The 1776 Thread

All speculation on the fate of the American Revolution, and all histories derived from it, are welcome here.

I'm making an alternate history where the Rebellion failed ultimately due to bad luck and lack of foreign support. Two hundred years after, there are eight Anglophone countries forming a confederation/empire called the Union of North America (UNA.) There is also the Empire of Mexico, which reaches from Costa Rica to Utah, and ends at the San Francisco Bay; and Louisiana, one of the very few true republics in the world, complete with an elected president.

That should be enough to start...

The Union Anthem:

From sea to shining sea
God crown His grace on thee
From sea to sea!
Guard our fraternity
And make us ever free
For all posterity
From sea to sea!

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As you might have guessed, North America will just be one big Canada, eh? Actually, It's made of eight "Canadas". :p Even the motto "From Sea to Sea" should perk your radar...
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Hey, as long as we don't bow down to a foreign king/queen (England counts as foreign), I'm fine with it. Or our own king/queen. If America has a monarch, it must be an Emperor. So say I.
DominusNovus said:
Hey, as long as we don't bow down to a foreign king/queen (England counts as foreign), I'm fine with it. Or our own king/queen. If America has a monarch, it must be an Emperor. So say I.

I have some good news and some bad news for you:

During the XIX century there is indeed an Empire of North America (ENA) whose head of state is William V (Wilhelm I of Germany,) a Prussian with substantial Hanoverian blood. Unfortunately, he produced no heir and with war raging in Europe at that time there is no clear line of succession, so a full Continental Congress (which in this world is the union of all Parliaments, more on this later) was convened.

Its product, the Act of Union, is a document similar to our Articles of Confederation. Upon the Emperor's death, the Convenors unanimously appoint a Regent (upon the advice of the several Parliaments, of course.) The trouble is that when a candidate came from one of the Realms the other seven objected. A rotating Regency was proposed but was deemed ridiculous. So they agreed on the convention that the Regent must be a foreigner, preferably of royal blood. This solution was satisfactory to all eight Realms--after all the Regent is common to all the Realms by being common to none of them!

Thus on the Emperor's death in March 1901 the Union of North America (UNA) was established with James Edward Stuart as Regent.
I'd like to read some more dystopic "1776" WIs, if they're available--whether a later Patriot victory or fraternal warfare. Entertain me. :D