WI Adlai Ewing Stevenson Presient of U.S


Posted on Sunday, May 05, 2002 - 12:35 am:

Adlai Stevenson shunned emotionalism and appealed to reason. As a speaker, he had an unusual command of language and a sharp and subtle wit. His eloquent speeches and statements were directed toward educating Americans on the nature of the world in which they lived and the challenges that faced them in it.
He twice gained the Democratic nomination and was twice defeated by Eisenhower but how would a Stevenson administration have handled the cold war would Stevenson and Khrushchev have begun an earlier dentate? How would the civil rights movement have been impacted? And how would the careers of Kennedy and Nixon have been altered (who might have come to prominence in this ATL who remained obscure in OTL?)?

Grey Wolf

Didn't he also run as VP candidate well before he ran as presidential candidate ? An AH could have the duo win way back then, then him become president far earlier. I'll look it up

Grey Wolf
The original post refers to Adlai Ewing Stevenson II. You're thinking of his grandfather, Adlai Ewing Stevenson I, who was Vice President (1893 - 1897) during Grover Cleveland's second term.

Grey Wolf

Beck Reilly said:
The original post refers to Adlai Ewing Stevenson II. You're thinking of his grandfather, Adlai Ewing Stevenson I, who was Vice President (1893 - 1897) during Grover Cleveland's second term.

Eek, OK ! The website didn't have the I's and II's on it
- http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0781450.html

So, its his grandfather running at the END of his career as Bryan's running mate in 1900 then ?


Best Regards
Grey Wolf
Straha said:
Posted on Sunday, May 05, 2002 - 12:35 am:

Adlai Stevenson shunned emotionalism and appealed to reason. As a speaker, he had an unusual command of language and a sharp and subtle wit. His eloquent speeches and statements were directed toward educating Americans on the nature of the world in which they lived and the challenges that faced them in it.
He twice gained the Democratic nomination and was twice defeated by Eisenhower but how would a Stevenson administration have handled the cold war would Stevenson and Khrushchev have begun an earlier dentate? How would the civil rights movement have been impacted? And how would the careers of Kennedy and Nixon have been altered (who might have come to prominence in this ATL who remained obscure in OTL?)?

Adlai Stevenson would have been an excellent American Prime Minister, but an inept President. :p


so could a posible president list for the TL be like this?

1953-1961 Adlai Stevenson/Lyndon B. Johnson(D)
1961-1969 Henry Cabot Lodge/Earl Warren(R)
1969-1977 Earl Warren/Gerald Ford(R)
1977-1981 Gerald Ford/George H.W. Bush(R)
1981-1989 Edmund G. Brown/Zell Miller(D)
1989-1997 Zell Miller/micheal dukakis(D)
1997-2005 Bob Dole/Colin Powell(R)
2005-2013 Colin Powell/George W. Bush(D)


Beck Reilly said:
Stevenson would have been a one-termer.


One thing I can think of right away that Stevenson probably would not have done would be to get us involved in Vietnam, as Eisenhower did in 1957. OTOH he probably wouldn't have started the Interstates either and this lack of infrastructure as well as a big hole in the public spending sector might have made the 60's boom the 60's bust.
NapoleonXIV said:

He was far too liberal for the times and he, up until his run-in with Ambassador Zorin, lacked the back-bone to be President. He wouldn't have presented the hard-faced image that Eisenhower did in OTL. An able administrator, yes. An intelligent, good person, yes. Ruthless enough to deal with Joseph Stalin and Nikita Krushchev, no.