"Fourteen Small Wars" Get Worse

In the aftermath of WWI, the various states forming from the collapse of Germany and Austria-Hungary received tremendous amounts of French arms and other aid and raised huge armies. Example: Poland had 600,000 soldiers and Czechoslovakia had 250,000. They all went to war over disputed regions. Ray Stannard Baker, Wilson's press secretary, told him that there were no fewer than "fourteen small wars" occurring in Europe, disheartening the President. Prime Minister Lloyd George blamed Czechoslovakia specifically, accusing it of "monstrous demands."

WI one or more of these conflicts got worse, drawing in one or more of the WWI combatants?


Humm, Poland has a brutal war with the Czechs that ends with a USSR invasion...

Germany attempts to recover lost ground using denable militas and other forces, provoking a small conflict in Silisa with Poland

Germany quietly funds anti-french activities in the Alsac-lorraine region and the rhineland when the french occupy it

Italy deides to take the lands promised to it by france and britain in 1914.

Turkey decides to try to recover the british/french terrirtores from 1919.

...So, Poland loses some land in the East to the USSR. This makes Lenin happy... Does he then still try and take Warsaw?

In the West, Poland fights off German militia, but only just. Sandwhiched between two aggressors, Poland calls upon its allies to assist, perhaps to oust the USSR, but also to punish the Germans.

Britain and France maybe turn a blind eye to their old ally Italy's taking of territory....

Would Turkey have been able to take back their designated teeritories? Didn't the Great War wreck them, economically?
Matt Quinn said:
WI one or more of these conflicts got worse, drawing in one or more of the WWI combatants?

Bright day
What do you call WWI combatant? Romania was one and it participated in the aftermath wars ;) . Everybody in region had monstrous demands as lot of borders changed often during history. Chris I doubt your scenario the Czech-Polish was probably smallest of all with essentially no fighting. Unless fighting USSR most conflicts were small and unimportant outside the area- though most important to people they affected. I am sorry Matt Quin but without some radical changes the worst scenario I see is that Czechoslovakia and Romania would after defeatin Magyar and Slovak (yep, there was a puppet state though unsupported by majority of Slovaks- and in conclusion we were attacked) Soviet republics occupy what in OTL went for Hungary- which can lead to destabilization or even stabilization of region (more closer ties between countries- some real force in Central and East Europe). If you want radical change USSR sends help to fellow Soviet Republics which pulls several commu-phobic nations into action.
May all your days be bright.

Grey Wolf

In an earlier thread I suggested some possibilities regarding Germany and the East, based upon a more successful Red rising, for example Liebknecht takes control of the government and not Ebert. There was a period at the birth of the German Republic, after Schiedemann had accidentally declared it, when Ebert's authority more or less rested on inertia. I was postulating that a Red Germany would be followed by a more militant backlash even than historical, and that if this backlash continues into Silesia, Posen etc taking on the Poles, the Allies would be less likely to intervene than in OTL, because the perceived danger would be that the military authorities in Germany would lose control again and a Bolshevik Germany reappear.

Grey Wolf