Milosevic indicted for war crimes in 1995 after Dayton

Just saw a SECRETS OF WAR episode tonight on the Balkan Tinderbox, which led me to wonder- WI Slobodan Milosevic had been indicted for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide by the Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal in late 1995, after he'd signed the Dayton Accords, instead of OTL only being given notice of his status as a war criminal in May 1999 after Yugoslav forces were compelled to withdraw from Kosovo ? Had Milosevic been indicted by the ICTY immediately after the Bosnian War was concluded, and after his fellow Serb war criminals Karadzic and Mladic had also been indicted and arrest warrants served for their role in organising and perpetrating the 'ethnic cleansing' in Bosnia 1992-95, could this have acted as a deterrent upon Slobo re implementing ethnic cleansing in Kosovo in 1998-99 ?
Unlikelly bacause if he is indicted
-right after he signs dayton this treaty would be viewed as not worth paper written on as one of chief players is in hague for crimes commited proir/during signing
-before he signs it no one in FRY will sign it without radical shift in gov't.