constiutional-political AH


A few changes in the compromises that led to a constitution:
1. No right to secede. For a state to leave Congress and a majority of the other state legislatures must approve. Logic is reciprocal obligations.
2. Slavery and citizenship are state issues - a US citizen is someone accepted as a citizen of one of the states. Slavery is a matter solely of state legislation. The Federal government may not change this by ammendment unless the ammendment is passed by 100% of the states. So the free or slave status of new states can only be determined by that state when it joins the Union.
3. National government DOES have a clear right to purchase or annex additional territory, set up territories and new states.
4. The assumption of the Revolutionary War debt as a trade for a capital on the Potomac is part of the Constitution not a post creation piece of legislation BUT a national bank and internal improvements are added as Federal duties [no implied commerce clause].

Grey Wolf

Would they agree ?

I guess you are postualting a constiutional congress where the individual states have been greatly weakened, perhap[s by a longer more bloody and draining war, or post-indepedence guerilla war

Otherwise why would a state agree to join a body that in its articles curtailed its freedoms even more than in reality ?

Grey Wolf

SurfNTurfStraha said:
A few changes in the compromises that led to a constitution:
1. No right to secede. For a state to leave Congress and a majority of the other state legislatures must approve. Logic is reciprocal obligations.
2. Slavery and citizenship are state issues - a US citizen is someone accepted as a citizen of one of the states. Slavery is a matter solely of state legislation. The Federal government may not change this by ammendment unless the ammendment is passed by 100% of the states. So the free or slave status of new states can only be determined by that state when it joins the Union.
3. National government DOES have a clear right to purchase or annex additional territory, set up territories and new states.
4. The assumption of the Revolutionary War debt as a trade for a capital on the Potomac is part of the Constitution not a post creation piece of legislation BUT a national bank and internal improvements are added as Federal duties [no implied commerce clause].


your idea of a longer war is a good idea... on another note, Strahafest '04 is over for now ;) :p :D :cool: *awaits cheering* that menas that my spamfests will be tamer but not gone