Earlier United Europe?


Okay, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to unite Europe, with a POD after 1789.

The catch: It cannot be a violent unification; most people must approve. Some nations can be left out, however. Britain, for the purposes of this, is not and never is European.
Do you mean by 'not violent', 'not by conquest' or 'not involving any violence at all'. In the latter case I don't think it'd work. In the former:

The revolutions of 1830 and 1848 have lasting success in France, Spain, Portugal, Piedmont, Sicily, the Papal State, the Netherlands, the Rhineland, Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Denmark and Hanover. Hungary, Austria, Saxony and Prussia survive the upheaval with autocracies intact, Russia and Sweden are never touched. Prussia, having lost Julich-Kleve-Berg to the red revolutionaries, invokes the 'Holy Alliance'. France militarily supports the rebels, rivalries between St Petersburg and Viewnna hinder the effort of the autocracy and the war ends in a defeat to the invaders, including the losses of Venetia, Lombardy, and the Prussian Ruhr.

By 1865, the tensions in Europe have risen to the breaking point. Britain keeps the balance between a French democratic hegemony and a Russia-dominated autocracy (with Austro-Hungary chafing at the bit). The war breaks out over a triviality and costs the lives of hundreds of thousands over years, but it serves to forge a bond of solidarity between the nations of republican Europe that, after a peace of mutual exhaustion and the breakup of a disappointed Holy Alliance in mutual recriminations, continues to integrate its military capabilities in expectation of the next Russian steamroller. A 'European Franc' of 5 grammes of 24-karat gold becomes the currency standard (to which the Lira, Crown and Mark are tied). Continual integration of heavy industries and standardisation of armaments lead to cross-border industrial mergers. Social democratic politics begion to have an effect.

By 1910, Russia and Europe again go at it. By this time, Prussia has become a wary, impoverished neutral and Austro-Hungary is too preoccupied with the Balkan (guess who's been helping the Ottomans). Prussia is overrun almost without a comment and becomes the battlefield of Russian and European troops for the next years. Britain and America grow rich on the conflict. After several years, Russia collapses and Europe wins.

With this triumph under its belt, a newly republican Prussia and several of Russia's former subject nations find the European Alliance attractive, and though the 'Franc Zone' is a shadow of its former economic glory, ravaged by inflation and war debt, its integrative power and ideology remain strong. By 1935, all Scandinavian countries, Hungary, and Greater Serbia have joined. Europe's industrial growth begins onice again to rival the fabulous wealth of the Anglo-Saxon nations.


I like yours, although I think the idea of revolutionaries winning in the 1830's needs work.

But it's John and Grey's nightmare, which makes it attractive.
A "Peace without Victors" after 10 years of the Great War in 1924 with fairly revolutionary threats to all states and some kind of contact across the divide?


Susano said:
Yes. My nightmare too, kinda. Guess that makes it even more worthwile, hu? :p

You have nightmares about free trade zones in which democracy is the norm and decentralized government common?

Wow, and I thought my nightmare in the arctic was weird.


Well thats not the problem, but what you propose would completly sweep away the era of nationalism. And while it is maybe not the best to actualyl live in such a one, its good to have it as part of histor to dream about an dglorify it :D