Lebanon 1958- earlier quagmire for US ?

In July 1958 the Eisenhower admin deployed US Marines from the 6th Fleet and an Army taskforce based on the 11th Airborne Div (THE ANGELS) and 187th RCT (RAKASSANS) to Lebanon to act as peacekeepers amidst widespread civil unrest. OTL, these American troops while conducting their patrolling weren't drawn into largescale fighting before their withdrawal when the political situation stabilised, but WI some airborne guys or Marines had actually become involved in fullscale shooting matches with some of the local armed elements ? Could the US have then become involved in a Mideast imbroglio 25 yrs earlier ? Would Ike have reacted with deploying larger-scale US forces, and what of the Soviets ?
Do you know how long the Marines were in Lebanon? And what forces they could've taken on in that theater of operations?

Actually, you gave me an idea for another POD: what if we'd stayed in Lebanon after the terrorist bombing in 1983? Could we have an early War on Terrorism in the 1980s?
The thing is that in 1958 there wasn't full scale civil wars with truckloads of militias of various stripes and direct involvement of both neighbours. Also US had much better reputation. There was central gov't control, something that was lacking in 1982. I doubt Syrians would allow their groups to go agaisnt US.