Hitler Escapes

A lot of pamphlets on how he may look, and an international manhunt. The question is how he could escape. You weren't going to get a secret submarine and the airstrips were bombed to pieces.
A lot of pamphlets on how he may look, and an international manhunt. The question is how he could escape. You weren't going to get a secret submarine and the airstrips were bombed to pieces.

Did the Japanese have subs continuing to sneak into Germany post D-day?
Did the Japanese have subs continuing to sneak into Germany post D-day?

Have to check, but I'm thinking no. Those sent 1942-44 went to the French Atlantic ports. From August there was no point in entering those. Most of the IJN subs on cargo missions were sunk in the Atlantic. A few German subs made the transit to Japans territory. A couple were based in Singapore briefly. At least one German submarine loaded with cargo for Japan, and two Japanese Navy officers was at sea when the order to surrender came. It docked in the US. A half dozen others on war patrols also were at sea when the surrender came. There is evidence one or more docked in a Argentinian port post surrender, but I've not seen reliable collaboration of that.
I'd say the usual suspects who took in Nazis after the war drop him and a few of the more prominent fugitives they have like a hot potato filled with C4 once the world realizes Hitler is there
He wouldn't survive the trip, he was on a dozen medications (most of them quack) including amphetamines and there was no way for him to escape, nor any place that would take him. Brazil and Argentina were in the Allied camp by '45, some Nazi fled leaders into the country like Eichmann (who came under false identity after the war), the Argentines aren't so stupid as to let Hitler into the country. They'd hand him over the the Americans to stand trial, Peron had just gotten into power, he wasn't throwing that all away to play host to an exiled government he had already declared war on.
What would be the latest point he could escape?

What if he escaped and the plane or sub had an accident never to be seen again?
Until they find a body that's unequivocally his they will never stop searching. Nowhere, not the most remote Bolivian jungle or arctic island will hide him. If he escapes Germany every police officer, soldier, and sailor on Earth will be on the look out and the reward for his capture will likely be in the multiple millions of dollars even in 1945. The only way Hitler avoids capture by the Allies is death.
He's caught in Germany most likely, he may catch a bullet the second the soldiers who catch him realize who he is, if not he's dragged off to jail. Who ever catches him gets the highest medal their government can award and a massive reward.

Going by the example of Goring if the Allied Doctor's clean him up and get him off the Meth he might recover quite a bit, at least to the point where he's lucid and can stand trail. He becomes the star defendant at Nuremberg and if he has recovered enough he may try to use it as a soap box, but if the Judges weren't having that with the OTL defendants they won't be having it with him. Hitler is convicted and goes to the Rope sometime in '46.

One interesting thought is what would happen with Speer, by his own admission he was entranced by Hitler (though that far from excuses his willful blindness of the Holocaust) and may be less willing to be "The Nazi who said sorry" if his boss is on trial beside him. Hitler will probably take the opportunity to implicate Hess in as much S**t as possible so the two major Nazi's who beat the rope in OTL may get the gallows in this TL.

Also Neo-Nazi's will have a much harder time saying "Hitler had nothing to do with the Holocaust," when he's been convicted in a court of law.
Ok. Ill take a crack at this. Let say a Junkers 290 or some such plane is at a nearby airport (wasn't there some America Bomber prototype laying around).

You fly to Spanish Sahara where some agents set up a landing field and you disappear there (or you fly on to Paraguay or some place, range is a problem).

You fly to Japan, you would have to refuel somewhere, agents set up refueling in airfields in Turkey and Afghanistan. You disappear somewhere in the far east when Japan surrenders.

Pretty ASB really.