WI America ceased being a superpower sometime in the 70's


An economic downturn was worse than OTL, thus necessitating deep cuts to the military and foreign aid.

America can't compete(or at least with diffuculty) with the Soviet Union at least for a decade maybe longer. How would events in Iran,Middle East, Latin America, Europe be different.

The Japanese are now the richest nation,would they go after Australia? Increase trade with the Middle East?

How about this. McGovern is elected in 1972 and calls for the immediate withdrawal of American forces from Vietnam. The retreat is massively botched up when the NVA go on the offensive. Because McGovern refuses to attack the NVA, many American servicemen are captured and spend years rotting away in concentration camps ala Dien Bien Phu. In disgust, every flag officer with 4 stars resigns. Impeachment is not a possibility since McGovern clones control Congress. The oil embargo is even worse due to the near complete loss of US diplomatic and military credibility. The economic woes set in place by Vietnam and the Great Society are exponentially worse. The US economy crashes. Although nobody will use the word depression, unemployment nearly reaches the 20% mark and many major companies like Chrysler and Boeing close most of their plants. Due to this crash, McGovern orders an end to the US presense in South Korea, West Germany and other nations. The allies compensate. In Europe, NATO countries increase their military expenditures to field larger armies. They also make trade arrangements with the Communist Bloc. Japan replaces the United States in Northeast Asia but not before the ROK is attacked with North Korea seizing all of Korea North of the Naktong river. In 1973, Israel ceases to be.

Bob Dole wins the election of 1976 and Republicans gain control of Congress but the damage is done. Although the United States is back on its feet after President Dole leaves office in 1984, the world is much different. Japan is now a power to be reckoned with in Asia with navy ships patrolling out to Guam and with military bases in the Phillipines, South Korea and Malaysia. Japan has economic and diplomatic ties with Communist China. The European Union maintains influence over North Africa and the Middle East (with help from the Japanese Navy which sorties into the Persian Gulf. To the South there are the Peoples Republics of Nicaragua, El Slavador and Honduras which are now being kept in check by Mexican and newly invigorated US forces. The Soviet Union is a going enterprise. Without the need to compete with a US military juggernaut, the Soviets were able to build a more robust economy (with help from the European Union trade agreements). Experts are of the opinion the United States will never be able to resume its place as leader of the free world. But it is certainly one of the leaders. The US Navy has begun sending ships to the Mid East to work in concert with the EU Navies. And of course, there is the nuclear arsenal that all nations of the world must contemplate when dealing with the US.......


So let's see, by the year 2000 we have an Army stripped of its old and stodgy generals since the 70's and with an Officer Corps now brought up in a culture of economy instead of free spending. They've probably gone two routes to save money. One is to have a smaller force of truly elite warriors and the other is to research the latest weapons and technology to multiply effectiveness. They're able to do this research despite the depression because we're no longer spending billions defending the rest of the world. Our armed forces are, by 2000, the very definition of lean and mean. Our arms sales lead the world as in OTL and are making a very substantial contribution to our recovery.

The Oil embargo has been very hard at first but its effects are now long past. Our smaller cars lead the world in appeal because they achieve fuel economy not just through size (large SUV's getting 40 mpg have been common since the 90's) like the rest of the world, but through better engines and hybridizing electric and propane technology. America's size and infrastructure (of which more below) means our cars must develop this way, whatever the constraints. We have painfully but thoroughly developed alternative energy sources as well as non-arab and domestic oil. Ibn Saud's old kingdom, now swimming in a sea of crude it can no longer even pay to drill for, has recently become the Free Republic of Arabia, a model democracy, but we still no longer need their oil.

Our infrastructure is no longer deteriorating. Those Democrats holding the nation in thrall during McGovern's reign liked to put people to work building roads at home instead of destroying them abroad. The Republicans have reluctantly bowed to popular demand and kept this up.

The research backed by the military has had another major effect besides promoting fuel efficient vehicles . It vastly speeded up the already developing technologies of miniaturiasation and electronic connectivity. America has had a thriving Internet and microcomputer industry since about 1980, not 1990. As in OTL, the US leads the world in computers. Unlike in OTL, we have no close rivals.

The Soviet Union and China meanwhile, remain command economies. Both are tottering on their last legs and the world knows they will soon collapse. Russia, able to support wasteful economics for far longer than in OTL is no longer able to feed itself and the drain of supporting equally inefficient regimes in Korea and Central America, along with a huge and backward Army, has bankrupted it totally. China, exhausted from having to support a belligerent Vietnam after they broke with Russia over the release of US prisoners in 1979, is certainly no better off. In the year 2003 both peacefully elect new governments which promise the dismantling of Communism and a new era of free trade with the rest. Now equipped with the best computers and cars in the world the US prepares to compete with Japan and the Tiger nations to exploit vast new markets.
In the year 2000, the US is still the world's leading economic power but politically finds itself an isolated island. US withdrawal from overseas commitments resulted in the total destruction of South Vietnam, South Korea, and Israel, as well as communist or communist-allied governments taking power in Nicaragua, Afghanistan, El Salvador, Guatamala, Peru, Columbia, Venezuala, Ethiopia, Angola, and Zimbabwe. The total number of people killed by the communist or socialist regimes in these countries is still a matter of dispute, with estimates ranging from 5 to 25 million people killed. The Soviet Union and China have horrendously inefficient economies, but they have been able to get a new lease on life by using their military preponderance to force Japan, West Germany, France, and the UK into various levels of economic vassaldom. Increased trade with the US itself, as well as extensive espionage, has also helped give the Soviet and Chinese regimes a lifeline that can prevent them from falling too desperately far behind in the most important technologies.

In the Middle east, the decline of US consumption of oil and the withdrawal of US support for local regimes led to a wave of uprisings in the early 1980s in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf states, many of which established radical, theocratic governments that unleashed fierce waves of persecution. With this chaos growing across its southern border, the USSR led massive military interventions that set up satellite states that have been plagued by fierce resistance ever since. Much of the strength of this resistance has been broken by ferocious anti-guerrilla measures, including saturation bombing, fairly extensive use of poison gas and suspected use of biological warfare.

US withdrawal from world affairs was touted by liberals in the US as being beneficial to the rest of the world, which would no longer suffer from the heavy and inept hand of the US military, the CIA, and brutal and corrupt allied governments. By the early 1990s, it was clear that US withdrawal had been good for the US - far less military spending meant more comprehensive welfare benefits AND lower taxes, while decreasing reliance on oil and more investment in computers, domestic infrastructure, and alternate energy sources has led to many improvements both to technology and "quality of life". In many respects, however, much of the rest of the world has become even worse. The widespread belief that communist regimes simply wanted freedom from foreign and capitalist imperialism has been shattered by the reality of governments even more tyrannical and corrupt than the old colonial or military ones. Many both in the US and abroad now charge that the US has abandoned the rest of the world and withdrawn into selfish isolationism. The failure of the US to do anything during crises such as the South African racial wars, the secession crisis and subsequent Warsaw Pact occupation of Yugoslavia, or the Pro-soviet coup and subsequent Soviet invasion of Egypt make these charges difficult to refute.


so we get taken down a peg but we're rebounding. The USA of that timeline would be better off by now than OTL...

a possible timeline part 1 with a different POD but it still has

POD: George Wallace hires better PR people so he doesn't anger the person who shot him in 1970

1972-the democrat lineup of Eugene McCarthy-George McGovern beats Richard nixon due to George Wallace's agressive third party campaign.
-Nixon's attempted election fraud is revealed and it causes rioting in the streets

1973-american troops leave vietnam. Because McGovern refuses to attack the NVA, many American servicemen are captured and spend years rotting away in concentration camps ala Dien Bien Phu. In disgust, every flag officer with 4 stars resigns.
-president McCarthy begins his "War on drugs" which consists of legalizing "soft" drugs like marijuana and shrooms and establishing medical programs for the hard drugs.
-OPEC does an oil embargo on the USA and decides to sell ALOT more to the USSR and china.
-the USA begins taking rapid and drastic steps to go to alternate energy sources and end dependence on oil.
-the second great depression begins due to stagflation and the oil embargo.

1974-the arab nations destroy isreal and the population of isreal scatters among the rest of the free world
-the USA pulls many of its overseas troops out
-mexico's PRI regime becomes more repressive which spark the secession of yucatan and chiapas
-Japan and western europe build up their own militaries in response to the USA's pullout
-President McGovern gives the panama canal back to panama

1975-the radical right faction of the republican party lead by Ronald reagan defects. this takes socially consercative candidates from the democrats away to Reagan/George Wallace's american party. The more socialist parts of the democrats also defect to a Social Democrat party)
-the embargo on Cuba is ended and full economic and diplomatic relationships are opened with it.
-Kennedy immigration act is repealed which makes US emmigration is far more driven by economic need ( techs, agricultural workers, domestics), often on short term contracts. - exservicemen claiming green cards for joint military service, local capitalists who did the embassy a favor, etc.

1976-republican candidates John Anderson and Gerald Ford soundly defeat Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern despite Reagan/Wallace(American)(8%) and Nick Galifnakes/Mo Udall(social democrat)(8%)
-european alliance formed with western europe. This is like OTL's european union as of 2004 except with a unified military.
-the USSR lands a man on the moon

1977-Europe and Japan begin to also take steps to reduce oil use but these measures aren't as radical as the USA's.

1978-the european allies make trade deals with the USSR
-cuba's communist government is overthrown and the new government request commonwealth status.

1980-President Anderson reelected
-proportional representation set up in USA
-Japan gets many bases in eastern and northern asia.
-a small soviet moonbase is established

1981-the phillipines and many of the former trust terretory nations request commonwealth status with the USA
-the USA begins to give massive funding to basic research and do another space program. This time the space program is more privatized.
-second great depression fully ends as the economy starts to boom with a revived auto industry and a new electronics industry. Widespread Nuclear power, SPS, supersonic transports, asteroid bases - we either have it by 2004 or we're working on it.

1982-Quebec secedes from canada
-Bermuda requests commonwealth status with USA. Bahamas and Jamaica join NATO
-guam,puerto rico,marianas,washington D.C. and virgin islands gain statehood

1983-the central americna alliance is formed with nicarauga,honduras,san salvador,panama,costa rica and guatamala
-the economies of the OPEC nations begin to slow down

1984-the democrat lineup of Jerry Brown/Walter mondale defeats the republican lineup of Gerald Ford and George Bush
-the central american alliance becomes a currency union and a free trade zone
Some quick PODs that could be added to the ATL are the following little tidbits:
A) 1975- Charles Manson and "the Family" assassination attempts- The renowned serial killer ordered Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme to assasssinate President Gerald Ford. In OTL, the 2 separate assassination attempts in Sacramento, California and also in San Francisco, California failed due to teh efforts of the Secret Service.
B) 1973-The Six Day War- The failure of Israeli forces to defend against Arab forces could lead to several major problems. First, the Soviet Union proposed the transport of military forces into the region, especially to help guard Egyptian claims to teh Sinai Peninsula. Apparently the 101st Airborne Division would have been ordered to the region to match Soviet forces.
C) 1974- Collapse of NATO- This could have taken place due to the situation wherein Egypt and Greece fought over separate claims Cyprus. Many experts at the time feared that the conflict of 2 NATO states would lead to a complete collapse of the alliance.
D) 1976- Fighting in Quebec- Try to imagine the embarassment if violence and civil unrest and terrorist attacks were continuing in Toronto and Montreal, just a few hours drive from the American border. Apparently Prime Minister Truedeau was ready to declare martial law over the region.
What election fraud in 1972? Perhaps we erase Watergate and Nixon, less clear as to what McGovern is going to do, manages to really mess up. Perhaps a breakdown or bout of hysteria before news cameras?

1973: Collapse in South Vietnam also causes wave of refugees, US will ultimately be obliged under Bob Dole to accept 2-3 million Vietnamese, all of whom become raging GOP voters. By 2000 they and their descendants outnumber the Jewish vote and render NYC, LA and other cities much more competetive. Meanwhile footage from Cambodia and South Vietnam will not be good for the Democrats in years to come.

US retaliates to oil embargo by countering by raising prices on agricultural and medical exports.

USSR, losing it's major source of income(energy sales) and unable to feed it's population, becomes much more hostile yet the need to deploy much of the Red Army on internal details weakens military potential.

US reduces military, ultimately establishing a navy comparable to ours, and a larger marine corps, but a smaller air force and army. Also, Reagan efforts to render National Guard and Reservist units viable are cancelled, saving an estimated 40 Billion by 1988(That's 4-5 carrier battlegroups, by the by).

1974: US withdraws from most alliances. Japan, possibly EU start build up of forces.

Nixon never goes to China while Japan announces a nuclear weapons plan. Relations with China hit all-time low. Possibly Taiwan also seeks nukes, or Japanese alliance.

In the face of oil embargo, Mexican economy soars on oil sales to the US, debts paid off rapidly, political reform slowly begins.

WILD CARD POSSIBILITY: Fourth Arab/Israeli war in 1974

All of this assumes that Israel doesn't mobilize and doesn't take added precautions. Given that McGovern had already betrayed not only an ally but our own servicemen, this isn't likely. Most likely Israel maintains a slightly larger standing force, improving the sitution not at all in the Sinai(where Egypt anticipated MUCH heavier losses) but effectively breaking Syria by day 4 or 5. But, for more fun...

Israel nukes Cairo and Damascus.

In this case, the Dole Administration probably evacuates the remaining Israelis in return for ransom to the various Arab governments.

What fun we have here! Between the veterans, the South Vietnamese, the Cubans, and the Israelis, by 2000 one American in ten has family who suffered personal harm thanks to the Democrats. One-party America anyone?

1976: Facing famine and unable to purchase needed grain, USSR begins extorting aid from Western Europe. Without adequate military strength, the EEC is forced to comply.
Alternate: Facing these problems, the USSR forces a dramatic reduction in OPEC oil production to shore up Soviet sales of oil and natural gas. Given that OPEC is militarily much weaker than Western Europe and has no friends in the US, this could be the wiser move.

Arab and other oil-producing states beginning to face governmental and societal collapse. Without the US as a market, and threatened by the alternate fuel development, the price of oil is beginning to collapse and the world market is now too small. Note possible Soviet problems too.

Revenue to OPEC nations is reduced by between 25 and 40 percent. US move to suburbs slowed, more emphasis on planned communities close enough to major cities and employment sites to benefit from public transportation. Population shift to SW from NE is slowed, possible side effect of this is a 'little baby boom' whose members will first be voting around 2004. Less development in rural areas, fewer but large and organized developments taking place. First nuclear power plants coming on line. Interest in coal-to-oil projects in South Africa.

Japan joins US in this project, having substantial coal reserves and no oil.

By 1980: Bob Dole re-elected, possibility of Speaker of the House Gerald Ford?

Following the easing of economic hard times, the space program begins to rebuild. The new, more economical, program cause Gary Hudson's reusable Phoenix project to be funded. Older rockets continue until the Phoenix flies around 1985. Space Shuttle cancelled.

Corporate agriculture never got anywhere in the face of budget cuts(no tax breaks for them). Family and community farms dominate agriculture. Strong, possibly dangerous, isolation sentiment in US. Emphasis on buying American products damages other economies. Solar power rejected in short term, as it requires a massive infrastructure, in space as well as on earth. HOWEVER, a long term plan is setting up for the period 1990-2020.

2000: US, economically back on it's feet and dominating the world in science, medicine, space, and agriculture. Strong professional military able to destroy almost any foe but lacking the manpower for occupations. Perhaps combined 800,000 army and marine corp with larger combat proportion but minimal NG and reservists. Developments in nuclear and solar have cut oil use and coal-to-oil even more so, the coal program possible delays valuable nuclear and/or solar developments. Space program based on reusable Phoenix class space-craft, cost reduction in launches roughly 90% minimum. By 2000 satellites more numerous than in our timeline, space station(not international) with crew of 15-25 and expanding(25 ton modules added monthly) with talk of a second station soon and plans to return to the moon in final development. Powerful isolationist sentiments reflected in purchasing habits. GOP faced minor split in late 1980s but weathered the 'Buchananites' who are now a minor party unable to get the 5% for matching funds in much of the US. The Democrats have not elected a president since 1972 and are currently facing a dramatic split between the mainstream and the left. Since a victory for the moderates effectively destroys McGovern, Nader and others politically AND historically, the left is willing to lose. In fact, only McGovern's meddling prevented the charismatic centrist Senator William J Clinton of Arkansas from reclaiming the White House for the Democrats in 2000. If Clinton can compromise with or crush the left in 2004 he may be the salvation of the Democratic Party.

Minor note: Reagan, governors in general, not viable candidates during second depression and austerity to recover.

Japan, economically stronger due to a more diversified economy and large standing military force, but the US backlash in the 1980s dramatically reduced their auto and electronic industry. Coal-to-oil and nuclear plants dramatically improving balance of trade(also in US). Possible role in Africa as successor to USSR, certainly getting the better part of any such deals.

Europe, even assuming no disaster with the USSR. economy weakened and social programs reduced DRAMATICALLY. Retirement age is 62 or 35 years, lower pensions, fewer benefits, and a stronger military. Possible expulsion of guest workers in 1980s.

ALTERNATIVE: France/Germany resisted, UK left EU and took Ireland and Scandinavia, possible Spain and Portugal as well. Special arrangements with Canada, Australia, India, Japan and others have left UK with perhaps the most vibrant economy in the world, and a more substantial military force(Possible 3 army corps of 75,000 each and 2-3 carrier groups). Alliance with Japan and closer ties to India have left the British Commonwealth a much more important force. Of course, this makes things even worse in the EU and eliminates their ability to project power overseas.

The need to rebuild Eastern Europe after 1987 was an even greater burden than in our world, and the loss of UK and Scandinavia made it worse. And the loss of most American tourism and trade in non-essentials has been a chronic problem.

China, much like the USSR in 1989, where hard-liners never fell. No ties via Nixon, small-scale war in 1979 between Hanoi, Beijing, and Moscow. No significant trade with the US or Japan, except raw materials. Declining scientific base and industry, military has never advanced beyond early 1980s. Probable trouble spot in future.

USSR, never collapsed as in our world, under even greater pressures and more substantial problems in the 1970s. Inability to sell oil or natural gas in the long run endangers real prospects to rebuild. Only harsh regime's organization may avoid becoming a Third World nation. In late 1980s was forced to write off overseas allies and dismantle Warsaw Pact and Easter European communists in return for bailout from West(USSR has nukes and increasingly volatile military, aid had to be found).

Vietnam, no economic recovery, now in horrific shape as the lobby of veterans and refugees blocks all efforts to improve ties with the US, while China/Japan rivalry neutralizes the Japanese option. Similar to Cuba in 1989 but worse. Dole Administration's negotiated release of remaining POWs for a one-time gift of aid all but destroyed the Democrats in 1988.

Africa, further extension of communism and loss of most Western aid has left situation bleak. Only a clear vision and a strong(harsh) leader can offer any hope. Of course, that could be a visionary or another local which means much of Africa continues to decline without benefits. Visions of communists in Africa, possible fall of Israel has emboldened apartheid, probable survival of apartheid under garrison condition into 21st century. US/Japan building gigantic reserves of key minerals.

Latin America, Mexico reaping benefits of intelligent planning and reforms in 1970s. Few consider Mexico to be Third World any longer.

Collapse of oil prices without US market spared some of the debts in Latin America and the US's refusal to even offer much in the way of loans left austerity measures in place well into the 1980s, but not nearly as harsh as the current situation(less of a blow and MUCH smaller debts). This cancelled many prestige projects and weakened militaries slightly but has left an overall situation of economic improvement.

Brazil slightly better off without oil price hike and subsequent debts.

Argentina much better off, never fought Falklands war, second only to Mexico in terms of economic health.

Chile never enjoyed benefits from US, not doing as well(98% sure thing, Allende was still overthrown by Pinochet).

Lack of American markets not as noticeable as the US isolation tendencies somehow doesn't consider many Latin American products to be foreign(Do without our COFFEE?!?)

Australia, larger military under Commonwealth and economic prosperity slightly reduced due to reduced trading partners and some concern about Japan. Possible arrangement with Indonesia for oil?

India, enjoying an economic boom under the newly empowered Commonwealth, with a smaller military more capable of overseas actions, special trade arrangements with UK/Canada/Australia and possibly Japan.

Pakistan, weakened military, cut off of US aid means no nukes, facing not only economic but actual societal collapse. May be the equivalent of Ethiopia in 1985. No threat to India.

Iran, without Carter to hold them back, the Shah weathered the crisis of 1977 to 1980 with substantial bloodshed. Iranian economy diversifying and making progress. NOTE: Portions of NW Iran under theocracy for almost 30 months provided massive propoganda against religious movement. Iranian women extremely hostile to religion in government.

Arab League, worst world situation. Not only are their needs growing but they have nothing to offer save the increasingly less valuable oil. No US aid to Egypt/Jordan, oil trade down almost 80% in value, Soviets cut off aid in 1988. Actual possibility of collapse/reduction of population to level region can maintain WITHOUT oil sales or foreign purchases. Arab world even more inflamed as rulers desperately attempt to divert hostility to external sources. Little government continuity..
Blasted system here! Erased my whole 1974 Arab/Israeli war scenario when I tried to bold it.

Basically I assumed that if Israel went nuclear and survived, the Democrats are charged with 'making the world safe for nuclear war' while many nations started seeking nukes and Israel replacing Pakistan as the atomic salesman for Taiwan and others.

If Israel didn't survive Democrats are also hit with a 'Second Holocaust' charge. In this case we need an idea how a nation with nukes gets overrun without using them. Maybe we can also blame the Democrats for letting the USSR into the region?
Grimm Reaper said:
Chile never enjoyed benefits from US, not doing as well(98% sure thing, Allende was still overthrown by Pinochet).


I'm pretty sure the only way Pinochet overthrew Allende was due to CIA involvement...


maybe it's just me, but isn't it a bad idea for the soviets to blackmail powers with nuclear weapons?
Three comments:

1. I dont see Europe compensating for a withdrawal of US forces (at least not anything significant). OTL the European nations made some attempts at coming to an understanding with the USSR when the US semi-withdrew from the world post Vietnam. I see Europe making some kind of arrangement with the Sovs that would come short of complete capitulation.

2. Japan would probably take over the vaccuum left by a US withdrawal from Northeast Asia. Initially it would be by making a commitment to the ROK to provide air support in the event of war with the NKs. The ROK by the early 70s had an excellent army that could probably handle the North Koreans with a little expansion. I say this because this conflict is too personal (unlike the clash in Europe). However, Japan would probably open up to China given the size of the market and availability of raw material.

3. Loosing all flag rank officers in America would not bring about a more economically sensitive military. As this is a government bureaucracy, there is no way to make market forces work internally. Also, the lost generals would be replaced by colonels who come from the same background as the recently retired generals.
New Madrid Richter Eight Point Five

POD is a major earthquake in the US in 1973 during the springmelt. One of the Missouri river dams fails and causes a flood. Many oil and gas pipelines are ruptured. Runaway barges on the Mississippi knock out railroad bridges. The New Orleans levees fail and 1,000,000 people are evacuated. A nuclear power plant melts down after the core is damaged and causes suspension of nuclear power plant construction by public demand.
1. Massive damage to the US economy causes worldwide depression. The Middle East crisis doesn't help, either. We don't provide financial aid to Israel after the war.
2. OPEC can't raise the price of oil with no oil demand, due to depression. Russia is broke, since they can't raise prices either. Liberal Democrats take note of the attempt. They get together with the Europeans and the Japanese and quietly fund wildcat oil exploration as foreign aid program. If oil is found, the local government gets to keep all of it, instead of some of it.
3. Nixon/Kissinger's sabotage of Johnson's peace talks revealed. Serious public anger. Liberal Democrats campaign on issue of who is responsible for war.
4. Nixon's Watergate and Agnew's bribery scandals as in OTL. Agnew and Nixon resign and are pardoned. Liberal Democrats approve major platform on honesty after public outcry.
5. 1974 elections give liberal Democrats a majority without Dixiecrats. Liberal Democrats fund lots of renewable energy projects, and slap on big gas tax to pay for rebuilding after the earthquake. Milage of new cars goes up dramatically.
6. Liberal Democrats cut the military r+d budget and new weapons procurement, but keep buying ammunition and spare parts for old weapons systems. Then they end the draft and pull back all our overseas troops.
7. 1975 collapse of Cambodia to killing fields causes uproar. Liberal Democrats blame Vietnam war expansion on Conservatives.
8. Liberal Democrats vote to send army to fight in Vietnam after NVA invasion. We have plenty of troops from Europe, Korea, etc.
9. South Vietnam does not collapse, but there are 20,000 US casualties. Major problems with failure to reup by US troops. Liberal Democrats order election in South Vietnam as price for futher funding, which VietCong win. Public disgust with war intensifies.
10. US tightens up on illegal immigration. Provides more legal immigration by educational standards instead. More immigrants from India, Russian, Eastern Europe, Israel, China, etc.
11. 1976 election results in McGovern winning against Dixiecrat and Republican candidates, winning only 45% of the votes. Even more Liberal Democrats elected to House and Senate as two conservative parties fight it out and split vote.
12. Liberal Democrats publish many embarassing CIA files. Lawsuits and criminal prosecutions result. More public disgust with cold war.
13. North Korea invades South Korea, which defends itself successfully. North Korea condemned by Russia, China, Cuba, etc, for rocking the boat and spoiling detente. They do not support North Korea with munitions or financial aid. Armistice results in no change in line, but North Korea badly damaged by bombing, like last time. Coup removes Kim Il Sung.
14. VietCong dominated South Vietnam invades Cambodia. World applauds. We provide air support for invasion.
15. Without Palestinian remittances from post OPEC oil boom, or US aid, Israeli economy collapses. Arab/Israeli peace treaty. Middle East disappears from newspapers.
16. We terminate attempts to overthrow Castro, recognise Cuba. Peace breaks out between Cuba and the US. Castro holds nonfree 'elections'.
17. New oil exploration technology increases oil supply, as in OTL. OPEC again fails to raise prices. American milage standards tighten in response.
18. Portugal has peacefull revolution, as in OTL, but a little later. We provide some financial support and arrage early elections, supporting many little parties instead of just one that obeys our orders. The usual corrupt government takes over, but without a cold war rivalry to provide landmines and weapons.
19. Republicans and Dixiecrats form joint party and run a combined ticket for 1980 election. They don't quite win, due to Liberal Democratic provision of public financing of elections by mandating cutback in ordinary advertising to provide time for political advertising. They do pick up some house seats and terminate any attempt by the Democrats to fund new welfare programs like government public health programs.
20. OPEC does succeed in raising oil prices, but not by as much since there is more competition from OECD financed oil exploration programs from all over the world, especially Africa.
21. Centrifuge uranium isotope separation keeps getting cheaper. New gas cooled fast reactors start replacing coal burning power plants. Public opposition less since danger is so much less than with PWR designs.
22. US 1980 military budget roughly one fifth of OTL, but much less spent by everybody else on this time line, since oil price doesn't pay for it. China, Russia, Gulf, etc, don't have as much money.

Stable and prosperous. Less oil money for Russia means less military competition with the US gone. Less troubles in the gulf because less oil money to buy weapons with and fight about. The Shah, the Sheiks, and the Baathists all hate each other, but not much else going on.
The general increase in technology and globalisation continues. Most of the high tech stuff in the US was funded by the federal government, so smaller military budgets have an effect, counterbalanced by smaller taxes because of the economic affects of the destruction.
Gold collapses without ever getting past 100 dollars an ounce because the US sells it's gold reserves to pay for imports. Later, no one uses the US dollar as a reserve currency and the whole Reagan imports boom thing doesn't happen.
The US auto industry has time to recover after the bankruptcy courts break them up along with all the other bankrupt megacorporations. Especially with the liberal Democrats running things.
The lower dollar helps US manufacturing after the initial depression is over. We never have an electronics industry taken over by the Japanese, we never lose our steel or auto industry, either.
With less of a middle class wage decrease, the social security crisis isn't going to happen either. Interest rates will be high to pay for the reconstruction and we won't be able to import stuff from the rest of the world on tick, so this will continue.
Taxes will be a little lower because we won't have the Reagan deficits either, so no interest payments. In fact, the entire 1973 debt will disappear in the inflationary affects of the crash. Looks like lower taxes are here to stay.