Best History Books on Argentina, Chile, and Venezuela?

After getting a large credit from Amazon for returning some of my Library Science textbooks, I can buy a few books on Latin American history. The countries I'm most interested at the moment are Argentina, Chile, and Venezuela. I thought I'd ask y'all because you have more discerning tastes than the average Amazon reviewer that gives every book 4 or 5 stars. Bonus points if it's on the Kindle. Any books must be less than $20 (i.e. no ludicrously priced textbooks, but print-only can be OK).

I can read Spanish, but probably not well enough to justify reading more than a relatively short book right now (roughly intermediate level). Having to check a dictionary so often kills the pace of reading. I just might be able to read short primary sources though. :eek:

I'm mainly interested in the 19th and 20th centuries in general, but you will get bonus points for any of the following periods:

Venezuela-Hugo Chávez era. I know there are many books on him, but one that's well-informed and not too biased either way is the key. Nicolás Maduro doesn't have the same flamboyant charm, no matter how many "Socialist Christmas" parties he throws or electronic chains he sacks. :)

Chile-Salvador Allende and Pinochet eras.

Argentina-Most of the twentieth century, really. The country has this weird complex where it seemed JUST on the brink of being "First World" multiple times, and then takes steps backwards. That's the impression I got anyway, and I want to learn more about why that happened. Juan Perón seems like a particularly interesting period.

I know this is not strictly "Alternate History Books and Media", but I couldn't think of a better place to put it.


Grey Wolf

Imperial Skirmishes. War and Gunboat Diplomacy in Latin America (Signal Books, Oxford, 2002) by Andrew Graham-Yooll

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
I just read through two books on Chile by William Sater. Chile and the United States: Empires in Conflict and Andean Tragedy: Fighting the War of the Pacific, 1879-1884. Both were well written and easy to understand. Changing Venezuela by Taking Power: The History and Policies of the Chavez Government is another good one on Chavez although is out of date since it was written in 2007. Also Chile and the United States was written in 1991 so it isn't exactly a modern view :eek:.
For Argentine History you can buy "Breve Historia contemporanea de la Argentina" By Luis Alberto Romero or "Historia de los Argentinos" Part 2. By Florio & Gracia Belsunce.

The one by Romero is used in argentine college's as a introduction to argentine modern goes from 1880 to 1999.