Decisive Darkness: A Morning Reborn [Korea]

In the Beginning...

~ 심훈, 〈그날이 오면〉

그날이 오면 그날이 오며는
삼각산이 일어나 더덩실 춤이라도 추고
한강물이 뒤집혀 용솟음칠 그날이,
이 목숨이 끊기기 전에 와주기만 하량이면,
나는 밤하늘에 날으는 까마귀같이
종로의 인경(人磬)을 머리로 들이받아 울리오리다.
두개골은 깨어져 산산조각 나도
기뻐서 죽사오매 오히려 무슨 한이 남으오리까

그날이 와서 오오 그날이 와서
육조(六曹) 앞 넓은 길을 울며 뛰고 뒹굴어도
그래도 넘치는 기쁨에 가슴이 미어질 듯하거든
드는 칼로 이 몸의 가죽이라도 벗겨서
커다란 북을 만들어 둘쳐메고는
여러분의 행렬에 앞장을 서오리다.

우렁찬 그 소리를 한번이라도 듣기만 하면
그 자리에 거꾸러져도 눈을 감겠소이다.

~ <When the day comes> – Shim Hoon

When the day comes, when that day comes
If the day when the Triangle-mountain* leaps in joy
and the Han river gushes towards the heavens
was to arrive before the end of my life,
I will smash my head against Bell of Jong-ro
like a raven flying across the night sky**.
Even with a skull split into pieces,
what wrath remains in me as I have died in peace?

When the day comes, oh when that day comes
if my heart still beats wildly with happiness
after crying and leaping in the streets of Yuk-jo***,
I will skin my own self with a good knife,
make a giant drum and sling it
Across the shoulders and lead the crowd.

If I can hear that bellowing sound even once
I will have eyes closed even if I die standing.

*: Namsan, in Seoul.
**: a folk tale. A raven rings a temple bell to save its benefactor and fool the ghosts that morning has come. The benefactor, who had saved the raven’s life earlier, is saved while the raven dies in the process.
***: the main street of Seoul.


This thread is a detailed story on Korea, branching off from the main storyline of Decisive Darkness: What if Japan hadn't surrendered in 1945?.
Hope you all enjoy.
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This should prove interesting. I've been wondering what's going on in the rest of the world, so I'm glad that you got approval for this.
August 14, 1945. 16:00. Keijo, Chosen colony of the Empire of Japan.

As his car entered deeper into the heart of Keijo, Lyuh Woon-hyung slowly began to anticipate what was ahead of him.

With the dome of the General Government Building was already in sight*, he already could see what circumstances forced the Japanese government in Korea to bring him for negotiations; it was, in Lyuh’s perspective, something that was entirely expected. During the times he spent abroad in Japan, he saw US bombings of Tokyo**, how thousands of bombs were hurtled through the air and burned entire cities into ash. Although he was never able to relay the extent of US military superiority over Japan, it did not take an expert to guess that the end was near.

Cosy in the comfortable back seat of the extravagant car brought from the Vice-Governor General himself, Lyuh began to reminisce on how ironic the situation was- the institution that he had tried and failed to topple for so many years was now willing to crumble by itself. Lyuh still vividly remembered how only a decade ago he had provoked outrage from Korea's colonial masters by erasing the Japanese flag off Son Ki-jung’s uniform as he stood proudly as first place in the Berlin Olympics, his publication had suffered but it had gained him a notoreity with the Japanese that ensured a popularity with the Korean people. Numerous other incidents where Lyuh stood against Japan made his life more miserable than it already was, rife with harassment and arrest, now they were calling out to him in their hour of need.

Kim's car arrived at Vice-Governor General's residence with its owner waiting to greet him at the front gates. Endo Ryusaku struggled to appear imposing with his rose red cheeks and large childlike eyes, tonight Lyuh saw that circumstances had ensured that the second powerful man in the colonial government of Korea was on the brink of giving up the act altogether. Lyuh hoped that he could use the latter’s misfortune, and Japan’s - to the full advantage of Korea. The two shook hands and went into his study. From the window, Kim could see flag of the Empire of Japan flutter as Endo removed some documents from a cardboard folder, before Endo could speak the flag had already returned to a drooping position against the flag pole.

“As Governor of Defence in the Chosen colony, I represent the position of the Japanese colonial government in place of the Governor-General. As you may be wondering why you were escorted to this place for negotiations, allow me to first disclose some information to you: the civilian government in the mainland has agreed to a…cease-fire. The war is over. His Majesty decrees it so that there shall be no further bloodshed.”

Lyuh shifted in his chair and blinked, though he had guessed this was the cause of his invitation, to have that fact guaranteed was a shock nonetheless.

Endo spoke further.

“As are the circumstances, it is necessary for the recovery of Japan that both civilian and military elements within Chosen- Japanese officials, soldiers- to return. It is my duty to ensure that we are allowed exit from here without bloodshed, a task that will be made easier with Korean cooperation. This is where we need you, Mr Lyuh. As a someone who is looked up to by all Koreans, the Japanese colonial government believed it imperative that you help us find a peaceful way out.”

Lyuh pondered for a moment. It seemed the colonial government never found about the underground independent movement, after all. Otherwise, why would they fail to mention that he was the head of the largest underground independence movement when civil unrest was clearly on their minds? His effort to keep it incognito- hence the motto “Three No’s: No mention, No documents, No names”- had proven to have worked. Though it was a minor victory compared to the larger revelation of Japan's intention to deliver Korea independent, it put him in a position of advantage at this negotiation table- a tentative advantage, but advantage nonetheless. He spoke.

“So Joseon – Korea – is now independent. It is no longer a colony.”

The answer was curt, terse, historic.


Lyuh sat back and pondered for a moment. He silently let the feeling of exuberance wash over him. He had been alive for both the beginning and end of the Japanese colony of Chosen. He liked to think he had helped bring forth its downfall and now there was only the future yet he steeled himself from being too joyful. Negotiations come first, he reminded himself.

“As the Japanese colonial government is no longer the legal or official governing body of Korea, I then ask for a Korean replacement- something that officially succeeds the Japanese government. And, as the representative of this future government, I formally guarantee safety for all Japanese civilian and military personnel.”

He could see that Endo was stifling a smirk. It was not intelligible from his expression, but his eyes flickered in what may have been a wink. Kim didn't have to tolerate patronisation anymore however, he returned to the offensive.

“Therefore, as head of the underground government the Kunguk Alliance–*** ”

Though the Vice Governor attempted not to react, the initial shock in Endo’s face was more enjoyable than the fact that Korea was now independent. Lyuh felt himself smile a little.

“If you were not aware, I already have ten thousand core members armed across the peninsula, ready for my orders at any time. And you must realise that these are core members. If we need to bring forth more for cooperation, it will be possible. Your efforts to strike us down were, unfortunately, insufficient.”

Endo was visibly gnashing his teeth together. He seemed to be considering shooting Lyuh on the spot, but he fully knew what consequences would arise of the man’s death. Another 1919 would be a nightmare beyond imagination and with the Soviet Union already approaching the Yalu there was no time for a lengthened departure that would be ensured by further bloodshed.

With the games over, the two began to talk.


*: OTL the negotiations were done in Endo's residence, which was a Korea-esque house.
**: he had been present during the Doolittle Raid.
***: OTL he was the leader. It is unknown whether the information was disclosed however.
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Ooooh... It is gonna be a real blow when the overturning of the surrender comes down. That will be the signal for the Soviets to keep going. They are already due to launch amphibious assaults on North Korea in four days and major ground elements will likely cross the border within the next month once the supply lines catch-up.

John Farson

Ooooh... It is gonna be a real blow when the overturning of the surrender comes down. That will be the signal for the Soviets to keep going. They are already due to launch amphibious assaults on North Korea in four days and major ground elements will likely cross the border within the next month once the supply lines catch-up.

Or, in other words: Bloodshed. And lots of it. Wouldn't wanna be a Japanese in Korea.
Well, since The Red's last update outright stated that southern Korea is also under Soviet occupation, it's outright fact, I would say. Shame for the Koreans.

Depends entirely on the fallout over the next few years within the Soviet / KWP relationship. I'm assuming something similar to the central European situation with a 4 parties forced alliance, no legal social democrats.

The insanity in Korean Stalinism, and eventually Juche, was formed within the civil war and the interfactional shakedown.

August 14, 1945. 20:00. Keijo, Chosen colony of the Empire of Japan.

Lyuh was back in the car, this time with Endo alongside him. The two had made an agreement, and needed to fulfill it. Now both needed to give orders to their subordinates and with fuel becoming increasingly scarce it did not make sense to use two cars. They smoothly drove past the main buildings of Keijo, the time was 8:00 in the evening. Time was crucial to him. He wished not to waste a single second in removing Japanese control from his homeland, the passenger next to him only seemed to wish that he could be out of the peninsula as quickly as possible.

They had agreed on several key points:

1. Japanese civilians will be guaranteed safe passage to the Home Islands
2. All Korean political prisoners will be immediately released.
3. Food supplies will be provided to the Japanese people in the midst of their evacuation
4. Civil peace will be kept by Koreans and Koreans only.
5. Student- and youth-led movements and activities will not be inhibited by the colonial Japanese government.
6. The Japanese colonial government, as is replaced by the Korean government of Joseon, will leave in 72 hours.
7. Japanese elements within the Seventeenth Area Army and any military personnel in Korea will be disarmed and kept in areas where the Allied forces can relocate them back to Japan.*

The last point especially was a breakthrough. Now the Japanese army would remove itself from Korea without a single shot being fired. After 35 years, Korea was no longer a colony. Lyuh relished at that fact.

Back at the Japanese colonial government HQ, secretaries were furiously calling Japanese officials and civilians in Korea to be ready to leave now. Their safety may have been promised, but it was a promise kept only for a while. Many were tearful that Japan had lost, but what was more important was escaping the wrath of the Korean people before it began. Even before midnight, many would already be packed to leave for Inchon or Pusan.

The place the two arrived at was the telegraphic office. Lyuh and Endo headed for the main office. Only few did not recognise both men. They knew something was off when the greatest foes in the peninsula were cooperating, much less even standing alongside each other. When both gave their orders, it became increasingly questionable as to whether they were awake. Endo winced slightly as he ordered the immediate surrender of the Seventeenth Area Army, the idea that the nation he had served many years under had now surrendered to the Americans was still a hard fact to stomach. The fact he had had to surrender to Koreans practically gave him ulcers.


*: Almost same as the OTL "5-point agreement", except a few minor points added.
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This is awesome and so great to see a spin off! Great stuff so far, but why do I have the funny feeling in my stomach that this is going to turn in to something as grisly and bloody as Red's original timeline in Japan??

One minor question, as I'm not 100% sure myself speaking only Japanese and not Korean, in the last update you mention Keijo (京城), but would Koreans really refer to Seoul as 'Keijo'? Especially after the Japanese had just handed over control of Korea back to the Koreans? Would they really use Keijo or use Seoul or even the Korean reading of 京城 (Gyeongseong)? Or alternatively one of the older names of the city or even, now the butterflies are happily flapping their wings, something completely different?

Definitely subscribing to this thread too - I look forward to reading more!
This is awesome and so great to see a spin off! Great stuff so far, but why do I have the funny feeling in my stomach that this is going to turn in to something as grisly and bloody as Red's original timeline in Japan??

One minor question, as I'm not 100% sure myself speaking only Japanese and not Korean, in the last update you mention Keijo (京城), but would Koreans really refer to Seoul as 'Keijo'? Especially after the Japanese had just handed over control of Korea back to the Koreans? Would they really use Keijo or use Seoul or even the Korean reading of 京城 (Gyeongseong)? Or alternatively one of the older names of the city or even, now the butterflies are happily flapping their wings, something completely different?

Definitely subscribing to this thread too - I look forward to reading more!
Not a fan of blood-filled timelines, sorry. :(
I will refer to Seoul as "Keijo" until August 14th. From the 15th it will be called Seoul.
Not a fan of blood-filled timelines, sorry. :(
I will refer to Seoul as "Keijo" until August 14th. From the 15th it will be called Seoul.

That's a shame, because Red's Decisive Darkness in Japan is fantastic! But I'll be interested to see what happens in Korea and hopefully, hopefully they can get rid of the communist (Soviet) occupation and not become a super-big 'Best Korea'. As if that happens ITL, this timeline's version of me will never meet Ms. Adamu_kun, as she will probably be busy working on some collective farm and possibly starving :eek: :eek:

The 15th August ITL is the next day, so we'll see a change soon? Or are you referring to 15th August IOTL, so in a couple of weeks?
That's a shame, because Red's Decisive Darkness in Japan is fantastic! But I'll be interested to see what happens in Korea and hopefully, hopefully they can get rid of the communist (Soviet) occupation and not become a super-big 'Best Korea'. As if that happens ITL, this timeline's version of me will never meet Ms. Adamu_kun, as she will probably be busy working on some collective farm and possibly starving :eek: :eek:

The 15th August ITL is the next day, so we'll see a change soon? Or are you referring to 15th August IOTL, so in a couple of weeks?

lol TTL. (filler filler)
August 14, 1945. 22:30. Keijo, Chosen colony of the Empire of Japan.

Back at his residence. Communication with with Seventeenth Area HQ* had been easy but directly contacting different garrisons was still necessary in case the general, or any number of rogue officers, decided to do things other than following orders. Many first believed this to be propaganda, and it took much time to convince them that this was the Governor of Defence telegraphing to them, Endo had barely believed himself even as he consistently reminded himself that his actions were for the purpose of saving Japanese lives. He looked at the clock. It was already 10:30. The secretaries would still be busy at their offices, busily telephoning each Japanese household, telling them of the urgent matter and that time is crucial. Endo’s thoughts wondered to Lyuh. Hopefully he was planning thoroughly to keep civil unrest at check.

Lyuh was, unfortunately, busy with other matters. As a matter of fact he was conversing with his fellow resistance leader, Song Jin-woo. Though the two agreed on the need for Korean independence, their ideological differences ensured theirs was often a frosty alliance.

“We can’t just wait here," Kim urged. "We need cooperation. Yours especially.” Both were growing impatient of the other.

Song scoffed, “I’ve said this too many times now- if the war is over, the Provisional Government will come to Korea soon. With help from the Americans, we will establish a government out of it. Before that, there is no need for formal governance, just civil control.”**

“So where is the government you speak of? Is it in Korea? No- they have been hiding from the Koreans, being abroad for the past two decades! They have been hiding from the atrocities caused upon the Koreans, hiding from the turmoil Korea was thrown into since Japan entered the war, hiding from the uselessness their presence was to the 30 million Koreans suffering under the iron fist of Japan! They do not represent anything to the Koreans except how useless their independence movements were; the Provisional Government is better off not represented.”***

“I understand how you feel. The Provisional Government has been, of course, been in China for a long time. But they are the official representatives of a government by Koreans after the Korean Empire fell- and the world knows this too. Think about how, during the time they were abroad, Koreans like Rhee have been ringing up support for Korea and its recognition as a nation. This is not something we can just glide over- when Korea becomes independent, as we are now, the Americans will turn to the Provisional Government of Korea- not us- for official governance. We may try hard to make this country better, but if we are not recognised as a formal government, we and our efforts become futile.”

“But wait? We are supposed to wait for those in Chungking and start making a formal government whenever they arrive? We don’t know if they are arriving in two days or twenty years- we always thought they would arrive! And what if- what if we made policies before they arrived and they disagreed with us? What are we supposed to do then?”

“….I understand how you feel. But we have to wait for them.”

Kim paced quickly around the room. Time was quickly running out and it was a matter of hours before people realised what happened and start causing chaos- and if there was any sort of anti-Japanese attack by the Koreans, the bloodshed by the leaving Japanese and angry Koreans would be immeasurable. He also understood Song’s concern however. Even if they made institutions that would keep things in control, if the Americans overlook their legitimacy their endeavours would be proven pointless. At that moment, Kim had an idea.

“How about- how about we make a government. The Republic of Korea, let’s say. We’ll keep things going until the Provisional Government comes home. We also say to the Allies that we are subordinates to the Provisional Government, we keep their constitution and our formal chairman will be Kim Gu. This way, we can both keep things going before they get out of hand while gaining legitimacy from the American government. How about that?”

Song pondered for a minute, before nodding his head in assent.


*: in Haeju, Hwanghae-do.
**: primary logic of argument OTL used by Song.
***: I tried as much as possible to sound persuasive, or at least, appealing to pathos. Lyuh was a famously known orator, besides being a casanova and sportsman. :D
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That's a shame, because Red's Decisive Darkness in Japan is fantastic! But I'll be interested to see what happens in Korea and hopefully, hopefully they can get rid of the communist (Soviet) occupation and not become a super-big 'Best Korea'.

Avoiding Soviet and communist take-over is going to be almost impossible. Avoiding a "Best Korea"-style fate, however, is entirely possible.
Avoiding Soviet and communist take-over is going to be almost impossible. Avoiding a "Best Korea"-style fate, however, is entirely possible.

Now that brings a touch of the requisite 'Decisive Darkness' darkness to the timeline but with a touch of optimism.

Indeed. Frankly, a Communist Korea becoming like East Germany would be a best case scenario here.

Now that puts all optimism out of the window. If Korea becomes like East Germany, who is it going to reunify with at the end of the cold war to invest in building up infrastructure and help it into the capitalist world / into the 21st Century? Reabsorption as a vassal state of China? Not likely I think, but the Chinese would love it I guess :D

Mind you, it could have some pretty amusing butterflies. Hyundai and Kia could be TTL's Trabant and Wartburg. And rather than Spreewald gherkins and 'Ostalgie', we could have commie-era kimchi and 'Korstalgie' :cool: :cool: