some AH scenarios


some ah scenarios

What if:
Monty after El Alamein had pushed harder to try to encirkle Rommel

The allies during the battle of the bulge had tried to trap the german
troops instead of pushing them back

USA had chosen to be ruled by a king rather than a president. Effects on

USA had chosen the strategy layed forward by Vann during the vietman war?

Russia had gotten first to the moon?

Germany invading Sweden and/or Switzerland during ww2?

september 11 happened during clintonera instead of 2001?

Nixon not admitting guilt of Watergate?

Reagan dies of his wounds instead of recovering and Bush gets president

The US makes a dash for Baghdad in 91 and takes out Saddam?

William Jennings Bryan elected president, 1896. Consequences? The Conservative Democrats leave the party in the period 1897-1901 instead of 1972-94. The USSC votes down most of the Populist agenda and the Court
Packing Crisis takes place four decades early. TR becomes a Democrat.

Gary Powers U2 spy plane not discovered by Sovs. Important?

The US used napalm and agent orange ect during this conflict , but lets say the military takes it one stage further . Enraged by mounting losses and losing the war of minds for popular opinion at home , instead of looking for a way out radical elements of the military and political structure persuade Nixon that fighting for a draw is doomed to failure. Instead they decide to embark on a massive esculation using Chemical weapons. They pump Nerve agents, VX or more potent skin absorbed chemicals into VC tunnel complexes in S Vietnam . Then they initiate a massive and sustained air attack utilising a combination of Nerve agents , long duration toxins , defoliant , land mines and other such booby trap devices to create a buffer zone inside N Vietnam and Cambodia , in an effort to cut off the rebels in S Vietnam from weapons and reinforcement . They combine this with a massive push to destoy VC within S Vietnam , and subsiquently build up a series of heavily defended fixed positions along the edge of the buffer zone to prevent further infilitration . Consequences and Comments ?