1993 WTC Bombing succeeds: Effects on 1990s US Politics?

On February 26, 1993 a plot by a group of Islamic terrorists to destroy the World Trade Centre with a nitrate bomb failed to go as planned, with the resulting explosion (thankfully) coming short of bringing down the North Tower of the WTC.

However, in the tragic event that the plot had succeeded in toppling the North Tower and sending it crashing into the South Tower, tens of thousands of civillians would likely have been killed in a catastrophe far worse (in terms of body-count) than 9/11.

This considered, what effects would this have on 1990s American and International Politics? Note that this event would have occurred less than six weeks into the Clinton Presidency. How would Clinton, and the world respond? How would an earlier War on Terror Pan out? How would the American psyche have been affected?

Would the rally-round-the-flag effect have been enough to deliver successful passage of health reform? Would the Dems hold the House in '94?

This obviously completely transforms the Clinton Presidency and the wider decade...
I think, like Bush abandoned his hopes for Education for the most part, Clinton would abandon his hopes for Healthcare, instead focusing on this event. I think without focusing on healthcare and the rallying effect (assuming Clinton acts, which I think he would) the Democrats do presumably hold the House in 1994.

Another thing, an earlier War on Terror might be enough to drag Powell into the Presidential Race of 1996.