Bosnian war ended 1994 ?

(another anniversary thread here) Could the Bosnian war have been ended in 1994 had NATO and the UN acted more robustly and with greater force than OTL, say during the April Gorazde crisis or the December crisis re Bihac ? The war only came to a conclusion militarily by Aug 1995 because of a combination of military factors, including the deployment of a 10,000-strong British and French Rapid Reaction Force (RRF) fully equipped for combat ops (with heavy arty, armour and combat helicopters)- such as forcibly reopening supply routes to Sarajevo thru Serb roadblocks- instead of just peacekeeping, the removal of all vulnerable unarmed UN observers from locations where they could be exposed to Bosnian Serb hostage-taking in retaliation for NATO airstrikes, the consequent increased determination and freedom of NATO commanders to utilise disproportionate heavy airpower against BSA forces, and the increases strength of the Bosnian govt and Croat forces which enabled them to inflict significant reverses on the BSA.

WI in 1994 the international community had shown more will to take such strong forcible measures against the Bosnian Serbs ? Could Gen Sir Michael Rose, had he been backed up by his UN superiors and supported by NATO, been able to end the war during Gorazde or Bihac had similar favourable factors been in place at that time as were to occur in 1995 ?