Is it plausible to have the US be the first to federal legalise SSM ?


Is it plausible for the US to legalise Same-Sex Marriage at a federal level throughout the nation before any nation in the world to do so ? Would the POD have to be as far as pre-WW 2 for this to occur and push the US leftwards (and the rest of the world to the right) ?


Depends on how far back you want to go and how many butterflies you want. For starters, you're going to have to make the Baby Boomers significantly less conservative.
You need to have same-sex marriage legalised before 2001 (when The Netherlands did it).

Considering that inter-racial marriage was legally forbidden within living memory, I really think this is ASB for a POD after 1900. Even if the Baby Boomers were more radical, that would only provoke a more radical backlash.
You need to have same-sex marriage legalised before 2001 (when The Netherlands did it).

Considering that inter-racial marriage was legally forbidden within living memory, I really think this is ASB for a POD after 1900. Even if the Baby Boomers were more radical, that would only provoke a more radical backlash.

Forget the history about interracial marriages. More relevant is that in fourteen states, sodomy laws (in some states applying to heterosexual couples as well) were still on the books *in 2003*.


In 1972 the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed an appeal from a ruling from the Minnesota Supreme Court upholding the denial of a marriage license to two men.

If Hubert Humphrey wins the 1968 presidential election and appoints social liberals to the Supreme Court it might just be possible to get the Supreme Court to actually hear that case and have a majority vote to guarantee same sex marriage as a constitutionally protected right. Justices William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall would just three years later in OTL support overturning a Virginia anti-sodomy law in Doe v Commonwealth's Attorney, so it's possible they would both be open to legalizing same sex marriage. Justices William Douglas and Abe Fortas (if he's still on the court) might likewise be sympathetic. Thus there are already potentially 4 gettable votes at the Supreme Court for same sex marriage. President Humphrey will get at least 3 appointments (replacing Warren, Black, and Harlan), so if just one of his new appointments is willing to vote for same sex marriage than it could be federally legalized sometime in 1973.

Now that said such a ruling would probably ultimately prove disastrous for the cause of same sex marriage in the United States since the ruling would probably be quickly overturned by a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman, and once a ban on same sex marriage was enshrined in the Constitution it would be very difficult to undo. However, the United States would still technically have been the first nation to legalize same sex marriage at the federal level (even if that decision did subsequently get reversed.)
Maybe go even further like during the Depression in which the American public is push socially to the left (somehow), though I can't think of way how. Any thoughts ?
To be fair, some states still have anti-sodomy laws, but almost never come up unless a prosecutor REALLY a wants to throw the book at a sex criminal.

Some states still have their anti-sodomy laws unrepealed but they cannot after *Lawrence* be enforced with respect to consenting adults. Before *Lawrence* enforcement in such cases was constitutionally permissible though already uncommon.