King of England?


This may lead to nothing, but in the weeks preceding Elizabeth the First’s death, Sir Robert Cecil kept a stage team of horses in readiness along the route to Scotland, planning to inform James of Scotland of her death before anyone could take advantage of the sudden power vacuum. Let’s suppose that something happens to one of the relay riders (say about mid way to Scotland) and the message is lost. Cecil has no idea what’s happened to the message and he’s expecting at least a reply, James has no idea he’s now the King of England.

Might something go wrong? There were a fair number of people who wanted a chance at the throne itself and, no matter how much it was apparent that the Queen wanted James to succeed her, she left no formal will. Someone might well have a chance to take power, causing a mini-civil war. The more fighting, the more unstableEngland will be, and Spain and France will try to take advantage of the fighting.

There’d only be a week or so before Cecil realised that something had gone wrong, but it would be harder and harder to keep the Queen’s death secret. A week might just be long enough for someone to strike for power.


Grey Wolf

I suppose the question is who are the claimants ? I think you have Arabella Stuart under house arrest somewhere...

Grey Wolf