An AH linguistic map of Europe


Grey Wolf

Looks good - the font whilst excellen stylistically is a bit hard to read, especially when applied on a dark colour or on red. What for example are the languages of the Ukraine ?

Interestingly, although linguistic zones have some correlation with political borders they are frequently split between states, or several subsumed within the same state. Do you have a political map to go with these linguistic areas ?

Grey Wolf
Grey Wolf said:
Looks good - the font whilst excellen stylistically is a bit hard to read, especially when applied on a dark colour or on red. What for example are the languages of the Ukraine ?

Interestingly, although linguistic zones have some correlation with political borders they are frequently split between states, or several subsumed within the same state. Do you have a political map to go with these linguistic areas ?

Grey Wolf

I lnew my Old English Tezt would have been hard to read, but I love that character... (what's it to do with England, then? I always thought of it as purely German)
Ukraine has Ruthenian. Don't consider the poltical borders; I didn't know how to cancel them without making a mess.
However, I worked of fancy here, the map is far different from my monster timeline's one, which is much more similar to OTL.
Can you give us a list of the languages by region - as Grey Wolf said, the font is cool looking but not easy to read.

-- Rick
I'll try, but it was an year ago and a pure work of fantasy, no relation with any TL.

British isles: Pictish in northern Scotland, Gaelic in Ireland, Iceland and southern Scotland, Brythonic in the rest of Britain. Iberia: Galician Celtic (Celtiberic) in the NW, Lusitaniana Ligustic (non-indoeuropean) in Portugal, Tarthesian (a fantasy, the real Tarthessos likely was Tharros, Sardinia) in the south, Iberian (non-IE) and Basque (idem) in the east and the NE and also in southern France.
France: a solid block of Celtic Gallic dialects in the center-north. The Low Countries: Flemish south and Frisian north, both germanic dialects.
Germany: Alamannic in the SW (alike OTL Schwitzer-Tutsch), a strip of Saxon in the north, Bavarian in the SE plus Bohemia.
Eastern countries: Vendic in east Germany and W Poland, Prussian (a Baltic IE language) in Prussia, Polish, Moravian (Czech), Caranthanian (Slovenian) gobbling up parts of Austria and half of Hungary, Magyar from the middle Danube to the Black Sea, Croatian, Illyrian (Albanian) covering much of the W Balkans, Pelasgic (non-IE, maybe related to ancient Cretan and Etruscan) rom greece and Asia Minor to southern Italy (colonization), Minoan (ancient Cretan), Tracoslavian in SE Balkans (an isolated and deviant mix of Tracic and Slavic). In Italy Ligustic proper (non-IE) from SE France to the NW of Italy, Padan Celtic in the Padan Plain, Etruscan in central italy, a network of Italic IndoEuropean dialects in the east and south, Mediterranean (Sardinian?) in the central islands; non-IE Rhaetic (related to Ligustic?) across the central Alps. Scandinavia and the eastern Baltic: Norrtunga (the language of the famed sags), Sami (Lappish dialects), West Finnic (~ Finnish of OTL), Baltic (till deep inside the Valdai area).
Russia and the Caucasus:from the north Samoyed/Nenec (non-Ie, Uralic), Komi, East Finnic, the Mordvim area along the middle Volga, the great area of Slavic Ruthenian in the Ukraine, asolid block of Tartarian Turkic dialects in S and E Russia, Mongol Kalmykh NE of the Caucasus, IE (Iranic) Alanian NW ans SE of the Caucasus, Chechen where we know it is OTL, Georgian and Armenian where they actually are.