random grab bag collection


along with my tom mazanec style spamfests i'll sometimes do grab bags

a) a united France/Germany
b) India having a more stable gov't- i.e., a presidential system rather than a parlimentary system
c) a world coming from WW3 aftermath
d) a carved up Russia with foriegn enclaves
e) a democratic China
f) a "Gran Columbia" still existing or a US of S. American States/Latin America
g) an established democratic British parlimentary country in Belieze
h) a united states of africa or a first world country in africa
i) an established independent native american country in the US
j) no horses
k) bat evolved sapiens
) Khrustrof (sp?) ending cold war
m) Cornmwall/Brittany's culture being more "vibrant" and more independent than usual
[Note; Cornwall's culture is officially *extinct*]
n) a far more "larger" Isreal w/more "liberal" policies
o) Czechoslovakia surviving as a stronger democracy
p) People BIO-engineering raptors before a plauge kills off most of the mammals (no species die off but their numbers are close to extinction, including humans)(the raptors are created in an accident and the plauge kills the people in the lab)
f) a "Gran Columbia" still existing or a US of S. American States/Latin America

Did you ever think to look in the archives? That one has been done.


a) a united France/Germany
b) India having a more stable gov't- i.e., a presidential system rather than a parlimentary system

a) interesting idea.

b) why is a Presidential system any more stable than a Parlimentary system?
can anyone answer?

Parliamentary systems (at least most of them, Britain being the one major exception) tend to be unstable because of the need to form a ruling coalition in order to govern and the probability that said coalition will break apart and the Prime Minister will lose a "no-Confidence" vote. In a system such as the U.S. has, elections are held on a regular cycle and therefore, you don't see the government suddenly collapse as it does in many (if not most) Parliamentary systems on a regular basis.