Russian America: some help please

Can anyone suggest some suitable names for cities, provinces, the proper titles for governors and the like for an ATL where Russia colonised the West Coast of North America from Alaska to California starting in the 1600's?
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prikashchik [overseer, technical administrator] of Anadyr ostrog [frontier fortress] with credentials of broad and loose implication (this title was used in 1695 to apply to a Russian explorer and entrepreneur in Siberia

Very little but all I could find right now.

As for city names you might look on a map of Russia and get some small towns. Or use babelfish to come up with a Russian word for cold for a place in Alaska or nice for a place in CA or teenyboppers on roller skates for Venice CA :D
You could use Vlad as in Vladivostok (Power in the East) and Vladikavkaz (Power in the Caucasus).

Vladiamerika doesn't sound very good. I think a second component starting with a consonant would be better.

Zalivnograd = Bay City = San Francisco...?

Other prominent geographical features...? If you can give me some from the cities you want I can have a go at making names...

Chirikovsk - after the explorer Chirikov

Other explorers/traders to make names from... Malygin, Minin, Ovtsyn, Pronchishchev, Chelyuskin, Khariton, Laptev, Pakhtusov, Toll, Kotzebue, Stadukhin, Gvozdev, Baranov, Kuskov, Veniaminov (Bishop of Alaska).

Pomorsk - Russian "pomors" (coastal dwellers of Russia's White Sea coast)

You could get a few saint's named places. There was a chapel at Fort Ross (from Rossiya) - what saint was it dedicated to...

"Rezanov brought back two ideas from his venture into Spanish California - the desire to establish permanent trade relations, and the wish to found a trading base on what the Russians referred to as the "New Albion" coast north of Spanish territory"...Noviy Albion?

Alexandrovsk = after czar Alexander I