American colonies-- Greek style


Todays challenging ATL scenario is to depict what the world would looklike today had the British colonies in North America been founded on the same colonial principle as prevailed in Ancient Greece... namely, that each colony would be recognized as an independent state from the moment of its foundation, with only religious/ kin obligations to the mother country.

If this had happened make the following changes:
1. There would have been a negotiated customs union within the commonwealth by 1700
2. By the War of Austrian Succession (1740-48), the combined colonials would
have eliminated French Canada, Florida, Louisiana, and have subjugated the
Indians out through he Great Plains and Hudson's Bay. Yankee and Metis trappers would be operating up and down the Rockies.
3. The Six Nations and Seven Civilized Tribes would have been accepted into
the colonial federation for their combat power. Ditto the Delawares and a
few others. The rest would have been exterminated, assimilated or driven
into Russian and Spanish territory.
4. There would have a brief war between New York, Connecticut and New Hampshire before the dominion of Vermont was created. This would be later
cited as the how not to manual of intercolonial relations.
5. Virginia would extend through the Ohio Valley, Kentucky, Tennessee, and
the middle Mississippi Valley ( both banks) as far as Tulsa and Ft. Smith. Georgia would be 1/4 its current size with no inland. Florida would still have the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and Alabama. The balance of those two states would be Indian Country legally with some accepted white settlement.
6. Without the 'new South' of post 1815 slavery would have died out state by
state except for South Carolina.
7. The New England theocracies would still be theocracies and would have a
joint territory grouped around the Great Lakes (remember again the sea to shining sea Royal charters).
8. The combined commonwealth clears the CONUS plus Canada and Alaska during
the 7 Years (1756 - 63) as well as the Carib. London sets up a Commonwealth
secretariat and brokers the division of oversized Virginia and New England.
Unlike historic 7 Years, none of the conquests are given back.
9. American democracy doesn't lead the UK; instead it is in step with it.
10. The modern Commonwealth is now all the Americas, Africa up to the line
Congo - Kenya, the British Isles, India, all of the Mid East and South Asia, Malaya, the East Indies, Australasia and the South Seas, the Philippines,Far Siberia, the North Pacific and South China. Over 200 commonwealths, but one final appelate court (Law Lords), one Queen, one military structure(although multiple armies) and one navy but with seperate naval contingents. A whole structure for getting the budgets through so many parliaments.