Question when is a Union between the U.S. and the UK most possible?


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Please don't SPAM the Forums with a bunch of one line, no/low input questions.


CalBear is right. You shouldn't post that kind of one line posts. These not be any point. You have made these pretty much in short time.

But for question: After 1900 not any chances. But if ARW fails, British North America might become later dominion. It is closest what you can get.
Post-1900, there is only one remotely plausible way, and that is if Britain is so ravaged by war while the U.S. comes off relatively unscathed that they seek to be part of the U.S. because their entire government has been destroyed.

Even then, I can't see it being permanent, but rather something like pre-nationhood West Germany where the Allies occupied it in zones till the area is built up again. I suspect that the British would have a desire to get back on their feet and America, being Britain's friend, would have just as much a desire to see it regain its soveriegnty.
I've seen a timeline where the UK is pretty much destroyed by war, civil war and rising sea levels, causing most of the survivors to emigrate to the US and become US citizens, and after a while the rest UK becomes a US overseas territory. After the environment recovers somewhat, descendants of the refugees return to the islands but no one wants to rebuild an independent Great Britain because so much time has passed, and Great Britain just becomes another state of the Union

It was a future history timeline, but I suppose if you try you can construe it in a way to have it happen in the past as well
If you're restricting it to the United States rather than Anglo America, then your best option would be for the USA to not extend Westwards, but for other Anglo-American federations to be created further West, as Jefferson envisioned. Then by the 20th century you can have a bunch of English countries of similar power that could have an EU style union.