WI the world still drove on the left

a side note, according to more then 1 police officer I've heared, there is a distinct advantage to having the steeringwheel on the side you drive (right hand wheel for right hand drive)
apparently, this would seriously limit the number of accidents due to right of way.

of course, simply swapping the rgiht of way rules to left-has-right-of-way would accomplish the same


Proctol said:
To drive on the left side of the road is more physically natural. http://users.pandora.be/worldstandards/driving on the left.htm

Why? I have my right hand free to work most of the controls/switches/sticks on the centre console in a right side drive car. Lefthanded girls will have a hard time finding a date for the drive-in, but left-handed boys may have their time... :D

The biggest consequences must be those from Napoleon never crossing the French border, but otherwise I guess it will mean some right arms being more sun tanned than left arms - and not vice-versa. Manual gear boxes might be rare on the European continent too. British motor tourists will be less awkward in the continental trafic, and continentals in UK...


Steffen Redbeard
My British North America TL has a mix of right-handed and left-handed driving. This originates, of course, from the customs of the original settlers (the French and Dutch drove on the right, while the British drove on the left.) Thus each realm (state) has its own road rules:

Canada: right (French heritage)

New England: left (very English)

Pennsylvania: right (Dutch heritage)

Virginia: left (again British)

Florida: right (Spanish influence)

Appalachia: right (wagon teams etc. from Virginia kept right)

Lacustria: right (Canadian and Pennsylvanian influence)

Oregon: left (just like British Columbia OTL)

It is surprising to note that most Americans will still drive on the right after a British victory in the Revolutionary War, and that left-hand driving is isolated to Oregon, New England and Virginia.

Lacustria's annexation of the Lacota Territory proves an interesting case study in this ATL of a change from left-handed driving (primarily stagecoaches to Oregon) to driving on the right.


One advantage of right hand drive (UK style): if the car is a flat-floored front wheel drive type, if the driver is alone, he can stretch out & relax his unused left leg in to the passengers side: this can't be done in a left hand drive car!


The gas pedal is always to the right of the brake pedal. Is it possible to drive safely using the left foot on the gas pedal, even if you're "left footed"?!
There would be many hurricanes and tornadoes from the turbulence of all the cars driving on the same side of the road :D.
Mark said:

And I just learned I need 10 characters in my answer.

Because Britain drives on the left therefore driving on the right is practiced by foreign countries and therefore unnatural.


(You'll come to find it very annoying.)
Proctol said:
The gas pedal is always to the right of the brake pedal. Is it possible to drive safely using the left foot on the gas pedal, even if you're "left footed"?!

Not likely. You use right foot for brake and gas and left for clutch. And since gas pedal is at right you would need to press it at a bit of an angle with which you could easily misjudge needed pressure or slip.