Soviet Civil War 1950s


This timeline will be advanced by a handful of fictional characters. I originally created one, but due to butterflies that come from him there are a few others who come into being or atleast come into prominence.

Joseph Stalin the man of steel and dictator of the Soviet Union died in December 1945 after a massive stroke. A power struggle to replace him began shortly after with the Deputy Premeir Pavel Nikitin assuming power. Nikitin was preferred by the Soviet Union's former allies in the west, he was known for his common sense, cool temper and willingness to work with others. A combination that made it seem unlikely he survive any of Stalin's purges.

Nowhere was Nikitin more appreciated than in Britain, after World War I and during the Russian Revolution, Nikitin argued for the lives of the Romanov family. Unfortunatley Lenin didn't want the people to rally around the Tsar, but allowed Nikitin to spare the women. Tsar Nicholas and Tsarovich Alexei were killed by Lenin's thugs in Siberia, and the Tsarina and her four daughters were given refuge, surprisingly by their former enemy the Ottoman Empire. After hearing of Nicholas' and Alexei's horrible death the Sultan felt compelled to protect the rest of the family. Another World War had passed since then and the Tsarina was dead, three of the four daughters were ingrained into European Royalty, the youngest Anastasia went west to America where she quickly settled in Denver, Colorado marrying an American buisness tycoon.

The year was 1949, Nikitin had angered many elements of the ruling elite by coming to agreements with the west over the status of Germany and Eastern Europe. Nikitin knew there was no way the USSR could survive a prolonged stand-off with the west, especially given the production capabilites of the United States alone. Due to the treaty of Berlin signed by Nikitin and leaders of France, Britain and America the Soviet Union agreed to withdrawal from eastern Europe by 1952 and out of Poland and Rumania by 1955. He was accused of being a traitor by the more militant communists notably Ivan Sokolov.

Sokolov was a Field Marshall during the war with Nazi Germany and a hardcore Stalinist. Since Nikitin began de-Stalinization in 1946 and negotiations with the west, Sokolov had been calling for blood. An adept if not charismatic leader, Sokolov led the coup that murdered Nikitin and threatened to freeze improving relations with the west.

The period of 1949-1951 was known in the Sokolov Soviet Union as Re-Stalinization. Quickly Sokolov lost popularity amongst the common Soviet citizen in spite of propaganda attempts to compare him to Lenin and Stalin. The Red Army soon found themselves engaging outraged citizens throughout Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union proper began to suffer from Sokolov's mismanagement leading to the 1951 famine. Sokolov blamed it on the Ukrainian's for their failure to grow the food, launching what history would write as the Week of A Million Screams. Male Ukrainians were dragged of their homes and shot, female's who were considered old enough to bare children were raped by Sokolov's guard. It was a tragic epidemic on par with Hitler's brutality.

Finally things reached a head in the Soviet Union in 1953, a charismatic anti-Communist leader emerged from Stalingrad. Nicholas Egorov served in the Red Army in the war, fighting in Stalingrad and in Berlin. After the war he spent sometime in the west visiting England, France and America, helping shape his views of the west and of capitalism. Egorov's words fell onto starving desperate ears, similiar to the way Hitler's did, soon millions subscribed to Egorov's dream for the future of Soviet Russia.

Sokolov tried likening himself to Stalin and Egorov to Hitler but began doubting the man ever existed. His publishings came from an anonymous underground source and were distributed to people in Moscow, Stalingrad, Leningrad and Kiev.

Waiting for his influence to reach a fevor pitch Egorov hid in the underground war of Soviet Russia, using religion and promises of the future to keep his grip on the people. Finally, Sokolov could take no more, ordering his police to open fire into demonstrators, beginning a bloody purge. Unwittingly Sokolov iniated a Civil War. Soldiers of the Soviet Union began deserting their posts and joining the ranks of rebel regiments.

The Ukraine and Baltic States seceded from the Soviet Union begging the UN and west for recognition as independent Republic's.

The world and the west embraced as the nuclear powered Russia was decending into Anarchy and Civil War between Sokolov's Communists and Egorov's Nationalists.
So does this timeline basically become a rehash of the post-1917 Russian CW ? The West will undoubtedly support the nationalists in Russia, the Ukraine and Baltic states unquestioningly, including by drawing on emigres to work for the CIA in recruiting local resistance movements and liaising with the anti-Communist forces. The same would apply too to the eastern European Communist satellite countries under Soviet occupation, and the USSR's position would be in a very bad way.


The Soviet Civil War lasted for two years ending with a cease fire between the Communists and Natinalists. The Communist hardliners had been forced east of the Urals. It wasn't fighting prowess that had drove them into Siberia, rather it was Egorov's ability to feed the starving people of Russia. Attempts to crush the Communists in Siberia ultimatley failed leading to China sending aid for Sokolov.

China had to worry about a Capitalist Korea across the Yalu River,it didn't want a capitalist Russia sharing its long, dipsuted border.

Egorov declared Russia a Republic and had himself sworn in as President for life. Russia's constitution gave the President strong executive powers, and though there was an elected Duma it had little authority and was considered by most westerners as a mere figurehead. The Communist Party was banned from all of Russia's politic's making Russia a one Party state (the Nationalist Party). Though technically a democracy, Russia was still a dictatorship replacing the old communist system with a Capitalist system.

Christian Orthodox Revival became part of Russian culture in the 1950's, after years of oppression the Orthodox church had become a symbol of the new Republic. For the first time since the Revolution the Romanov daughters stepped foot on Russian soil meeting with Egorov, in St Petersburg. The Romanov's were given a tour of the progress Egorov's Russia was making, turning Russia into an industrial powerhouse.

Aside from the great strides made by Egorov's government, Russia still had major problems. Organized Crime and the formation of the Russian mafia clashed often with Russian Government Police. Prostitution was rampant on the streets, girls as young as 13 were selling their bodies to help their parents pay the bills. The value of the Russian ruble could not keep up with heights of inflation, but still the quality of life and freedoms given to the people were considerably higher than they were under the Soviet Union or even under the Tsar.

Elsewhere in the world, the Koreans and Chinese began a long military buildup along the Yalu River making it the most heavily fortified border in the world. The Koreans had allied with the United States in the mini-Cold War and had the benefit of American military equipment. China and what was left of the USSR began a joint scientific program on building military industry. It didn't take long for China to take the lead in inventing tanks, planes and fire arms.

France lost a major battle to the Vietnamese in 1956 resulting from their withdrawal from the Indochina War, followed by uprisings in Algeria. The developments concerned France deeply. Charles DeGualle was given authority to write a new constitution and became President of the Fifth Republic in 1958.

President Eisenhower won elections in 1952 and in 1956, he would not however be in power by the time of the 1960 elections. Playing a round of golf with high ranking officials from Washington, Eisenhower had a stroke from the hot Virginia sun. The stroke left him incapacitated but still in full control of his mind. Weeks after the stroke, Eisenhower resigned the Presidency giving full control to Richard Nixon.

Under the Conservative leadership of Harold Macmillion, Britain kept its friendship with the United States strong while drawing closer to mainland Europe. Fortunatley Macmillion avoided the Suez Canal emberracement, concentrating his efforts instead on South Africa and Rhodeisa.

After defeating the French, Ho Chi Minh walked to victory in a landslide in the 1957 elections. It was believed Eisenhower planned on blocking the elections, but suffered from a stroke shortly before. It would be the last country lost to communism.

The United States foreign policy waged a limited war against Communism, focusing its campaign on the Pacific. Thailand and Burma would be the United States closest allies in Southeast Asia in stopping Communism.

With the cold war in Europe over, the United States began withdrawing into limited isolationism. Europeans were left to run European affairs.