Has anybody read this Turtledove book ? Just briefly saw it on the shelves at a local bookshop. Looks like it's all about such WIs as George Patton being in charge of the ANV and capturing Lincoln, and similar fanciful WIs.
Alternate Generals

:D I read it a year ago. Forgotten most of stories except one where there was an International peacekeeping force in the US(Post 1918). Also there was one with General Pershing as head of a peacekeeping force somewhere in Europe. Patton's I believe was in a form of letters to his wife.I'll try and reread. :cool: :(

That is Alternate Generals Volume 2. It also includes a story set in the UK after the Germans have won the Battle of Britain, one about King Richard taling Jerusalem, and some more. I enjoyed some of the stories (especially the first with the US as holding a League of Nations mandate over Turkey). the peacekeeping story set in the south has a good suspense level, but the German quotes are awful (the author should have asked someone with good knowledge of German to review them!) and there are also a couple of illogical things. Nevertheless, the book is worth reading.

Volume 1 is better. Do not be fooled by the cover text (Rommel commanding Persians or so), all stories are historically possible. Especially, I like the stories about General Mitchell at Pearl Harbor, John Paul Jones as a Brisith captain and that about SunTzu commanding the Persian army in Greece.
Just found the original Volumn One. Just reread Friesner's story about IKE. Very Serious unlike her others. Will rreread more. :p