The Headline Game

I just saw this headline on Yahoo News.

Ferocious Ivan bears down on Jamaica

Now OTL this is about the hurricane but obviously ATL it's about the Russian invasion of Jamaica during WWIII.

So anyone else got any dual use headlines?
You do know what an attack on American Soil means. Finally we can have a real war after the War on Drugs, the War on Terrorism. It will be good to fight against someone we can actually defeat. Has President Edwards made any statement yet. His eternal optimism could really help the nation now, especially in this time of need.
Edwards President????

American_Samurai said:
You do know what an attack on American Soil means. Finally we can have a real war after the War on Drugs, the War on Terrorism. It will be good to fight against someone we can actually defeat. Has President Edwards made any statement yet. His eternal optimism could really help the nation now, especially in this time of need.

Uh, seeing as how it was Edwards policies, AND those of his predicessor, that #%$@*&$!! Kerry which made this war both possible and likely! If we had only had the foresight, back in 2004 tosoundly defeat those two losers at the polls, then perhaps America wouldn't be faced with a major war in our own FRONT yard! What makes you think that Edwards has ANY sort of ideas that can help us now? At least that surrender monkey Kerry isn't still around!

Grey Wolf

American_Samurai said:
You do know what an attack on American Soil means. Finally we can have a real war after the War on Drugs, the War on Terrorism. It will be good to fight against someone we can actually defeat. Has President Edwards made any statement yet. His eternal optimism could really help the nation now, especially in this time of need.

Is Edwards worthy of your respect ? I am sure he is more worthy than Frankenstein;s I mean Kerry

Better a President John Edwards than a President Dickhead Cheney, better by miles

Grey Wolf
In my opinion he is the best thing the Democratic Party has seen in years, and what the embodyment of the GOP's Worst nightmare. I maybe partial becasue my family is huge Edwards fan. My dad admits to stalking him ( long story) To make this post on topic I just realized that for Edwards to be president elections would need to be held earlier as he was unexperienced in the political arena in in 2000. Maybe its from the future of an ATL

Grey Wolf

How did we end up with a Kerry candidacy ? To me it just shows the weakness of the primary system, how it is based on a short term boost in the polls, a tiny bandwagon that only has to be justified 6 months later

Personally I liked Dean and Sharpton, and when I finally found a website explaining Kucinich thought maybe him too

I did not trust either Clarke or Lieberman at all, ever

Kerry was a nobody, Edwards a maybe someone I didn't know

How come they ended up with the nomination and in the order they did ?

Lets elect a corpse and some bloke as his deputy, thats what most my unpolitical friends see in this

Grey Wolf
From what I can tell Kerry has the war record which Edwards didn't. Was in the race in the begging which Clarke wasn't. Kerry didn't go crazy which Dean did. He is a white Catholic male, so there goes Sharpton, Lieberman and Mosley-Braun. He was moderate than Kucinich. and more well known than Graham. ( Don't worry I haven't heard muc of anything about him except he's from Florida) The main reason the democrats chose Kerry was becsue he wasn't Bush.

Don't get the idea that I think minorites and women aren't presidential matereal. It's just how the public percives them.
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Insists that their ally give them access to the technology

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Approves Lend-Lease package to assist against the Austro-Hungarians