What happened here?

North America:

The USA covers, roughly, the area of the states of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennesse, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illimois, Michigan and Wisconsin.

The states of Maine, NewHampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut form the Commonwealth of New England.

The south west is occupied by the Republic of Texas, the Empire of Mexico and the Republic of California.

The rest of the map is pink.

Grey Wolf

Dunno, lol

If the USA did not go so far North I might have postulated an earlier civil war and the split along the lines shown, whilst Texas remains independent and Mexico intact, would place the civil war in the early 1840s... but its not that, lol

Grey Wolf

Landshark said:
North America:

The USA covers, roughly, the area of the states of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennesse, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illimois, Michigan and Wisconsin.

The states of Maine, NewHampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut form the Commonwealth of New England.

The south west is occupied by the Republic of Texas, the Empire of Mexico and the Republic of California.

The rest of the map is pink.
Norman said:
What happened to Pennsylvania?

There's always something isn't there. It's the same when I go on holiday, I open up my case and then I have to go straight out and buy a new toothbrush.

Anyway Pennsylvania is supposed to be there and I do have a POD for this though it's not mine.
1802- Britian get Louisana in treat of Armeins
1812- NE seceeds
1845- Republic of Texas [includes Eastern NM]
1851- California Gold Rush
1853- Republic of California
1855- Treaty talks between US, GB, RoT, RoM, & RoC, over Borders,
US-GB set west border at Michigan -Wisconsin- Missippi river. Texas gets Okahoma, Mexico keeps Arizionia- San Deigo. California extents north from LA to the portland river, west to great divide, Canada gets vast empty Quarter in Centre. :D ;) :p