No pardon for Nixon

What would have happened if Ford had not pardoned Nixon?
Would Nixon have ended up behind bars? Would Ford have won in 1976 (he was likely hurt by the decision, and the election was kinda close)? What would be the effect on how people view the government? What else might change?
Ford reelected in 1976. Nastier Primary battle between Dole and Reagan in 1980. Same problems with Iran and other places.

A Democrat elected in 1980.

Nixon gets a minor punishment but is much less credible than in OTL

Grey Wolf

Derek Jackson said:
Ford reelected in 1976. Nastier Primary battle between Dole and Reagan in 1980. Same problems with Iran and other places.

A Democrat elected in 1980.

Nixon gets a minor punishment but is much less credible than in OTL

I don't know - if there's going to be a major CRIMINAL trial of the ex-president of the United States then I rather think it would hurt both the remnants of his administration and his party far more severely than in OTL, and in all likelihood someone other than Carter wins the Democratic primaries in 1976 by playing hard and tough on this issue. IIRC Carter was a consensus candidate because the party really couldn't rally behind the others, but with a clear cause and an easy ability to tar the Republicans as a criminal party I suspect someone else would come forwards far more combatant and thrusting

Grey Wolf