1968: King, Kennedy, McCarthy, Humphrey, and Nixon assassinated

This is inspired by Monica Clee's book Branch Point. In the book, Nixon, McCarthy, and Humphrey are assassinated, which leads to nuclear war.

Let's assume this really happens. King and Kennedy die as in OTL, but Nixon, McCarthy, and Humphrey are also assassinated (the assassinations are unrelated to each other, to make it easier).

Effects, anyone?

What happens in the 1968 election?
i am innocent! Innocent, I tell you! Well, OK, I'm not innocent but as to the particulars of these specific accusations...
Good question. This sounds like an interesting book.

If this were to happen, and it is before the election, then maybe it's an Agnew/Reagan, or Agnew/Rockefller ticket that runs for the Republicans. As for the Democrats....what about Muskie being put on an emergency ticket with someone like, say, Scoop Jackson?

It depends on when the assasinations occur. If they are before the conventions, then both parties still have some time to change candidates. On the other hand, if it's after the conventions and maybe a month or two before the election....then America may turn to the only presidential candidate left alive, George Wallace.
The book would make an ASB gag. A bunker with a few politicians survives the Cuban Missile War, which sterilizes the rest of the planet. A hundred years later, their descendents invent a slider like time machine and send a couple teenagers back to prevent the War. They do so, creating OTL. They also travel back to prevent WWIII in 1968, then another after the Soviet collapse, and then face still ANOTHER in the immediate future caused by a small nation with a few nukes. So they go back to the 19th Century to get Russia to colonize North America and start a war with the U.S. and make Russia and America pals in the 20th Century.