More Realistic Draka Timeline


The Draka books are very good sceince fiction We all love to hate or hate to love the draka but the draka timeline is very unrealistic.improbable so heres a more realistic stab at it with less impossibilities than stirlings.

Colonization to the american revolution

1651-The south african cape is discovered by the dutch

1652-Cape colony established as a settler colony where the local natives are enslaved and slaves brought in from west africa when slave raids aren't enough.

1653-the dutch throw the spanish out of modern day belgium and luxemberg -the city of mulweeno(OTL's New Orleans) founded by

the french and esblished as the capitol of louisiana-hashish and cannibis are introduced to british north america by a

british soldier who served as a mercenary in tripoli for 10 years

1654-1779-Minority protestent groups and the french hugenors escape persecution by fleeing to the Dutch Cape Colony and other

destinations. Dutch Cape Colony population enlarges quickly, and becomes a major stopping point for British, French and Dutch

ships traveling between Europe and India, the East Indies, China and the Japans. The Dutch maintain a reputation as fair yet shrewd traders, but only a relative handful of pioneers relocate to the Cape Colony as colonists; most are there to make a fortune at trade and then return home. By the time of British occupation, Dutch population is almost 40,000 with almost 60,000 slaves working slave plantations. The Cape colony is a dumping ground for undesriables and convicts. In contrast most of the Spanish Sephardic Jews and other minorites seeking religious freedom go to british north america intead.

1654: The capable administrator but bigot Peter Stuyvesant denies admission to New Amsterdam to 56 radical calvinists. The Directors of the Dutch West India Company condemns Stuyvesant but suggest the calvinists go to Cape Town instead. The East India Company is trying to build up Cape Town, and isn't picky about who settles there at the moment if they're convicts or revolutionaries. The die is cast, making the southern tip of Africa a combination of dumping ground for undesirables and burgeoning trading stop for the next 130 years.

1654-1778-hardcore calvinists and english fundamentalists go to british canada or cape colony instead of british north america.

1700-Cannibis and hashish are introduced to british north america by traders

1729: Danish East India Company chartered.

1760: French ousted from India. George III is King of England.

1762-french give up canada and the ohio river valley to the british. Britian gives belize to spain in exchange for britian getting spanish florida.

1763: Proclamation Line of 1763 sets boundaries of 13 original British colonies east of the Appalachians

1776-The United States of North America declares independence from britain
-when shipments of gunpowder in bermuda and the bahamas meant to aid the rebels are discovered which causes the british to punish the locals which sparks rebellion.

1780- The Anti-Catholic Gordon riots in London. Many Catholic Churches are attacked, along with the Bank of England, King's Bench Prison, Newgate Prison and Fleet Prison. One group in the riots attack and burn the home of Robert Hindmarsh, a follower of Swedenborg and a future founding father of the Spiritualist movement in England.

1783-Treaty of paris grans the USNA the 15 colonies that revolted and jamaica and all signatories are to recognize the USNA

1786–95: Rapid growth of Drakian economy and population, export trades established in raw materials (diamonds, gold, copper, sugar, wool, salt, hides, ivory) and slaves. Growth of Drakian shipping, expansion of several British shipbuilding concerns to Drakia as a stop in itself or on the route to India and beyond. External slave trade exists but is dwarfed by imports for internal usage. Even so, British disapproval of slave trading and slavery begins to mount. The dwindling Drakian popular disapproval of use of slaves takes on character of "loyal opposition" in face of perceived inability to function economically without them. Colonial government establishes Transportation Directorate to centrally plan and manage building of roads to mines and interior settlements, first ownership of slaves by a modern government entity. Drakians elide "Cape Town" to "Capetown."
-America quickly finds problems with the Articles of Confederation, and there is little internal debate as a Constitution is adopted. It includes a Bill of Rights, and one portion that carefully explains the duties of citizens to contribute to the common defense by militia or naval service. Congress lavishly funds West Point as an educational and training institute for military officers, with an emphasis on engineering, artillery and leadership, and Annapolis to a similar extent for the officers of a small standing professional navy. A very small standing army is authorized, almost entirely posted to frontier forts, with call-up of the large state militias only by approval of Congress and the individual states, although state and territorial governors can call on the militia for local emergencies. The chief use of horses is for fast movement in battle which results a strong cavalry in the American armed forces. To address the problem of religious pacifism, the Quaker Legions are formed. These do non-combatant duties or public works (some regular militia do these as well) under the direction of engineers. A monetary exemption, deliberately set high at 1/2 the annual pay of a hired farm laborer, is also put in place for those medically unable to train; this becomes a refuge for rich men who don't want to dirty their hands or even become part-time officers. But the relatively low demands on the time of those who do serve let nearly every free man vote. Compromise on representation results in voting being reserved only to male war veterans and current militia members, but there is a growing list of exemptions. Census every 10 years mandated for reapportionment of Representatives, based on total male population over 18, excluding "slaves and other bondservants," which is only proportional to who can vote before immigration becomes a factor. Monthly militia training days often become community holidays, as families come out to the field to watch. After several disastrous losses to Indians in the Northwest Territory (Ohio), the appointment of militia officers is by a panel of Army officers from a pool of local candidates ("the Captains' Walk"), instead of as a local political perk.
-a policy of giving indians citizenship and assimilating them is instead of expelling them is adopted
1787: Final 3 states ratify USNA Constitution. The state (i.e. national ceremonial) flag of the United States becomes 16 small gold stars in a horseshoe pattern surrounding a white scroll reading "We the People", with the white caption "1776 Independence" below, on a field of blue bordered on left and right by vertical red and white bars. The "Star and Stripes" battle (and civil) flag drops the complicated imagery, and has just a single large gold 5-pointed star in the middle of a blue field, between red and white bars. Both flags are in 5:8 proportions, 1/4 width red and white bars. The heraldic symbolism of red (war) being closer to the hoist than white (peace) is unintentional but prophetic.
-Vermont is given statehood in a backroom deal which ensure the ratitication of the consitution by it.
-Ceylon taken by british and put under Drakian governance
-the system for elections is made as a proportional representation

1788: Colonel Freiherr Augustus von Shrakenberg retires, receives 20,000 acre land grant under Maluti Mountains, South

Interior province (Lesotho). He marries Alexandra Hugeson, of a New Jersey Loyalist family

1791: Castle Tarleton built overlooking York (Pretoria, South Africa); initially a border fortress, later headquarters of the War Directorate Supreme Staff. Island of Zanzibar seized as trading outpost and stopping point on coastal route to India.

Free population exceeds 150,000 and slave population nears 600,000.
-A year and a day after buying it from New York, the Erie Triangle is sold by the federal government to Pennsylvania for $1, to give it access to Lake Erie. District of Columbia established as a federal territory from parts of Virginia and Maryland.
-the pneumetic rifle inventd in the USNA

1792: Universities of Capetown, Virconium, and York founded. Anglican bishoprics established in Capetown and Virconium. Local freeman militia puts down first serious slave revolt in Drakia. Angus McGregor patents improved ("cylindro-conic") rifle bullet.
-Toussaint L'Ouverture begins leading free blacks and slaves in slave uprisings and war against French and British on island

of Hispaniola (Haiti and Saint-Domingue).
-Denmark abolishes slave trade, but not slavery. This has little effect, as the Danish East India Company is a late-starting

minor player in India.
-Kentucky split from western Virginia, and admitted as a state; one star placed in white bar of USNA state flag.

1794: Richard Trevithick arrives from Cornwall to work as the steam engine supervisor for a mine near Whiteridge.
-First use of a tethered balloon for battlefield observation.

1795- Parliament approves a law allowing the government to imprison without trial anyone who criticizes its policies. A food riot in London again damages Robert Hindmarsh, as the meeting house of the Spiritualist sect is burnt to the ground in the chaos. He and his followers will leave for America, seeing nothing but danger and oppression in Britain. They will settle in Indiana.
-The Spiritualists in Indiana will convert a large number of Miami Indians and settlers alike. Their ideas of Astrology, Reincarnation, and Mediumship are accepted by the Indians, and a number of settlers who feel like they are missing something

in life. Spiritualist sects will pop up across America, mostly along trade centers in the frontier, but sometimes in places like Charleston, Baltimore and New York

1799–1802: First local industries (iron-works, machine shops) started in Drakia as the French wars render imports uncertain. Cotton becomes a major crop. Several thousand more French Royalists immigrate to Drakia. Militia Act establishes peacetime conscription, mandatory yearly training, and reserve service to age 50.

1800-a desperate russia in exchange for britian's aid against napoleon sells all of russian north america to britian
-Napoleon renames the louisina territory Napoleona
-Black republics of Cuba,Santo domingo and haiti set up after revolts

1801-High-pressure steam engine perfected by Trevithick.

1802-Vandalia terretory set up(southern illinoisee)

1805-a plan is established where the drakian government is chosen from the colonial assembly.
-landholder guilds set up
-Brotherhood of the lash formed

1807-The economies of scale and financial support by Drakian landholder councils, along with the standards set by the

Brotherhood of the Lash, encourage the aggregation of small industrial concerns into the first Combines. The Ferrous Metals Combine and others soon become the most efficient way of supplying the standardized demand, in large quantities, of the various settler plantations, government directorates and powerful AM&M Company.

1808: First steam "drags" (road engines towing wagons) and ocean-going steamships. -Cuba conquered by USNA after fears of slave revolts are spread 1808–11: US Army Engineer Corps detachments sent out with Army escort to survey the Louisiana Purchase and inform the natives of their new status. Several encroachments by the British are discovered, most noticeably several forts on the west shores of some Great Lakes. These, and impressment of American sailors by the British Navy, lead to the "War of 1812". -The various native kingdoms of madagasca are conquered by british drakia

1809: Illinois Territory split off from Indiana Territory. This will later become the states of Illinois, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota.

1810: Drakian capital moved from Capetown to Archona, at request of the Colonial Assembly and the first "native" Governor.
-Portugal accepts reality of Drakian encroachment on their colonies, and a substantial payment in gold and diamonds from
Drakia, and hands over control of their colonies.
-the US now claims the Oregon Country (Oregon and Washington) from Britain, and some areas around the 49th parallel. Along with the continuing unresolved claims for the northern borders of the New England states and New York, and the discovery of several British forts in Illinois Territory, tension is increasing with Canada and Britain.

1812- The battle along the Mississinewa River between the Miami Indians the American soldiers does not happen because of the friendly relationship between the Miami Indians and the Spiritualist settlers in the area. Descendants of Miami Indians will make up a large population of Indiana throughout history, almost all being Spiritualists. Missionaries from the Spiritualists will attempt to convert the other Indian tribes of the Northwest, with less success. Those that do are usually viewed as second class citizens, despite having converted to a Christian faith. Traitors to their own tribes and still savages to the non-Spiritualists.

1811–14: War of 1812. American militia led by professional officers invade British North America in a lighning campaign(Canada), with engineers from West Point in support to build field fortifications and rebuild captured forts. American naval forces maintain supply lines across the Great Lakes, and win several stunning victories in Lake Erie, but in the open sea are less successful against the experienced Royal Navy. In open-field battles, Americans separate British and Indian forces by using woodsmen and snipers to consistently lure Indians into massed rifle and cannon fire, and then defeat them in detail, leaving the British troops at a significant disadvantage. British naval blockade results in start of American emphasis on industrial self-sufficiency and expansion of New England manufacturing, genesis of interchangeable parts in assembly of rifles. British raids on Baltimore, Washington, Boston and New Orleans only serve to inflame American public opinion and discredit Federalists who seek peace. Lack of American Loyalists in Canada, and collaboration of French Québécois with Americans are also to blame for American occupation of Upper Canada and Toronto, Lower Canada (Québec), and all of New Brunswick along with the maritimes. British exchange perpetual most-favored-nation status and mutual tariff reduction with America for an embargo against napoleon's europe. The British withdraw from positions threatening Buffalo and New Orleans; the position at Baltimore had to be abandoned due to relentless militia infiltration and sniper attacks. The issue of trade with France is deliberately left unresolved, but increased trade with Britain more than compensates America for giving up support of Napoleon's Europe.

1811: Pauly patents first cartridge breech-loading rifle.

1812: Orleans Territory becomes the state of Napoleona. 4th gold star added to white bar on USNA state flag.

1813: British East India Company loses its monopoly of the Indian trade, but administrative functions continue.

1815: America writes in further exemption for militia service for professional law enforcers (sheriffs, etc.), and the "Sullivan Rule" to prevent more than 3 close relatives from serving in the same unit. This rule stems from an incident where one British cannonball killed 2 brothers outright, and the other 2 die trying to reach them, leaving the elderly Sullivan parents with no heirs

1816-the british sells the lands of british north america and their carribean possesions to the USNA as part of the treaty of ghent for 20,000,000.

1817: Drakia free population passes 300,000 with the slave population being four times that. Founding of Diskarapur (Newcastle, South Africa) and Shahnapur (Maputo, Mozambique). Trade with India produces British and Drakian fad for Persian/Moghul artwork. Drakian settlers begin encroaching on Portuguese territory nearby (Mozambique and Angola), culminating in de jure control of all established Portuguese ports by 1810

My main problerm is the speed of tech & Nation devolopment in these Draka TLs.
Given major Investment in the US by Britian & European financial insitutions, it still took the US Three Generation before the North was ready for Industral take off 1840~50, The South with its labor system, missed out and it wasn't till three gens after the ACW that the Sunbelt started its Rise. Given that the Draka are mostly Loyalist Southerners, their mindset is anti Industrialization for at least the first & a half, to second generation. Then you have a entrenced slave ecomoncy. The Displaced Icelanders and others, move into this. So by the 1840~60 your tech base would be a lot like the Ante Bellum South. Mavbe without the Souths Canal Finasco in the 1810~20 time frame, You can have more Draka RR building. But I don't see any major Industrialization. See all the Roman Tech TLs for Slaves vs Tech, debates.
DuQuense said:
My main problerm is the speed of tech & Nation devolopment in these Draka TLs.
Given major Investment in the US by Britian & European financial insitutions, it still took the US Three Generation before the North was ready for Industral take off 1840~50, The South with its labor system, missed out and it wasn't till three gens after the ACW that the Sunbelt started its Rise. Given that the Draka are mostly Loyalist Southerners, their mindset is anti Industrialization for at least the first & a half, to second generation. Then you have a entrenced slave ecomoncy. The Displaced Icelanders and others, move into this. So by the 1840~60 your tech base would be a lot like the Ante Bellum South. Mavbe without the Souths Canal Finasco in the 1810~20 time frame, You can have more Draka RR building. But I don't see any major Industrialization. See all the Roman Tech TLs for Slaves vs Tech, debates.

Yes, at the risk of the Terrible Wrath of Straha, the Draka thing is stupid and totally implausible. As for conquest of N. Africa and the Mid East, "whaaaaa?" How do they get there? There's this little thing called the Sahara... Plus, how a state with only 300,000 free people in 1817 could possibly be a threat to any of the Powers eludes me. Even Portugal could deal with this.
Rumsford POD

If Count Rumsford was in charge of the Draka colony R+D, they would establish a tradition of always being a generation of weapons ahead of everybody else. Before the First World War they didn't have a tradition of government support for R+D. The Draka would have a real leg up with that. Steamships would also help vis a vis the British domination of naval stores.
Rumsford was a Tory loyalist in the American Revolution. He could have wound up in South Africa if the Revolution had taken Canada except for Newfoundland.
South Africa could have extended to Namibia if it had been settled by more people, sooner. That would have got the diamond deposits found earlier. If the French got Australia, then there would have been lots of English criminals sent there to South Africa instead of Australia, and the South African population would have increased even faster, and with a bigger percentage of urbanites for industrialization. A Draka research project on growing cinchona in Sri Lanka would have helped colonize Africa like the Dutch cinchona project in Java did with quinine production. Understanding disease transmission faster using human subjects would also have helped maintain their population against disease.
Studying chemistry would have helped develop the Rand gold mines faster. More successful French military efforts would have discouraged the French Revolution and kept Spain independent and in charge of it's colonies. The US would have been kept out of California and the gold mines there would have stayed undiscovered longer.


Abdul Hadi Pasha said:
Yes, at the risk of the Terrible Wrath of Straha, the Draka thing is stupid and totally implausible. As for conquest of N. Africa and the Mid East, "whaaaaa?" How do they get there? There's this little thing called the Sahara... Plus, how a state with only 300,000 free people in 1817 could possibly be a threat to any of the Powers eludes me. Even Portugal could deal with this.

its only implausible and stupid not impossible
I gotta agree the Draka thing is pretty farfetched. But Stirling didnt set out on making a technically accurate alternate history. He was more attempting to set the very worst of Western society against the very best. I think he did a pretty decent job at that..................
One small (but to me very interesting point) is that the historical Spiritualist religion started in the 1840's with the Fox sisters hearing bumps in upstate New York which turned in what we know as seances. And I always thought the majority of Spiritualists rejected reincarnation--though there was a subfaction that accepted it.

My other point is that I regard Stirling's TL as being handwaving of the worst sort in the early years of Draka World. Also most attempts to make the Incredible Draka Growth Curve a little more plausible don't go far enough. And the real problem that the Abolitionist movement in England and Drakia would be on an early collision course in inedquately addressed.

As I've posted before (old Board) my much weaker Draka TL has them coming into conflict with English attempts to abolish slavery resulting in the First Draka War in the early 1840's where the Drakans lose (yes I said lose) --something like the Boer Wars. Drakan is a disparaging term of the redcoats for the locals, who later embrace it defiantly. In the Second Drakan War coinciding with the Crimean War the Drakans gain independence from Brtiain. In the Second Drakan War some of the characteristic Drakan elements develop--the need to be a step ahead of everyone in military tech, Spartan militarization of society and the use of women in combat. They persuade the Zulus to be allies and grant them second class citizenship. Later in the century this second class citizenship gradually erodes into something close (but not completely the same) as the janissaries of Stirling's version.

Still by 1900 Draka is still only a moderately strong player in the southern half of Africa.
I've always wondered since the population of the Draka was so small and the people who made up the decisions on purchases were so rich. Wouldn't they be early adopters of leading edge tech. This could maybe explain why the could even come close to matching the U.S. in terms of technological expertise. Each person probally wanted to have a powered steamship or a faster way to get water such as a electric pump for thier wells. Also the fact that each plantation tried to be self sustaining. This may also help innovation by isolating people and making them jury rig parts occasionally they may happen upon a better way. But the part that confused me is once they got to the labor intensive long term projects such as bioengineering thier rates should have dropped dramatically in terms of advancement yet they didn't.
Some things about the "standard" Draka timeline are VERY unlikely, almost to ASB levels, such as ..

- The rapidity of Draka technological and economic growth in the first few decades of their history - there are no setbacks ever fighting the natives, they discover all of the gold, diamonds, and other minerals within a few years, develop lots of industry really quickly, etc.

- The fact that Britain lets the Draka keep control of Egypt and other parts of Africa rather than forming these areas into separate colonies under direct British control

- The fact that the Draka exist within the British Empire with what amounts to a slave-based economic system for some 80 years after slavery is outlawed in other parts of the Empire

- The fact that the Draka are able to run factories with essentially slave labor without suffering a loss in quality and efficiency compared to free labor.

- The fact that the Draka develop a strong, centralized state pretty early on, but at the same time a large part of the population lives on widely scattered, largely self-sufficient plantations and farms - something that usually tends to make people resistant to central authority.

Some other seemingly ASB elements of the Draka do have explanations, though - not necessarily likely, but possible - for example

Where did the Draka get the money to finance all of their rapidly growing industry? It's my impression that the bulk of that money comes from the gold, diamonds, and other mineral resources that southern Africa is rich in, and that the Draka are very quick to exploit. It still probably couldn't have happened at quite the speed or extent that Stirling suggests, but it could have happened.

How can you develop extensive industry when you don't have much of a consumer market? Serfs can't buy industrial products, and the relatively well-to-do free population would tend to buy craft and luxury goods - how could manufacturers make a profit? Actually, I get the impression that industrial development among the Draka follows a very different pattern from that in most other countries. In the UK, US, France, Germany, etc, industry largely grew up to supply consumer demand. The military and the state only became involved in a big way through a slow and gradual process. With the Draka, most of the industry is geared to producing weapons and heavy machinery for mines and transportation run by the state or by industrial conglomerates closely associated with the state. The Draka have a true "military-industrial complex" right from the beginning, and this dominates their industry rather than the limited civilian market, which continues to rely on small-scale craft production. This is one of the reasons why they actually tend to be ahead of any other country in weapons and heavy industrial technology.


heres the map as of 1817



Part II:The mexican revolution to the slaver exodus

1818-The Grand Mexican imperium under Iturbide
-steamcars appear in drakia,the USNA and british australia and the euro powers consider them to be gauche and tasteless

1821: Initial results from the 1820 USNA census worry the "slave" states, as there is a growing disadvantage in Representatives and only a narrow margin above a 1/3 minority in the Senate. The southern states where slavery is practiced offer several plans to retain their power in Congress against a growing tide of abolitionism. The one that becomes practice for the next 40 years, called the Great Compromise, is to allow new states to be admitted to the USA only as an equal number of "slave" and "free". This should work for the Louisiana Purchase, but not the Far Northwest Territory. While parity will remain in the Senate, the House will swing firmly to the "free" side, as growth in voters is higher in the free states. But it's the best that can be done without coming to blows. Maine split from Massachusetts, and admitted as a state along with Missouri, to begin the implementation of the Great Compromise.

1825-slavery abolished in mexico.
-Emperor Iturbide begins proclaming a militaristic policy

1827-1828- the first mexican war is started after disputes by anglo settlers in tejas and the mexican army.
-Camu Camu fruit trees begin to be cultivated in the subtropical parts of the USNA

1830-Mexico cedes all of mexico del norte(OTL's mexican cessation),Alta california,baja california and tejas to the USNA. Mexic is to demobiliza its armed forces and pay a 34,000,000 reparations fee(think treaty of versailles gone psycho)

1831: Petroleum first used as a motor fuel, although for a steam engine. Metallurgy is not yet advanced enough to consistently build an affordable internal combustion engine that can withstand the explosion cycle and corrosive exhaust.

1832-Santa Anna seizes power from iturbide and begins to rearm

1835-United states of central ameirca splinters into mosquitia(eastern honduras),honduras,panama,el salvador,habenero(northn guatamala),nicarauga,costa rica and belize.

1842–43: Second Mexican–American War, caused by a new Mexican government repudiating all previous agreements and demanding more money as well as return of Texas and the rest of the mexican cessation. American military victorious in nearly all battles large and small, finally presses to the inner sanctum of Mexico City before the Mexican government will admit defeat. Annexation of all Mexico forced by No Forgiveness faction over President Eubanks' objections (Eubanks is a hero of the first war, who led his men to victory in Santa Fe and then took a detachment cross-country to secure southern Alta California). Wealthy Mexican landholders and government officials flee to Cuba and the Philippines with most of the wealth and the treasury, leaving large amounts of farmland to be divided among the poor peasants. The hopes of the southern members of the No Forgiveness faction are dashed, as putting the peons back into bondage akin to slavery isn't feasible.
-Drakan Army Technical Section synthesizes advances from elsewhere to produce the R-3 rifle, a bolt action with rifled barrel using brass cartridges of black powder and a hollow-point lead bullet from a replaceable 8-round box with riser spring.

1850-1858-the USNA annexes leeward antilles,OTL's pacific terretories that ganined independence IOTL,haiti,santo domingo, melanesia,the phillipines,hawai,guam,polynesia,samoa,windward antilles,the marianas,puerto rico,mikronesia and the central ameircan countries.
-Tropical fruits become widspread as plants from all over the world begin to be cultivated in the tropical and subtropical areas.

1851-Perry opens japan

1856: After a number of cities have instituted a militia service exemption for professional firefighters, the phrase "and those continually serving the public's safety" is added to the governing national law.."

1858: British Crown assumes all governmental responsibilities and administrative functions held by the East India Company, in the wake of the Sepoy Mutiny. The British establish Council of Rajahs as an advisory body to the Viceroy to avoid losing "the jewel in the Crown

1858–63: The Slaver Exodus. So far, the Great Compromise whereby "slave" and "free" states are admitted in equal proportion has held for almost 40 years, but it's rapidly become untenable for the future. The free states are more heavily populated with voters than the slave states, so the Senate and House are usually at odds. To continue the compromise would force Cuba and Mexico into revolt if they became slave states. The alternative has denied several western territories statehood, in some cases for decades. So far, the solution has been to keep territories from becoming free states until paired with a new slave state, but that is starting to wear on everyone. When militia units exchange shots across state lines in several locations, the Army is ordered to maintain order impartially and all the governors are ordered by Congress to demobilize. It nearly becomes a civil war, but everyone is too evenly matched in arms and training to see a clear advantage in fighting, at least for the moment. The solution comes in the form of two transcontinental railroads to northern and southern Alta California Territory: sell part of the right-of-way to the railroad companies, some to settlers, and then compensate the slave owners and free the slaves. The gold and silver in Alta California and Nevada are starting to tail off, but the prospects for opening up the west and Mexico, especially if statehood occurs, sounds good to almost everyone. Everyone, that is, except the die-hard slave owners. And into this breach creeps the Free Republic of Draka.
The deal is proposed in late 1858, and the details emerge in 1859. First, the railroad property will be auctioned off, starting in 1860 with parcels at both ends, and continuing towards the middle as the railroad construction advances. Compensation will be paid in 1862, so that there is no partial solution — all the slave states will be emancipated at the same time. Getting news of this prospective windfall, Drakans begin circulating through the slave-owning planter aristocracy of the South, and offer new plantations and fresh slaves in Draka, if the slave owners will immigrate with their money. Abolitionists and bankers, fearing that the slave owners will remove a large amount of money from the country, and impoverish the US, put some additional conditions on the compensation. First, inspectors will rate the slaves during January 1862 for their ability to work, and give compensation accordingly, so mistreated slaves and infants won't count for much. Second, the compensation will not be all cash, but partially in "land bonds" redeemable for territory along the transcontinental railroads. (1/5 goes to the railroad companies at a very low price, 1/5 will be auctioned to settlers, 1/5 is for "land bonds", and the remaining 2/5 is for government use and Indian territories.) Third, if the slave owners leave the country they forfeit the land bonds to the freed slaves.
What's unforeseen is that two kinds of investment companies are set up. One buys land out west long before the railroad reaches it, and sells it once the railroad arrives for a profit. The second type bets on being able to buy whole plantations cheaply, so the owners can flee to Draka with more liquid assets, and later sell parts of the plantation to the freed slaves, and make a profit from the land bonds too. These ruin the forfeiture scheme, and absorb a lot of available credit from the economy.
Unrest caused by poor whites as the rich ones are leaving causes anarchy in the southern states for months. Manipulations by embezzlers, banks and the Draka nearly stop the transcontinental railroads and cause a financial panic outside the slave states. The Slaver Exodus produces a financially devastated USA and physically devastated southern states

1861: Unrest rises among the poor whites of the slave states, as they see the top and bottom of southern society planning to get rewards while they will receive nothing. The most dangerous ones begin collecting weapons or subverting the local militia, and plan to kill the slave owners and/or the slaves during the transition period after January 1862. Several such plans are exposed, but southern governors refuse to act with unity. Abolitionists, representatives of investment companies and other "carpetbaggers" flood the slave states, pursuing their own agendas. Some abolitionists see opportunities to gain votes for northern political parties among the freed men, others are there to distribute guns or facilitate last-minute escapes (they're still slaves down there, even if slavery will end soon), and a few are humanitarians hoping to aid in the worst situations. The investment companies are there to sign contracts for land bonds. There are even a few fortune-seekers claiming to be long lost relatives of a planter, so they can get a share.
The railroad companies don't have enough workers, and importing Filipino labor only works for the Pacific end of the tracks. Mexico turns out to be a good source of workers for hire, as some of the pre-war peasants turned post-war small farmers are willing to try something else. A few railroad company agents enter the mix in the southern states, offering to buy strong slaves and even whole families, and employ them as free men on the westbound track building effort. Those sold before January 1862, and the owners that can pack up and leave early, are the lucky ones.
Interest rates begin to rise, as the banks notice a demand for loans to generate the cash to pay off slave owners now, or buy land on speculation. The large sums of money being thrown about give a giddy impression of high finance, but the industrial expansion of the early "robber barons" is being sidetracked. It takes special guarantees by the US Treasury to ensure that the railroad companies get the credit they need to keep building, as they won't show a good return until the lines meet. Towards the end of the year, slave inspection teams composed of Army engineers and hired accountants and former slave traders, begin spreading throughout the slave states so they can get the job done quickly in early 1862. This volatile mix of people in the slave states, and the wild swings in value of "railroad land", will soon explode.
1862: Although the slave inspection teams try to do their jobs properly, they are often forced to intervene in the tense situations on plantations. Soon, havoc reigns with poor whites in militia-like bands attacking plantations, the slave owners and inspection teams and freed slaves defending themselves, some freed slaves taking revenge, and the recently compensated slave owners leaving a vacuum as they depart for the nearest port with whatever they can carry. Roving bands of freed slaves, radical abolitionists, and poor whites all seem willing to chase down rich former slave owners, and in most cases are willing to fight each other too. The plantations, highways, rivers and railways of the slave states become the settings for numerous robberies, small battles and atrocities. Congress finally authorizes mobilization of militia from free states to enter the slave states to try to keep the peace, but even they get bogged down and heavily involved with only slight progress. Some Drakan ships have to fight their way out of southern ports against angry mobs, and then defend against pirates sallying from parts unknown. While not a civil war, the unrest in the slave states is close to anarchy until the last departing slave owners are generally known to have left. All told, over 300,000 planters and family members leave for Draka, taking a vast amount of wealth and leaving tremendous bitterness and bloodshed behind.
The financial system of the rest of the USA teeters dangerously close to collapse. There is negative economic growth going on, and the credit needed to keep the railroads going while the investment companies wait is getting harder to come by. Extended deployment by northern militia units is also very unpopular at home, and hurting the economy even further.
-Martial law declared in Virginia and several other southern states during the Slaver Exodus. Minnesota admitted as a state, star in white bar .

1863: Exhaustion keeps the warring factions in the southeastern US from more than sporadic and very bloody local outbursts of violence. The slave-less area of northwestern Virginia is split off for separate civil administration and becomes known as kanawah, while the rest of Virginia remains under martial law due to continued unrest. More Mexican militia and Army units are brought in, and finally a semblance of law and order is established in the South. However, in late 1863 a large amount of land bonds once controlled by the emigrants are suddenly all dumped on the market (the Drakans wrote some interesting provisions into the contracts). And most of the funds not paid out in compensation are lost to an embezzler who flees to Sicily. These events cause a financial panic in the northern states, but the South is past caring. The only good news is the steady progress and completion of the two transcontinental railroads; the railroads have taken to promising the workers some of the railroad land as incentives. All told, the railroads will give out nearly all their extra land beyond the immediate right-of-way, just to keep workers and creditors happy.

1864-the USA begins to rebuild becuase of the easier trade and settlement in the far north and Mexico
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