DBWI: Alternate History never become mainstream?

Well, the last few years have seen a great number of alternate history novels, movies (both original scripts & adaptions), television series, documentaries etc become massive hits.

Some alternate history enthusiasts even complain that the genre now is too mainstream and they long for the days when it was only discussed among a few dedicated members. Some of this older AH enthusiasts, who have been around for a long time, complain that many new AHers are "too cheesy & sleazy" & "do not understand what AH is all about". Robert Tanzinikoh, an old time AHer, told The Economist that "These newbies are destroying the genre. Being a fan of AH since the 1970s, I always lamented the fact that AH remains a fringe interest. But now it seems that we get the quantity but not quality."

Some pundits are worried that the popularity of AH is detrimental for the learning of actual history. "Nowadays kids watch Napoleon The Great (a massive 2012 box office hit, which has Napoleon rules the entire world) before learning about what happened in Waterloo in the real world. This is not healthy," an educational think tank researcher told New York Times. The person refused to be named, citing a recent incident where a history teacher received death threats from overzealous AH enthusiasts over her critics of AH in her Facebook.

During an interview with CNN, Ian Montgomerie (known here as Ian The Admin) responded to the said incident by stating that "those who sent the death threats do not represent the whole community of AH lovers". When asked about the plan by Republican Congressman Scott Perry to table a bill to regulate the propagation of AH & his comment that the www.alternatehistory.com run by Mr. Montgomerie is "too liberal", he firmly denied that the board is leaning towards any political stance & stated that "we welcome diversity. This is what AH is all about".

I know many of us here will quickly scream ASB to my question, but I still want to ask. What if AH genre never become mainstream? Bonus point if the answer is a detailed one rather than just "I pity the people in that timeline" or "such and such (insert the name of members of this forum who have become millionaires courtesy of their published works and its adaption to Hollywood) will never make their millions".
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Well, the last few years have seen a great number of alternate history novels, movies (both original scripts & adaptions), television series, documentaries etc become massive hits.

Some alternate history enthusiasts even complain that the genre now is too mainstream and they long for the days when it was only discussed among a few dedicated members. Some of this older AH enthusiasts, who have been around for a long time, complain that many new AHers are "too cheesy & sleazy" & "do not understand what AH is all about". Robert Tanzinikoh, an old time AHer, told The Economist that "These newbies are destroying the genre. Being a fan of AH since the 1970s, I always lamented the fact that AH remains a fringe interest. But now it seems that we get the quantity but not quality."

Some pundits are worried that the popularity of AH is detrimental for the learning of actual history. "Nowadays kids watch Napoleon The Great (a massive 2012 box office hit, which has Napoleon rules the entire world) before learning about what happened in Waterloo in the real world. This is not healthy," an educational think tank researcher told New York Times. The person refused to be named, citing a recent incident where a history teacher received death threats from overzealous AH enthusiasts over her critics of AH in her Facebook.

During an interview with CNN, Ian Montgomerie (known here as Ian The Admin) responded to the said incident by stating that "those who sent the death threats do not represent the whole community of AH lovers". When asked about the plan by Republican Congressman Scott Perry to table a bill to regulate the propagation of AH & his comment that the www.alternatehistory.com run by Mr. Montgomerie is "too liberal", he firmly denied that the board is leaning towards any political stance & stated that "we welcome diversity. This is what AH is all about".

I know many of us here will quickly scream ASB to my question, but I still want to ask. What if AH genre never become mainstream? Bonus point if the answer is a detailed one rather than just "I pity the people in that timeline" or "such and such (insert the name of members of this forum who have become millionaires courtesy of their published works and its adaption to Hollywood) will never make their millions".

I'm not Bothered by all the new ones, I mean yeah we get a lot of crap but that's what happens when you open up your niche to the general public. Just look at comic books.

Additionally, we must not undervalue the possibility of tangential learning. At least people today know who Napoleon is.
Calbear's banhammer wouldn't have that nice sheen of red from all the Wehraboos he swatted in this forum, definitely. I can easily see forum memberships being just a tenth of what it looks currently had the genre not taken off.

Also, we wouldn't have that much AH spam in mass media. I tried hard not to claw my eyes out watching 'Lee's Malaysia' on my local TV channel.
Also, we wouldn't have that much AH spam in mass media. I tried hard not to claw my eyes out watching 'Lee's Malaysia' on my local TV channel.

Get real mate, I have to deal every day with questions about when Korea's going to be able to nuke(note, not conquer, nuke) Japan from Korean users ever since auto-translation became a thing. At least being a mod helps. :D
I know people complain about the number of norms on the board, but some of those norms become guys HongKongConfederate or Santa8901, excellent writers, with a good grasp of proper history who have made some of the best timelines on this site. Without AH becoming mainstream they may never have come into this genre and I wouldn't trade their works for anything.
I personally blame all of the celebrity suggestions. Everyone seems to know about the "wild PODs" on the Jimmy Kimmel Show (ABC-TV) or the bits from Futurama. If I see one more post from "Bieber94" or "KPerry84", I am losing it.... Have some shame people!!
Well, for starters, finding threads on this forum wouldn't require subscriptions to each and everyone that are interesting, for one.

Forked threads without a link connecting the are the worst among them.
I blame the Spike Channel, for turning every arm-chair general and noob Internet troll into a "historian". We definitely don't need Vin Diesel, Felicia Day or Wil Wheaton constantly berating people because we haven't read Jared Diamond or Susan Faludi...
I blame the Spike Channel, for turning every arm-chair general and noob Internet troll into a "historian". We definitely don't need Vin Diesel, Felicia Day or Wil Wheaton constantly berating people because we haven't read Jared Diamond or Susan Faludi...

Wasn't she the chick who tried to popularize "Bye Felecia" as a legit meme?

OOC: I regret nothing
For one I fear what tv series I would be watching if A Shift in Priorities and Reds! A Revolutionary Timeline weren't adapted. Don't forget for every 5 shit AH there is one epic AH. As much as I loved reading those TLs here watching them on Netflix is a whole new expeirence. So I say don't fret about the bad ones just go binge watch some good AH.:p
some things wouldn't change anyways. like astrodragon never finishing his ATL "the hippo has wings" series about a capable FAA :D
I would be board without all of this good entertainment to read and watch. I am also loving the TV Series Reds!. Sure some of it is trash but it`s funny trash.
Oh sorry no the trash comment referred to things like Spike`s attempt at alternate history. I meant the bad attempts at alternate history by the bad writers. Sure I don`t like some parts of Reds! but I would never call it trash.
you gotta love though what ah did for comedy and political satire.
opened so much new fun avenues to make fun of politicians