Rulers of the World List

Here's a list of English and British rulers from my Three Great Powers TL. I'll be adding the other nations here soon.


Stephen I (1096-1154)
King 1135-1154
Grandson of William I

Eustace I* (1130-1156)
King 1154-1156
Son of Stephen I
Co-reigned with Henry II (1154-1156)

Henry II* (1133-1189)
King 1154-1189
Grandson of Henry I
Co-reigned with Eustace I (1154-1156) and Eustace II (1156-1189)

Eustace II* (1153-1216)
King 1156-1216
Son of Eustace I
Co-reigned with Henry II (1156-1189)

William III* (1186-1242)
King 1216-1242
Son of Eustace II
Regnant for Eustace II (1156-1171), Co-reigned with Eustace II (1189-1216)

John I (1194-1250)
King 1242-1250
Brother of William III

Henry III (1225-1279)
King 1250-1279
Son of John I

Henry IV (1248-1302)
King 1279-1302
Son of Henry III

Henry V (1271-1327)
King 1302-1327
Son of Henry IV

Henry VI (1299-1359)
King 1327-1359
Son of Henry V

Richard I (1295-1367)
King 1359-1367
Uncle of Henry V

Edward I (1331-1398)
King 1267-1398
Son of Richard I

Edward II (1353-1404)
King 1398-1404
Son of Edward I

Eustace III (1356-1409)
King 1404-1409
Brother of Edward II

Richard II (1378-1434)
King 1409-1434
Son of Eustace III

Edward III (1399-1461)
King 1334-1461
Son of Richard II

Edward IV (1423-1463)
King 1461-1463
Son of Edward III

Henry VII (1402-1478)
King 1463-1478
Uncle of Edward IV

Henry IIX (1409-1486)
King 1478-1486
Great-great-grandson of Eustace III

Edward V (1431-1501)
King 1386-1501
Son of Henry IIX

John II (1460-1525)
King 1501-1525
Son of Edward V

Edward VI (1504-1529)
King 1525-1529
Grandson of John II
Executed in 1529

Richard III (1507-1575)
King 1529-1575
Brother of Edward VI

Elizabeth I (1529-1585)
Queen 1575-1585
Daughter of Richard III

Jessica I (1531-1601)
Queen 1585-1601
Sister of Elizabeth I

Henry IX (1535-1613)
King 1601-1613
Cousin of Jessica I

George I (1561-1637)
King 1613-1637
Son of Henry IX

Edward VII (1587-1655)
King 1637-1653
Son of George I
Overthrown 1653

First Commonwealth (1655-1679)

Tudor, restored
Henry X (1611-1698)
King 1679-1698
Son of Edward VII

Richard IV (1634-1708)
King 1698-1708
Son of Henry X
Overthrown 1708

George II** (1651-1716)
King 1708-1716
Son-in-law of Richard IV
Co-reigned with Jessica II (1708-1716)

Jessica II** (1657-1719)
Queen 1708-1719
Daughter of Richard IV
Co-reigned with George II (1708-1716)


George III (1679-1741)
Emperor 1719-1741
Son of George II and Jessica II

George IV (1701-1770)
Emperor 1741-1770
Son of George III

Frederick I (1705-1774)
Emperor 1770-1774
Son of George IV

George V*** (1729-1809)
Emperor 1774-1809
Son of Frederick I
Co-reigned with Adolphus I (1774-1809), William IV (1774-1801), and Edward IIX (1801-1809)

Adolphus I*** (1729-1814)
Emperor 1774-1814
Son of Frederick I
Co-reigned with George V (1774-1809), William IV (1774-1801), and Edward IIX (1801-1814)

William IV*** (1729-1801)
Emperor 1774-1801
Son of Frederick I
Co-reigned with Adolphus I (1774-1801) and George V (1774-1801)

Edward IIX*** (1747-1831)
Emperor 1801-1831
Son of William IV
Co-reigned with Co-reigned with Adolphus I (1801-1814), George V (1801-1809), Leopold I (1809-1831), and George VI (1828-1831)

Leopold I*** (1751-1828)
Emperor 1809-1828
Son of Adolphus I
Co-reigned with Adolphus I (1809-1814) and Edward IIX (1809-1831)

George VI*** (1753-1845)
Emperor 1814-1845
Son of George V
Co-reigned with Edward IIX (1814-1831), Augustus I (1828-1845), and Arthur I (1831-1845)
Overthrown 1845

Augustus I*** (1755-1845)
Emperor 1828-1845
Brother of Leopold I
Co-reigned with Edward IIX (1828-1831) and Augustus I (1831-1845)
Overthrown 1845

Arthur I*** (1798-1845)
Emperor 1831-1845
Son of Edward IIX
Co-reigned with George VI (1831-1845) and Augustus I (1831-1845)
Overthrown 1845

Second Commonwealth (1845-1852)

Orange-Nassau, restored
Adolphus II (1771-1856)
Emperor 1852-1856
Son of Adolphus I

George VII (1809-1874)
Emperor 1856-1874
Son of Adolphus II

Anthony I (1832-1879)
Emperor 1874-1879
Son of George VII

Richard V (1856-1908)
Emperor 1874-1899
Son of Anthony I
Overthrown 1899

William V (1862-1909)
Emperor 1899-1909
Great-great-grandson of George V

William VI (1891-1934)
Emperor 1909-1934
Son of William V

Paul I (1893-1946)
Emperor 1934-1946
Brother of William VI

Paul II (1919-1981)
Emperor 1946-1981
Son of Paul I

William VII (1926-1997)
Emperor 1981-1997
Brother of Paul II

Roland I (1967-2003)
Emperor 1997-2003
Son of William IV

William IIX****‪ (1969-present)
Senior Emperor 2003-present
Brother of Roland I
Regnant for Roland I 2000-2003
Co-reigned with Leopold III (2003-present), Edward IX (2003-present), and Margaret I (2003-present)

Leopold III‪**** (1964-present)
Junior Emperor 2003-present
Cousin of William IIX
Co-reigned with William IIX (2003-present), Edward IX (2003-present), and Margaret I (2003-present)

Edward IX****‪ (1969-present)
Senior Emperor 2003-present
Brother of William IIX
Co-reigned with William IIX (2003-present), Leopold III (2003-present), and Margaret I (2003-present)

Margaret I‪**** (1971-present)
Junior Empress 2003-present
Niece of Edward IX
Co-reigned with William IIX (2003-present), Leopold III (2003-present), and Edward IX (2003-present)

*-members of the First Diarchy (1154-1216)
**-members of the Second Diarchy (1708-1716)
***-Members of the Triarchy (1774-1845)
****-Members of the Tetrarchy (2003-present)

The Senior Emperor William IIX (VIII) and Junior Emperor Leopold III rule the British half of the Empire from London, while Senior Emperor Edward IX and Junior Empress Margaret I rule the American half of the Empire from Franklin. Each year, the four emperors meet in Nova Hibernia (Australia). If one of the four emperors would die, their son or daughter takes their place. If the emepror dies childless, Parliament will appoint a new emperor. There are also talks of adding more Emperors to the other massive regions of the Empire.

Here's a list of the four possible heirs to the four thrones:
Prince Ernest Augustus (1991-present)
Prince of Wales 2003-present
Son of William IIX

Prince Albert Victor (1987-present)
Prince of Cornwall 2003-present
Son of Leopold III

Prince Frederick William (1994-present)
Prince of Maine (2003-present)
Son of Edward IX

Pricne Joseph Ferdinand Valois-Bourbon (1993-present)
Prince of Vancouver 2003-present
Son of Margaret I

"IIX" is just another way to right VIII, or eight. England and Britain has had a total of 57 kings, queens, emperors, and empresses. I plan to do a list of either Scottish monarchs or English/British PMs.
I am a little afraid to ask why there are Senior and Junior Emperors and Empresses. I don't think anyone, anywhere, would cook up a title of Junior Emperor and think it anything else than a derogatory term.

Not giving much consideration to the list of names, since thats all they are without an ATL, I think Britannic Emperor may work better.

And why not try to keep all your Three Great Powers ATL stuff in one place where it will be alot more easier to locate.

""IIX" is just another way to right VIII, or eight."

Right or write? The Romans have a system of numbers that the entire Western World is fairly familiar with and some how somebody comes up with a modification that nobody else will ever consider correct?
David S Poepoe said:
Right or write? The Romans have a system of numbers that the entire Western World is fairly familiar with and some how somebody comes up with a modification that nobody else will ever consider correct?
I'm pretty sure that there were variations on the Roman system, in their time. IIX was probably one of them.
David S Poepoe said:
I am a little afraid to ask why there are Senior and Junior Emperors and Empresses. I don't think anyone, anywhere, would cook up a title of Junior Emperor and think it anything else than a derogatory term.

Not giving much consideration to the list of names, since thats all they are without an ATL, I think Britannic Emperor may work better.

The new Britannic system of rule is based on the Roman Tetrarchy. The Emperors are almost similar in power, but the Senior Emperor has slightly more power than the Junior Emperor/Empress.

David S Poepoe said:
""IIX" is just another way to right VIII, or eight."

Right or write? The Romans have a system of numbers that the entire Western World is fairly familiar with and some how somebody comes up with a modification that nobody else will ever consider correct?

Sorry, write. "IIX" has been discovered here and there in the Roman Empire, along with IIII for four.