer. This offers either a girl/girl bonding theme, or a more complex and varied woman/boy relationship. One might ad even further complexity if Buffy is co mentor along with another male or female adult.

Tie ins from other Movie/TV horror or SciFi genre are possible, but those generally go badly & at best are awkward. This may be something to be avoided.

Another core choice would be comedy or tragedy?

The original while not a overt comedy had a strong underlying streak or parody, or perhaps satire on late 20th Century US culture. Is the remake kept at that level, or made more humorous as a outright comedy.

Conversely the TV series attempted a darker story. Could a cold and black tinged BTVS remake work? This might fit the central character as a middle aged woman who is not getting a break from the crap. Or the angst of a teenager rammed into adulthood, which is the old boy into man in war story.

Moving on who might be the optimal director? & current leads/supporting actors?
Without touching on every issue raised, it was mentioned in the series that the life expectancy of a slayer was about 30 years, as combat fatigue would set in, taking of their edge just enough to cause them to die in battle.

The character of Spike explained to Buffy that that was how he was able to kill TWO slayers. A Chinese slayer during the Boxer Rebellion, and an African-American in a Manhattan subway car in 1975. Spike took her jacket after he killed her. The one he always wore in the series. Both slayers were old (+30).

A reboot would be fine, but as the series itself ran for 6 1/2 seasons (it started as a mid-season entry), its hard to see just how many stories are left to be told.:(


Without touching on every issue raised, it was mentioned in the series that the life expectancy of a slayer was about 30 years, as combat fatigue would set in, taking of their edge just enough to cause them to die in battle.

The character of Spike explained to Buffy that that was how he was able to kill TWO slayers. A Chinese slayer during the Boxer Rebellion, and an African-American in a Manhattan subway car in 1975. Spike took her jacket after he killed her. The one he always wore in the series. Both slayers were old (+30).

A reboot would be fine, but as the series itself ran for 6 1/2 seasons (it started as a mid-season entry), its hard to see just how many stories are left to be told.:(
I don't know user, considering between straight and crossover there are 56.5K Buffy stories on ff.net alone I'm thinking there might still be some life left in that horse.

If they revisit series, I personal would prefer they move on from the TV series, rather than reboot the franchise. I have rarely liked or agreed with when someone new comes in and takes over, too often they have the attitude that they can show the original creator how it should have been done and proceed to create something that is unrecognizable, horrible or both.
You need to find a way to get rid of Spike without angering the fan base. After all, Vampiers do not age, James marsters have.

Oh, yes, he died in the end of Buffy, but lived on in Angel


You need to find a way to get rid of Spike without angering the fan base. After all, Vampiers do not age, James marsters have.

Oh, yes, he died in the end of Buffy, but lived on in Angel
Wouldn't be that hard, given the last fight in Angel, it's not hard to believe that Illyria is the only one that walked out of that alley.
Just to prevent anyone from missing it, I'm talking about the feature length movie. Thats a different horse than the TV series.

Without touching on every issue raised, it was mentioned in the series that the life expectancy of a slayer was about 30 years, as combat fatigue would set in, taking of their edge just enough to cause them to die in battle.


This leads towards the mature Buffy, exhausted, depressed, ect... place her age @ 40+, set the tone as serious and you have a female character in the Dying Warrior role. I wonder how many overaged blonde actresses would see that part as something to cap their career with?
Or how about this Buffy - as you say a 40+ soccer mum.

Let have her having 'retired' toured the world - finished her schooling in Italy (as per an episode of Angel) and having returned to the US settled down with a man who knows nothing of her past and raised a group of kids - who also know nothing of her past.

Have an organisation hunting down all of the Slayers - the surviving council members send the rejuvenated Gyles (Reluctantly) to seek her help.

However when one of her daughters (lets call her Joyce after her Grandmother) starts to show signs of becoming a Vampire Slayer Buffy moves to protect her from the truth but events conspire and eventually after her daughter is nearly killed by a 'Vampire' (?) she bows down to the inevitable and has to start training her.

Perhaps said daughter when visiting one of her 'Aunties' house's discovers an old diary - this leads her (and perhaps other characters siblings?) to try to find a woman called Faith Lehane the only person in the diary that she has never met or is not listed as being dead.

Buffys daughter gets into trouble while following Faith into 'the bad side of town' and is saved by her and is taken home to Buffy where Buffy and Faith argue and eventually fight - Buffy (being the greatest of Slayers) wins of course (to the surprise of Joyce) - and the truth comes out.

The story can arc from there with Joyce and her own gang eventually saving the day.

Other story arcs can be introduced - perhaps Buffys husband is unknowingly working for a shell company that is trying to bring back Wolf Ram and Hart?

So many ideas......
Lots of good plots twits there. You need to come up with the right director/writer team to keep it frombecoming a trite GOTCHA! Hollywood formula movie. It would also be easy to screw up the protective mother theme, but that has a lot of potential if the right team can be provided. For a TV series the father working for the enemy would be ok but really difficult in a feature length movie. In that I'd have him as a capable adult having to deal with a slowly revealed & increasingly unbelievable supernatural world. Lots of room for character development and a good actor as the father deals with a insane abyss opening under his family.

Reworking the coming of age theme as a core story line is doable. I dont think that one is ever overworked since every generation experiences it anew. Buffy jr going from child teen to a warrior adult in 110 minutes of screen time has endless possibilities and might be a bit easier for main stream Hollywood to handle. Throw in s PSTD plot line and you will capture the attention of every female who has been in the military, worked as a EMT, firefighter, police officer, or any other extreme pressure job with a violent component. Buffy Sr having flashbacks & meltdown episodes, then seeing her daughter exposed to the same seed experiences could had a whole layer of horror to the story.

I really like the "Aunt" character proposed in the previous post. Make it possible to introduce more themes or story lines for the adult warrior archtype without overburdening a single character with to many items.