Geological ATL :: no Virunga volcanoes

OTL until a few million years ago, Lake Tanganyika drained north acoss western Burundi and Rwanda into the Albert Nile. The the Virunga Volcanoes blocked the Nile in Rwanda. Lake Tanganyika rose until it drained west into the Congo, and later cut its exit down to make a deep gorge.

ATL: No Virunga Volcanoes. Lake Tanganyika still drains north into the Nile. More water in the Nile. A navigable waterway from the Med a long way into Africa.

Given the increased flow would there still be the Annual floods, The Floods are a important part of the rise of civilazation in the nile valley
Anytime you fool with geological ATL's, you open up a whole new can of worms. This could seriously affect certain species of animals living in the area and could possibly affect the development of the Nile civilization, depending on how horrible the Nile becomes.